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Everything posted by jeffy

  1. jeffy replied to rockstar571's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    The "reverse C" finish is common to upright swingers that need more "width" at impact. This "width" is created by the head staying back and the hips shifting forward. Monty, of the current players, does this pretty dramatically. It is hard on the back and a lot of reverse-C'ers have suffered back injuries. However, just doing away with the reverse-C could create swing problems: without it, you would probably get too narrow and steep unless you shallowed your swing some other way. One way to create width without undergoing a major swing change is to allow the wrists to uncock early in the downswing: actually cast from the top. Some people are horrified by this advice, but it has worked wonderfully for upright swingers like Tom Watson, K.J. Choi and David Toms. It has the advantage that it creates width without putting pressure on the back: it allows you to turn through more with the hips instead of slide them laterally. Watson has never suffered from back problems, yet he is as upright as anyone.
  2. I sent the following to Golf Magazine yesterday in response to the suspect cover article by A.J. Bonar. I doubt it will be of interest to many here, but those who have read and studied "The Search for the Perfect Swing" may appreciate it. To the Editor: Many aspects of “The Instant Power Move” article disappointed me, such as the tabloid-like hyperbole, including the provocative, but clearly false, claim that Bonar’s “Magic Move” is “The Secret Nobody Told You!”. What was particularly annoying, though, is the misrepresentation of the content and research conclusions of the seminal work The Search for the Perfect Swing. The article claims on page 75 that the book’s findings were directly responsible for the creation and widespread acceptance of the “Square-to-Square” method of the 1960’s. In fact, the book debunks the notion of maintaining a square face throughout the swing and makes many of the points central to Bonar’s approach. Chapter 16 of the book, which is titled: “Wrist Action: Squares and Rollers”, analyzes both the “square” method, as well as its counterpart, dubbed in the book the “roller” method. The chapter begins as follows: “As we said, in any good golf swing the clubface must be rolled through something like a right angle, within the plane of the swing, by the way the player uses his body, shoulders, arms, and forearms...”. The chapter concludes that the extreme “square” method, which reduces the roll to the 60 or 70 degree range, will be “weaker” because of the loss of some of the “screwdriver action” derived from closing the clubface through impact (page 94). The “roller” will, on the other hand, generate more clubhead speed by increasing the degree of rotation to 120 or 130 degrees (page 95). The “roller” is obviously the method Bonar endorses: on page 95, there is an illustration of Christy O’Conner, a “free ‘roller’”, at the top of his backswing with a cupped left wrist position and wide-open clubface identical to that demonstrated by Bonar in the first box of the article’s fold-out section. Further, the authors note on page 95 that fear of hooking may cause a “roller” to “quit” on shots, and emphasize that “a player who rolls a lot going back, must fearlessly roll a lot coming through”. This advice is virtually identical to Bonar’s “Magic Move”. Significantly, despite what is implied in your article, the authors of The Search show no preference for either method (page 97): “The essential point is that there is nothing wrong with either one of these methods...”. Your article implies that flaws in the authors’ research gave rise to decades of faulty instruction; however, the book in no way made the conclusions that Bonar alleges. Specifically, the following statements and conclusions by Bonar are flatly contradicted by the contents of the referenced book: 1) “Among their key findings, the authors concluded that golfers can’t use the hands to reliably manipulate the club on the downswing.” The book concluded something quite different: that when the downswing is underway, it is impossible to “save” the shot through a last-ditch manipulation of the hands (page 102). This remains unchallenged today: human reaction time precludes it. As far as timing the respective methods’ downswings, the authors noted that the primary argument advanced by the “squares” was that less rotation would make the swing easier to time (page 94), which they concede is “probably” true. However, they also point out several shortcomings of the “square” method, as well as note certain advantages of the “roller” method. 2) “The clubface, they added, must stay fairly square through impact.” Not so; on page 96, the caption of illustration 16:3 states that an argument made by the “squares” in favor of their method is that the clubface will remain more square to the clubhead arc. However, they note that “This is a purely mechanical argument, which takes no account of the greater difficulty most golfers have in swinging” in such a manner. Further, on pages 74 and 75, illustration 11:2 is a swing sequence of Ben Hogan. The caption, titled “Near perfection”, reads in part that Hogan’s ”left forearm rotation is allowed to continue naturally after impact (pictures 13 and 14), no attempt is being made to hold the face square to the clubhead arc”. On page 73, illustration 11:1, the caption reads in part: “To hold the clubface square to the line like this...” is “An almost impossible position, at least on a full shot”. 