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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. has anyone notices Aluinser's avatar... its a funky 3D ying yang thing... way cool.
  2. I tried the steel insert vs the regular insert and could tell a difference in a blind putt test.
  3. Yeah I got to try to get out there... it seems to be the trend around here to turn golf courses into developments. They are also ripping up a par 3 that is just perfect to take the whole family to. Sure its no National but its perfect for what it is. I'll be sad to see it go...
  4. oh yeah I guess I didn't really update everyone... Well I graduated in June and got a sweet job in Reading PA. My girlfriend moved up to Reading as well so we are living together. Life in Reading is a big change from Philly. We haven't really found a nightlife here and the restraunts suck. So far the golf courses seem pretty typical and boring, but then again I've only seen 8 holes first person and a couple of layouts online. I don't have anyone to play with yet. My father lives on the other side of town and he is just starting out, but he doesn't feel ready for a big course yet. The other guys at work seem more into fishing than golfing... but I guess all things in good time.
  5. seriously hot... i don't know how I would bring myself to hit such beauties
  6. I am glad to here somewhere in the world people are getting to play golf. Everytime I have a chance to get out on the course there are scattered tstorms. I got eight holes in the other day ago before being scared off... this is getting rediculous. About the only thing I can do is go to the range and that is getting real old! Damn you weather!
  7. I did the X... I tend to block right with center shafted
  8. did it, next week it will be here...
  9. well I took the dip... I picked up a red x. I just need to look at something different for a little while. I also had my eye on a NP2. I might pick one of those up too... :money:
  10. its too freaking long and I don't feel like dealing with cutting it down
  11. so I haven't even got my first full paycheck yet and I am already shopping. I got the itch for a new flat stick... I'm thinking mallet... don't know why just feel like looking at something new.
  12. I just got a crazy urge to pick up a red x. I have never rolled one, but I feel like changing it up a bit. Can anyone talk me off the ledge?
  13. This rain is killing me! I finally have some time for golf and everytime I try to get out it starts to look like thunderstorms. oh well guess I'll just have to get my golf fix on tsg.
  14. Hey guys! I can't believe I have been gone for this long and TM is still on the R7! Anyhow... I am jsut settling into the working stiff's life. I graduated in June and have started working in wonderful :rolleyes: Reading PA. As it turns out they actually expect me to do something other than post on TSG at this job. So I won't be quite as active as in the good ole days, but hopefully I'll be around a little more than in the past few months. Well I got some catching up to do... See ya around, phillypete
  15. Guess what guys... I got a job! Its just a part timer for now. I picked up the job since I'll have a light term in Apirl... so whats the first thing I do, head over the BST forum and take a look around... hehehe, I haven't even played in months.
  16. lol, u love that dont u,lol :-) what really impresses me is the running start that dude takes... I need to learn that one! lol, i saw that too when i found the avatar,lol. its a sweet one. The transition from standing 69 to doggie is awsome too... They really got to have some sex olympics.
  17. that is crazy! We were just talking about golf ball design in my aerodynamics course... I am forwarding on the pictures to my professor to see if he has any clue as to the advantages...
  18. lol, u love that dont u,lol :-) what really impresses me is the running start that dude takes... I need to learn that one!
  19. ... can't read... must watch... C_Mike's avatar! :cool:
  20. HST is the only reason I ever go to espn.com... his columns are always enteraining.
  21. if thats their 16th birthday i cant imagin their 19th. 16th birthday isnt a big deal.only thing u can do is get a license. not an adult until 19 here. thats when everything is legal. mine is july 4, 2006.thats when the party begins for me well in the states its 21, but party usually consists of a bunch of your friends taking you out to a bunch of random bars and a bunch of random people buying you random shots. The night ends witht eh birthday person puking in several random locations. Its all very random and very free for the birthdayer
  22. I saw all this talk of people wanting to join the Gutter Gang and I thought we should come up with some crazy rules just for s**ts and grins. I think that requiring two gutter gang members in good standing to refer a person is a good idea, but in borrowing from that holy soil know as The National I say that if a person asks to be a part of the gutter gang that they then disqualify themselves from membership. I mean to be Gutter Gang member is not something that someone should work for or try to obtain, I mean we are damn cool but still... its just a bunch of people who like to hang in the gutter, its pretty easy to see who's Gutter material and who's not. We should draft a Gutter Gang Constitution of something... What do you guys thinks?
  23. Doh.. I've got to do something about this. You're the 3rd person thats contacted with a Mac. Hmmm.. Might have to set something else up for next season. Chris I don't know if that is possible . Every poker site I have ever checked out only downloads to windows , none have software for mac . i think its for u to get a dell and switch to windows,lol all the Mac users out there are laughing their heads off... Once you go Mac you can't go back. Sure it hurts the first couple of times but once you get used to it there is nothing better.
  24. Two first round draft picks, and so far under the cap that we could buy two more TO's... See ya in Detriot about this time next year.