Everything posted by college golfer
Scotty Cameron Red X Mid** & Circa Images
OH MY GOD you aint kidding. I am a Red X ho and would love the red x Mid .... heal shaft, 34 inches. ANYONE KNOW IF THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE THIS A STANDARD LENGTH PUTTER/Selling this to the public at all?
Gauge Design custom set up?
(((((((If it is a Gauge putter you are looking for, look no further than your very own TourSpecGolf Pro Shop! Chris offers the whole range of putters and is very fast, efficient and ))))))))))) I only see a limited number of gauge putters. I, as well, am interested and thought there would be a wider variety of gauge putters here. I only see 4 putters to buy from. Oh well I still love the site.
Guys please help me design my crafting 'the one'!!!
I am new to the site and was wondering ... where are you finding this putter here on the website? I went to the pro shop and didnt find any putters called "the one." thanks
What Style suits you......
I am more of a Mallet guy. Getting lined up properly is so important. Always keeping my eyes open for the perfect answer style.
UPDATE: Scotty Cameron Circle T's from JAPAN
Oh. My. Lord. (Virtual Drool)
TSG v.3 Contest - Offical Entry Thread
I am in. You guys are awwwsome.
Japan Package Club Deal
Can I get a pic of that gauge at address looking down on it/behind view? thanks
Hello everyone (Gauge)
Awsome, can't wait to see pics and prices as well Thanks for all of your help guys, I appreciate it.
Hello everyone (Gauge)
Thanks for your help, one problem, I can't read Japanese ... tried to do it last night but said I had to insert some disc?! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone (Gauge)
Do they sell just those 3 model? I have also seen tour ones all around the internent USA/JAPAN makes, and was wondering if this site had the hook up. thanks
Hello everyone (Gauge)
Wow, great site, I love the place. Take some time to get used to everything but seems like a great place. I am very interested in Gauge Design putters, and was recommended to come here because this is the site for that. Can anyone help me/direct me to where to go on this site to buy a gauge design (tour/japan/usa/whichever kind). Thanks a ton!