Everything posted by ajaykkr
1 WEEK TO GO - CONTEST DEADLINE - come on guys!
just to confirm .... the yururi blades are for the essay contest, correct? with the af-301s on the way, not much use for the type-J.
OK Epon nuts I am going to give it another try...
if you dont experiment, you will never get something better:)
OK Epon nuts I am going to give it another try...
try the quattro with the fairway... better shaft combo with the epon
EPON 2008 New Products w/PICS!!!
i wish they made blades.... but in the meantime i will be getting a set of AF-301 with Black Golds. looking forward to try them.....
driver - mp craft 425 (with roddio) i rate this better and longer than the epon and the xdrive 460 woods - epon 13.5 with quattro tech utility woods - nothing beats the gfield that you had... irons.... many many options.... my top picks... x blade 2, fourteen tb -1000, gauge studio mbs,, miura etc... wedges - chikara...no question.. putter.... tough one...no recommendation yet..
What are the worlds best wedges?
all round .... gas 1/gas 2/gft wedges by gauge ($100 per new wedge cost nowadays).... the chikaras are expensive....but a work of art....... (if money was no constraint... then chikaras else the gauge wedges)
X Drive 460 shaft recommendations
i have the xdrive with the Roddio W7WA Stiff shaft..... it keeps the left side out of play and also allows for a mid-boring flight..... Will strongly recommend the shaft.....(but figure out whether you need a WA or BA),,,, the BA did not work for me......
Japan - Black Gold Shafts
that is stretching things a bit too much.... don't you think....... for a given brand, and a given model..... tolerances are likely to be similar and so your quality and consistency is likely to be the same.....
Tell everyone about your wedges...
Two wedges - Chikara 60* - generally from 60 yards in, sometimes i will use it for the 70-75 yard shot, greenside bunkers 52* - 100 yard in. (longer shots from greenside bunkers) chips - 60* or 52* or pw / higher depending on what needs to be done..... with practice, i have been able to dial in the distance with my wedges to within 2-3 yards... so i dont feel the need for a third wedge (read 56*) allows me to put the 5 wood/2hybrid into play....
EPON Iron Options
idrive, the type j's are supposedly for the better ball striker.... from that perspective these lofts are stronger than almost every blade or blade like cavity........ not bad....but not good at all... the better ball striker is looking for control and accuracy and not just longer distance... dont understand why epon does not get that for the type j replacement....
Yururi flat black irons and wedges
Answer is no... wedges are different from the midirons....if you do want to still go out, i have apair of (53* and 61* stiff 1150 ) used 7-10 rounds.... that you could have for a very good price.
Fourteen UT-106 at address pics
For the better ball striker.......which driver?
can't justify buying the mpcraft 460 when the mpcraft 425 is in the bag for now...... i have got very comfortable with it thats its stayed in the bag for now... I can probably say all three (epon 460 with Roddio W6WA stiff, Xdrive 460 with w7WA stiff, Mpcraft 425 with Rombax 7x07 stiff) are gamers for now.....as i roate them in to the bag very few weeks.
Blades... too many options
best looking iron..... you have to make the call yourself... there are enough pictures in the gallery to look them up. if you need pics of a specific iron... ask.. best feeling consistent shaft - feel is personal.... What shafts have you played so far and what was your experience.... all the leading shafts are consistent... it depends on your swing and what you are looking for... so time do some homework, sir.
Blades... too many options
respectfully disagree with both. but it does depend upon the pain one is willing to take to improve the game...
Blades... too many options
the miura blades and the cb 1006 are very fine irons indeed (i owned both, still have the blades)..... all the irons in my post above are good... (My only compliant with fourteen is the loft porgression. Its should be 4 degree seperation till atleast the 5 iron, if not the 4 iron...) If you are ok with expanding outside a true blade... i will say the gd mbs are very good, the type J are reportdely what people who own them rave about ... the Cb 1006 is very good iron.....