3) “The Search gave rise to the theory of square-to-square...” To the contrary, as should be obvious by the foregoing discussion: the square–to-square theory was well established by 1968, given that the authors devoted a chapter of the book to analyzing both it and the competing point of view, which is now espoused by Bonar. As already stated, the authors did not endorse either method over the other. 4) “But the book was flawed, Bonar claims. It dubbed a square clubface king but ignored the fact that all good players close the face by about 120 degrees in the two feet before and after impact.” Complete nonsense: the authors nowhere dubbed “a square clubface king” and make plain that, in the most extreme case, the club is rotated through at least 120 degrees (60 degrees open in the backswing than a corresponding amount in the through swing) and as much as 260 degrees in the case of a “free ‘roller””. 5) “That second lever, the rotating clubface, imposes tremendous energy on the ball, he says. But by swinging with your big muscles, you lose the lever”. Again, both are a totally false statements. The rotating clubface, powered by the hands and arms, adds power to the clubhead, but not a “tremendous” amount. On page 81, the researchers, through the application of physics, calculate that to generate 100 mph at impact requires delivering about one-and-a-half horsepower to the clubhead. Since at least an equal amount of energy is assumed to be used to swing the arms and rotate the body, the total amount of energy required in the downswing is at least three horsepower. The researchers further calculate that an average man can generate about one-and-a-quarter horsepower from the arm muscles, meaning that the rest of the power needs to be supplied by the “big muscles” of the body. There is no biomechanical reason that both the big muscles of the body as well as the hands and arms cannot be simultaneously applied in the downswing; in fact, doing so is the only way to generate maximum clubhead speed (page 81). The great modern day teacher Jim Hardy began his 1990 PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit presentation by stating, in effect, that there is nothing new under the sun in golf instruction, just a process of continual rediscovery of well-established truths. The text of The Search for the Perfect Swing makes clear that Bonar’s method was well established forty years ago (as was square-to-square) and that your article could have been written relying solely on material from the book. I assume that neither Connell Barrett nor any “fact checkers” at Golf Magazine researched The Search to verify what turned out to be bogus claims by Bonar. Obviously, the text of your article should be corrected before it is republished elsewhere or posted on golf.com, and a retraction of the false claims published. No doubt you will also want to apologize to The Search’s authors. Very truly yours, Jeff
  3. Of the ones you've mentioned, I've only hit the 302s and liked them a lot: feel, performance and appearance. Very similar to the Scratch 2005 CBs. Since they are the old model, you ought to be able to get a good deal. Be sure to spend most of your time focusing on getting the right shaft and lie angle for you.
  4. Do they do custom? I'd like a godzilla on red or black...
  5. Chris- Any chance of Godzilla on a red or a black cover? Do they accept custom orders? Thanks, Jeff
  6. jeffy replied to BKEN's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Any pics/news yet??? I see Lennie has one listed in his WITB...
  7. Best looking hybrid from address I've seen; may be tempted to try one...
  8. An interesting swing. I've seen a down-the-line picture that is rather startling: when her arms are parallell to thhe ground in the through swing, the arms and club are still on the target line, pointing directly at the target. More conventional rotary swings have the arms and club well left and around, with the clubhead "coming out" of the left shoulder at this point. In Hardy terms, it is a peculiar mix of a one plane backswing and a two plane downswing. Hope it stands up, and she doesn't injure herself, because I love watching her play.
  9. Used the Pure-Swing over the weekend at a golf school. Very helpful for learning to set the wrists properly and maintain a flat left wrist through impact. Available at www.rovergolf.com.
  10. I saw Utley in March of 2004. His approach is a lot more natural than Pelz and flows more easily from the full swing. Sadly, his fee is now $1,500 for 3 hours (minimum). He was good, but not that good! I also hear he has a book in the works. I'm not really sure how well what he teaches will transfer to the written page, though: some of his set-ups are so extreme that I found he needs to put you in position for you to understand exactly what he wants you to do.
