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Everything posted by zodialover

  1. I have 850 Nippons and the 80 gram Aerotechs in different sets of irons. My swing speed is not far from yours. Go with Nippons. Just be aware that they are soft feeling. I think the Aerotechs feel boardy. Much prefer Nippons.
  2. To heck with the clubs. For the right Thai "caddy" I would play with Sam Snead Blue Ridge!
  3. I have been playing the TP 7 since spring. Have been impressed with it. However, I just got an Altus, same flex (firm) in a Nakashima head. Have only hit 7 shots with it but I must say that the early returns indicate that the Altus feels much livlier that the TP. My initial opinion is that the Altus is better than the TP, at least for me. Of course on course results are the key, but the early high bombs (for me anyway-my bombs are others 4 irons) make me a believer.
  4. :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: Oh, how true! Sometimes I wonder if the G doesn't stand for Gorilla!
  5. As the poster who mentioned that the shafts play "soft" I felt I should respond to the idea that the shafts are supposed to feel soft. I don't dispute that statement but I found that for me the flex designation was a little soft compared to what I was used to, and I played MCC shafts before, specifically the MFS 65. As far as the comparison between the Altus and the TP line, a clubmaker I have talked to said that originally he felt that the Altus was every bit as good at 60% less price, but that as he has made more drivers with each he has seen the Ozik outperform Altus. I have not hit the Altus but want to, as well as the Code shafts,etc. Sure wish I lived around Chris! I am very curious as to his results.
  6. Chris might find that the TP7 in R flex is a little softer than what he is used to. I had the tp7X in R flex and it was too soft for me (maybe 90mph clubhead speed). I think that the results may surprise the board. Everyone that has hit mine loves it. However, performance vs. cost is a purely personal decision IMO. I love the Ozik tp 7, but must in all candor say that I will be hard pressed to buy another useless the price comes down. If I fly I am always worried about baggage handlers destroying my hyperexpensive toy. (I guess that proves I can't afford it!) Looking forward to the test results.
  7. I agree that they do look like a very basic design however "firm" is not how I would characterize them. I find mine to be very soft feeling, as compared to any Mizuno product I have hit. I have the 301s shafted with the Nippon 850s and love them. They are not the most forgiving, at least as compared to other forged cavity backs I have hit, but they are very workable- high, low, cuts, draws. Where they really amaze me is when I chip with them. They feel so soft and roll the ball beautifully.
  8. Another ringing endorsement for Zodia wedges- the best wedges in the world (at least for me!), and the spinningest Jessies you can find. Forget release, hammer it back there with spin. One skip and done.