Blades... too many options
If you are looking for a blade, the type j is not a true blade (despite Epon calling it their muscleback)....... good blades (based on my experience) include the MP 33 (difficult to get in new), xblade 2, fourteen Tb-1000, Mr 23 (slightly older, but a bit overrated by those who call it the best blade ever).....Miura blades (despite the welding stuff).... the 1150s provide more zing... but I found the s400/x100/black gold also very appealing.... Increasingly, i am turning more towards the S400/black gold.. if you want blade like feel with cavity benefits...then the type J's could be the club..
WTB Epon ZR460 9.5
think not of what you should have done... think of what it would do to your scores..... and what you are missing out on...
Fourteen UT-106 at address pics
Is the 18* plays like other #3 hybrid or like a #2 hybrid, for eg, is the 18* hybrid equivalent to the #2 gfield hybrid or the #3 gfield hybrid.
For the better ball striker.......which driver?
isn't that cool. i love it...
For the better ball striker.......which driver?
I have to admit though..... the Mpcraft 425 is really growing on me... the mpcraft, epon and xdrive 460 are really fine drivers and its a tosss up between the three..... for now the 425 is in the bag.... but i will be rotating all three drivers into the bag....
For the better ball striker.......which driver?
The MPcraft 425cc is a very solid driver and could give any of the leading drivers a run for the money. Its shafted with the rombax 7x07 stiff... I have played 4 rounds with the driver now (since I have been testing it, I hit driver on all but par 3s...... Distance..... it was slightly longer than my gamer (epon 460 with roddio 6WA stiff).... 5-10 yards on average... but with the epon i have ocassional drives that shoot greater than 300 yards.... i had none with the Mizuno....but on average i was 5-10 yards longer (265-275) yards vs 260-265 yards..... carry seems to be the same.. but tend to get more roll. However, i had a couple of drives that just ballooned and were no longer than 200-220 yards.... never happened with the epon... Workability...... able to work the ball..... I normally can't draw the ball....sucess rate is 10-20%,,,,,i can hit a fade at will.... with the mizuno i could hit draws and if went after it they turned into strong draws/weak hooks.... But i attribute this to the shaft, I think. control..... with my gamer (epon 460) I now aim at a particular part of the fairway and expect it to land there... lands where I want to 8/10 times... I had no such control with the mizuno..... I was in the correct half of the fairway,,,but accuracy was not up to the epon.... Low shots....... One of the days i played it was very windy..... I was pleasantly surprised that I could hit the ball without much loss of distance (with the nike sasquatch i could hit a low drive that never rose beyond 10-15 feet from the fairway but flew 230 yards or so and got lots of roll) I haven;t been able to hit those drives since... with the other drivers,.. xdrive 460, Epon 460 etc... the ball used to climb, wind used to takeover and i will lose distance.... with the mizuno, i could hit those drives.... no problem.... The xdrive 460, mizuno Mpcraft 425 and epon 460 are all fine drivers... I wish i had the roddio in the Mpcraft to make a better comparison... But the point is there are a number of drivers for the better ball striker that could make the bag anyday..... I could not say that in any year..... used to be that one driver will work for me and nothing else.... this year.. any of the three i could play with and be happy..... p.s. i played bethpage black again yesterday where drive is the key to avoid a big score... i put the mpcraft in.... then pulled it out and replaced with my gamer..... for now the craft will have to do more to earn its way into the bag for those critical rounds....
How much is too much???
rolling is not always the option, particularly if you play on undulating greens or greens with tight pin positions (and you are caught on the short side).... the yururis are very good wedges,.... very nice grind and look. ... performance is top class.....lots of spin... the 61* works very well from tight lies.... but it will rust... mine are after a couple of months.....
How much is too much???
its never too much.. once you get used to it, you will learn to control the spin. much easier to get close by landing the ball to land beyond the flag and pull it back.... or stop it next to to the flag for those tight pin positions... gives more room for error... if the flag is far away, let the ball roll if not with your wedge, with your PW or short irons..
WTB: Scratch wedges
those antique finish look real cool