  11. jeffy replied to veteq's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Here are my suggestions: Srixon W505 X-Drive 435...coming december Callaway X-18 Taylormade R7XR Tourstage ViQ 450 Chris- Is the W505 square or, as I fear, a little shut? Jeff
  12. jeffy replied to DoubleAA's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Sounds like a head case; a strip of lead tape shouldn't turn a slice into a snap hook: all it does is move the COG toward the heel, which causes center hits to have more draw "gear" effect (i.e., similar to hitting it off the toe). If its not just between the ears, a couple of other possibilities: Does he try to "hold his shoulders back"? That could get him "stuck", which leads to both right and left shots. Is he using the right shaft? What's in his irons and what has he had in the drivers? Hope others can be more help! Jeff
  13. jeffy replied to tour-md's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i use the belly button drill, and i was told to use it to eliminate my 2 plane motion!......my coach was getting me to do this because i was taking the club away on the outside! i use the belly button drill for the first few feet in the takeaway....which is meant to stop me from dropping it in the inside....... now im :confused: as to whether im on one plane or two! Well, I'm not surprised that the 1P/2P stuff is creating confusion; there is alot of misinformation out there. The reason I call the belly button drill a 2P drill is because it encourages the arms to stay in front of the body and to create width, two things a 2P-er wants but a 1P-er doesn't. A 1P-er will want the arms to move inside immediately "behind" the body (left arm across the chest, right elbow up and back), to create a "deep" backswing. Look at this video of 1P-ers Peter Jacobsen and Tom Pernice from Brady Riggs' site: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/gallery/221289/1/8579073 Jeff
  14. jeffy replied to jerry1967's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Not at all; it's what I do. One way to do it is to push down with the last two fingers of the left hand while pulling up and back toward the right forearm with the middle two fingers of the right hand. See John Schlee's "Maximum Golf", Phil Rodgers' "Play Lower Handicap Golf" or this article http://www.manzellagolfforum.com/forum/top...sp?TOPIC_ID=222. BTW, all three authors recommend a weak left hand grip, a la Hogan. Jeff
  15. jeffy replied to tour-md's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Hold on a minute, two opposite extremes there: the headcover under the left arm drill is a "one-plane" swing drill (more bentover posture and more rounded arm swing); club butt in the belly button is "two-plane" swing drill (more erect posture and more vertical arm swing). It would help to use a drill that is appropriate for your swing. See Jim Hardy's "The Plane Truth for Golfers" for more detail. Jeff
  16. If you have an extra $8 bucks, download Brian Manzella's "Over and Out: Never Fear Bunkers Again". The guy has a real knack for communicating and knows his stuff. It will also help your pitching and lob shots. Here is the link: http://www.manzellagolfforum.com/forum/top...p?TOPIC_ID=1999 Jeff
  17. The North American Miura rep told me that the 201's had a sole grind more suitable for the sandy turf that good courses in the U.S. have. The 1005's allegedly have a sole better suited for turf that "explodes" and doesn't hold together, which he said is the norm in Japan. Check out old threads on the PX vs. NS Pro debate; there have been many over the past year. The PX's have a distinctly different feel and ball-flight that is not at all bad but, unless you are a hard swinger, you'll probably prefer the NS Pro's. If you do get the PX, go down at least one flex (if you are a 6.0 Rifle, go 5.0 PX). Jeff
  18. Frames 4 and 5 are Hoganesque: big wrist cock and delayed hit. Hogan also dipped his head throughout the backswing and downswing; my guess is the dip at impact is caused by the extreme hip action. Jeff
  19. Prior to last year, I played Titleist DCI 762's with TFR 5.0 flex. Last spring I switched to a set of Scratch proto CB's with PX 5.0's. By late summer I was playing a set of Scratch proto Tour Blades with NS Pro 1050 S flex. Like the NS Pro's the best, the TFR's the least (kind of dead by comparison). The PX are a very different feel and give a nice flat trajectory but are a little more demanding. Thinking about putting NS Pro 850's or the new TT M80's in a set of Scratch 2005 CB's. Jeff
  20. jeffy posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I heard some buzz about this new super light TT iron shaft (83 grams uncut). Anyone played or know much about them? Jeff
  21. jeffy replied to xxio's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Tension in the downswing will certainly prevent you from swinging as fast as you are capable. Hands, arms and shoulders are easy to monitor, but what I found is often the worst culprit is tension in the core muscles (stomach, abs, obliques) that control and drive your body rotation. Chick Harbert (a very long hitter when he played the tour and a PGA champion) told me that to rid his swing of tension he would hit balls counting OUT LOUD. If he tensed during the downswing, the tone and rythm of the counting would change and a mis**t would usually result. The goal is to be able to count out loud in a steady, audible, even tone from begining to end of the swing. I used this drill two days ago on the range and the results were dramatic. My downswing rotation was much faster even though I didn't feel like I was swinging "harder" physically. I think I had been trying too hard to "engage" my core and had way overdone it. This drill really straightened me out. Interestingly, this drill also works well with putting: tensing inhibits you from completing the stroke naturally and releasing the putter. This leads to pushes and then manipulations to try to counteract the push. Yikes! Practicing while counting out loud I found helps smooth things out pretty well. Hope this is helpful; good luck! Jeff
  22. MGB- My conclusion is that what Jim teaches as a "one-plane" swing is very much modeled after Snead, not Hogan. See, for example, this commentary of Hardy students Jacobsen and Pernice: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/gallery/221289/1/8579073 BTW, I think Snead's left knee kicks more "out" towards the target line than "in" towards the ball. This is apparent in down-the-line sequences of Sam; see: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/gallery/87698 This action seems to help set up his bow-legged, sit-down look on the downswing as well as the very dramatic opening of his hips at impact, also very apparent down-the-line. Jeff
  23. Paul- Please see my comments in caps above. Jeff
  24. Well, at least Bobby could play the tour; not sure Kostis ever won anything playing golf or could break 80 on a tour course... Jeff
  25. Take a look at the Redgoat Swing Fundamentals section on Brady Riggs site: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/Redgoat%20Swing...%20Fundamentals, particularly the Tush Line section: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/gallery/102550. Some of his commentary might help you - you're picture looks like one of his "don't do this" examples: http://redgoat.smugmug.com/gallery/102550/1/4116476. The site also has a ton of swing sequences and videos of tour pros as well as his students (including before and after comparisons).