Everything posted by thadeuce
Miura irons - which one to buy ?
I was actually about to make this same post. I would like to know which of the Miura heads you guys would recommend. I tried the blades and they were just too tough for me to control. I hit a demo 202 and it was like magic. I was wondering what other heads any TSG guys might advise...
Taylormade Japan R7 TP Forged
It's funny that you guys think they have minimal offset cause that was the one thing I don't like about mine...the offset. I was all ready to get some Miura 202's then I saw this new offering from TM.
Looks like a cross between the 67 and the 60. The cut-muscle is 67ish but the the cavity is definitely 60. I hit the 67's and didn't care for them at all. Not sure how putting those together would be...
How do you Pronounce it?
Daigaku no toki wa nihongo o benkyo shimas**ta demo ima sukoshi dake hanashimasu.
Taylormade Japan Only Burner Irons w/PICS!
Are these available or are these pics just to tease?
Cleveland CG1 Satin Irons?
Looks to me like they took some of the black pearl irons and stripped 'em. The chrome CG1's have a different muscle shape than the new black pearls. The original CG1's had a more rounded, smoother muscle whereas the new black pearls have a bit more of an edge to the muscle. Hope this makes sense...
The R7 Forged Carbon Mod
Hey TSG, how many different designs can you do? Are the carbonfiber looking ones confined to black/grey only or could you make a carbon look with purple? Just curious what the limitations are...