Everything posted by dorkman53
What Avix shaft?
Try this thread; it should help http://forum.tourspecgolf.com/index.php?showtopic=21286
nippon ns pro 950 stiff
I've played both. They are both excellent shafts, but the Nippons play a bit soft to flex; "Stiff" Nippon 950's won't feel as stiff as "Stiff" DG S300's, and the Nippons are lighter, too. Stiff flex in Nippons will be more like a firm flex or firm regular flex in many other shafts, IMHO. Nippons are more of a midkick shaft, and Dynamic Golds are a higher kickpoint. Personally, I like the feel of Nippons better than DG's, but that is obviously a personal preference, not a "fact".
The 2006 Tourstage ViQ2 430cc Driver w/PICS
Chris; Did you or others ever hit this club enough to write a review?
Iron Shafts used by Touring Pros
The more fundamental question is, "Should I be playing what the pros are playing?" If you are a scratch or plus index player, it might be worth knowing what they are playing. For the other 99% of us, playing what the pros play is more likely to cost us strokes than improve our games. They play on such a different level than mere mortals like myself that knowing what they are playing should be an exercise in curiosity and little else for most of us.
TOURSPECGOLF: PRGR vs G-Field vs Tourstage vs Mizuno Challenge!
Thanks for the candid review. I appreciate the "No BS" approach on Tourspec.
2006 PRGR 900MD Irons w/PICS!
For what category of player(s) is this iron set intended?
2006 PRGR 900MD Irons w/PICS!
OK, Chris. We get it. They are absolutely gorgeous heads. Now, how do they play? How does softness and solidness of feel compare to Mizuno, Miura, etc? How about trajectory? How much offset do they have? How about forgiveness and workability? How do the M-43 and 46 shafts compare with DG's, Rifles, Nippons, etc., and what are their specs? What is the cost difference for the DG shafts vs. the M-43 and 46's? Let's hear some reviews; we love the pictures.
2006 PRGR 900MD Irons w/PICS!
I'm assuming the hosels/shafts are .355" taper. Correct or incorrect?
Mizuno Questions
If you want one or more of them, contact Chris. Quick service; GREAT clubs!!
Mizuno Questions
It will have to be one fantastic club to outperform the MP UX-2 hybrids!!
Fourteen Hi 858
I bought one a few years ago after they were "pumped" on "another board" as the greatest thing since sliced bread. "These things should be illegal". "Stupid easy to hit" I bought one, and was fairly disappointed with it. It was much harder for me to hit than a fairway wood-based hybrid off the fairway, and I didn't find it a miracle worker off the tee, either. I sold it. Now the Mizuno MP UX 2's are my current "best hybrid I've ever hit" winners, and I got them from Chris on this board.
Srixon 504 Wedges
What has been the experience of those who have tried the Srixon 504 wedges? Is the heel/sole relief really helpful in opening up the blade? How soft do they feel? How much spin/bite do they produce? Hard on ball covers or not? Anybody know whether the hosels are ..355" taper of .370" parallel? Thanks in advance for replies to any or all of the questions.
Tourstage 435 ebay?
Does the color gradient on the head look right? I haven't seen them up close and personal, but the color looks wrong compared to the Tourstage website and Chris' proshop photo.
The New Tourstage ViQ Series!
Chris, do I understand correctly from other threads that the VIQ is aimed more at the mid-index player and the X Drive 435 is directed to the lower index player, due to center of gravity configuration and overall forgiveness and trajectory issues? The VIQ looks like it probably has a lower center of gravity than the 435 X Drive.
Utilities contest
I'm very high on the MP UX 2's that Chris sold me. Solid, hot feeling, easy to hit, accurate, versatile, and forgiving. Other than that, not much to talk about....... They've knocked my beloved Hogan hybrids out of the bag for good. The longer I play them, the better I like them.
The New BIG Gunz by Graphite Design!
I hope they don't also jump on the $1000 shaft bandwagon. However, I suspect all of the high end manufacturers will have to start charging $1000 for one or two of their shafts, or fear that consumers won't think they are making top quality stuff!! What are the specs and prices, Chris?
Mizuno UX2
Longer Term Follow Up on the Mizuno MP UX 2's I've now had them and played regularly with them for a couple of months, and they are all firmly in the bag. I got the 17, 20, and 23 with the Nippon R flex shafts and now that I have the feel of the shafts and swingweight these clubs are sweet feeling, long, and accurate. The soles are versatile, the face feels hot, and they are attractive in a conservative, understated, classy sense. Thanks again, Chris, for great service and a great product. Kudos!!
Scratch 3X Black Tour Blades w/ SCRATCH script!
Ari; How durable is the black finish? Does it quickly wear off to raw, then rust? If so, that may be fine for wedges, but I'm not sure many people are going to want to have their > $1200 set of irons rusting. I hope the finish is durable; it certainly is attractive.
Tourstage X-ST Shaft Question
I had a low-50's gram shaft on a driver, and when my swing was grooved I could crush it. But the swing was nearly totally dependent on muscle/neural memory; there was little feedback of feeling the head. I do better with a mid-70's gram shaft. I don't hit it quite as far, but I get into far less trouble and can work myself out of a bad groove easier, since I get more feedback.
Tourstage X-ST Shaft Question
55 grams is very light for a fairway wood shaft. Personally, I have trouble feeling the head position during the swing with such a light shaft.
Tour Concept shafts ?
They only come in .355" taper at this point.
TS202 "TOUR"??
No, it's much simpler than that. If the proprietor of "another board" says it's tour, it's tour.........and you should pay a 300% premium to have that "tour club"..........
Tourstage TS-202..........parallel or taper tip?
Definitely .355" taper.
Need Zodia wedge info help..
You may have gotten the deal of the century. Zodias aren't cheap. They have a reputation for putting great spin on the ball. The rough, grainy appearance is just how they come. It isn't uncommon to pay over $200 per Zodia wedge, new.
Mizuno UX2
Follow up; the 17 and 20 are now firmly in the bag. I've got to work a little on the 23 to get the distance worked out. It hits a little farther than my 24 Hogan, so I'm going to have a little gap in distance between the 23 Mizuno and my 28 degree Bridgestone J33 Combo 5 iron. I think I'll just learn to play a grip down/choke up shot with the 23 degree Mizuno to bridge the distance gap, but that's going to take a bit of work to calibrate. Overall, I can give rave reviews on the MP UX 2's with the Nippon shaft. The shaft kicks very well, but still has great control. Thanks, Chris.