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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. that is assumed when you join here... I think its cool if you leave it as a free for all... perhaps people will find thier little clans and stick together in thier little corners... like us gutter gang folks... maybe the board needs a deidcated Cameron section... so that way all the cameron guys can talk in a dedicated area... It might get lame and over complicated if it starts being regulated... All is I know is the Gutter Gang was here first!!! (tounge sticking out!! hehe)
  2. I made a promise that I wouldn't say anything mean about that other places management... but I will say that its about F'ing time someone pulled the curtain back and revieled the real Oz. It takes a very decent person not to fall into the trap and play along with the gouging. The trap works in that someone yells out a price and everyone falls inline b/c everyone looking to sell isn't going to complain about 500% profit margins. My hat goes off to those able who were able to show that morality and capitalism can exist together.
  3. first rule of the gutter gang is you have to talk about anything and everything... second rule of the gutter gang is you must threadjack whenever possible.
  4. Huhhh ???? What are you trying to say here pete ??? cheech is still there so what am I missing ??? na I figured it out... it looks like cheech got stuck in the head!!
  5. darn it I tried to throw up the gutter gang action but I lost cheech? can anyone help me?
  6. phillypete replied to myswinghateme's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    PGA, not "PGA", professionals are qualified and tested professional teachers. the PGA is sinerely concerned with making golf easier because the more people playing golf the more money they make. If there is one thing I trust in this world its the greed of the rich to get richer, so I trust that they will try thier hardest to keep the level of thier teachers high. I have taken lessons for four different PGA professionals, and overheard countless leasons on the range. 3 of them were highly ineffective 1 of them used video. The only one that I thought was effective, highly at that, used video, but not as complex as the other place, and was female, the others were all male. With my experience I would say video is crucial to a good lesson. Just cause we feel one thing happening doesn't mean we are doing it, and sometimes it takes a picture to make it clear. I had a real bad overswing problem that I didn't have a clue about, even though other instructors tried to tell me about it and correct it, until I saw myself on tape. Just a warning the first time you see yourself might cause a sickening feeling, especially if you watch a lot of golf. However ask if you can save all the video's to a disc or tape and then go back sometime and see how you have evolved. Also if your mother helped you with your homework when you were growing up, you may want to consider a female teacher... but never an attractive female.
  7. phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Hey swunk are you going to them Japanese driving ranges? If so there is a huge difference IMHO over your average range in the U.S. For the people who have never seen a range in Japan, its got automatic ball loading machines so you don't have to bend over to tee up again, also a button to step on to raise the tee level up or down. It even has a higher quality of mat with one side long grass to simulate the deep stuff. You also get charged per ball, in Tokyo it costs about 16 U.S cents per ball that 20yen each. I would hate having to pay per ball... I would get so mad when I hit a bad one. When I buy a bucket I accept the fact that there will be a few bad ones in there.
  8. Thats a nice price for that putter. I have been paying attention to E-bay and they seemed to be going higher than that lately... I have been dreaming of picking a second for the wall... unfortunately college got me a little to strapped for such luxuries. I'm sure when I get out of here it one of those will be coming out of my first paycheck.
  9. $500 sounds a little more in the stratosphere... I wonder what all these golf stores are going to be doing with thier huge back stocks of R5's? Everyplace I go in has racks full... can you say cheap back up!
  10. If it retails for that much I may have to be hospitalized... I am the only golfer I know who will pay more than $200 for a club let alone $1000...
  11. there is still another season right?
  12. Ouch, I had not heard that.... I looked on avn.com but couldn't find anything... although a ton of other adult performers are infected and there is a huge contraversy.... who ever thought porn could be so news worthy.
  13. how much did it go for? and did it come with the screws and tool?
  14. HBO costs way to much here... I'll just have to wait for the DVD's.
  15. can you see an overweight american cop trying to squeeze in and out of that thing! I guess they got to call for a wagon to take anyone in.
  16. wow... thats huge. maybe it'll scare a little morality into people
  17. you said "in the end" and Lexington Steel in the same post... OUCH!!!
  18. I think my goal should be 5k in one year... I wonder how high the post counter goes... 10k 100k? I hope we all don't lose our post counts when the site gets its make over... I don't know , it could be real intresting if we all started a zero when the make over is done . I don't think I'll have the free time to rack up the posts like I did on co-op...
  19. 300HP isn't a problem its the loud growl that people can't seem to deal without. Unfortunately electric motors only make a faint whurl and doesn't belch smoke.
  20. you guys are familiar with www.thinkgeek.com right? they got all sorts of silly stuff like that.
  21. despite DoubleAA's attempts, I am leaning the way of Xbox. I have heard rumors that PS3 is on the way... but Microsoft is going to try to just update the current xbox with add ons.
  22. I found a 4 hole demo of Tiger Woods 2003 and have been playing that like I was getting paid to... you guys should try that.
  23. About a year ago there were rumors linking Britney with Jenna Jameson. Thye apparently knew each other very well. Now that's something I wouldn't mind seeing 8O 8O 8O 8O Now that would make a good video - forget the music. I hear Jenna contracted a little something that will cut her carreer short. really care to elaberate?