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Everything posted by oiamsobuff

  1. definitely not tour. The T stamp will usually only show up on carbon steel, early tour putters. It's been replaced by the circle-t.
  2. free hosting at http://www.imageshack.us/
  3. Sorry, its gone.
  4. Neither, in fact both those places would probably be near the end of the list best 2 are Robles or www.pongman.com. I go through the pongman, although both of those 2 have their pro's and cons. Also, before you call, be prepared to spend in the $2000 range.
  5. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse :smile2:
  6. My new 350g 009 prototype beach in black pearl.
  7. I think they're sleeping pills. Or a pillow.
  8. aussiefreddie, did you buy it?
  9. eh, they're ok. nothing impressive. I want to try the spin milleds.
  10. send me pics of both of these please, sent PM with address: 3)Circle T stamped studio 5 centershaft, not double bend retail, with circle t headcover 9+/10 $1100 4)Scotty hs tour bullseye oil can with headcover, like new- $600
  11. The face stamps could be real, check a000282 If it's welded up, he'd have to weld the sightline too, and that would erase the line that runs perpendicular to the sightline and lengthwise across the head when he grinds the sightline weld smooth. (the line I'm talking about is the one created when the bumpers are milled)
  12. It's hard to tell. Sometimes scotty will stamp just cameron when there is no room for anything else. I've seen faxdays and coronado's with just cameron stamped. Usually the best way to tell is the titleist in the cavity. This one could go either way. On one hand it looks engraved b/c it's perfectly centered, on the other hand some pics make it look like there's mushrooming around the edges, and the script also looks 'thinner' than the engraving font, which looks bold. The other things that make it look tour is the blank sole and the lack of sightline, all the retail catalina's had sightlines. I say if it's around $300 take the gamble.
  13. I couldn't hit a fade with them.
  14. handi is 6 but it doesn't mean anything. Last 3 rounds I shot -2 followed by +12, then 2 over with an 8 on the last. Everytime I think it's going down I self implode, spray the ball then can't get up and down. BTW the irons are out of the bag now and I'm playing some old macgregors until I can try the xtours.
  15. Amazing comedian. Kind of like a cross between Seinfeld and Steven Wright. My favorite Hedberg quotes: "The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how much I play, I'll never be as good as a wall. I played a wall once. They're relentless" "I get the Reece's candy bar. If you read it, there's an apostrophe. The candy bar is his. I didn't know that. Next time your eating a Reece's and some guy named Reece comes up to you and says "let me have that", you better give it to him. "I'm sorry Reece, I didn't think I would ever run into you" "I went to the park and saw a kid flying a kite. The kid was really excited. I don't know why, that's what they're supposed to do. Now if he had a chair on the other end of that string, I would have been impressed"
  16. Off an r7TP.
  17. I'm told the 009 and napa are done, just waiting at the studio. I would have had them but they had an alignment aid question that I couldn't answer b/c I was on vacation. I was hoping for this week but early next week seems more likely. I'll post a new thread when I get them with tons of pics.
  18. Thanks. hopefully next months will be even better. I added a 10.5 R580 XD TP with speeder 553, a PP napa and a custom 009 proto.
  19. Here's my last entry, a scratch with 3 different colors of rust. There's a deep brown, a medium brown and a new light brown growing. I use it to chip balls into the pool and I never clean it. It would have been worse but I took it out the weekend before last.
  20. Yeah I haven't hit it in a long time, It might shatter.
  21. Did you copy/cut that link off your FS post on another site, because the ellipses are showing up in the link and giving me a 404 error.
  22. April 1st eh? Is that when you tell us there is no contest and april fools? PS is it my twisted mind or were you selling quad ht heads a while back?
  23. Multiple entries ok? I'll start with the less rusty one first. This is a titleist that I always hit a little fat, so sophmore year of HS I ground off the back. It's been outside forever and has rust on top of rust. It looks copper but was originally a vokey raw. I got a scratch one that I'll post later too