Everything posted by Blader-X
2008 EPON AF-101 Driver w/ PICS!!!
That does it for me. I'll be updating to one of these just as soon as they're available. When will that be?
Epon AF901 Driving Iron w/PICS!
I would think that would be a good idea. I actually have an Epon Type-S as my 3 iron while all my other irons are X-blade 2's. The Type-S really fits the bill and I believe its called the 701's now. These new driving irons look to have incorporated similar design features as the Type-S only with more enhancements to enable the ball to be launched higher. These new driving irons look well done and definite winners in my opinion.
Best players forged cavity back set - 2008 season
Well it had to happen. The only design to date I've seen that made me contemplate getting a cavity back set and of course, they sell out. If you come across a set T, send me a PM.
2008 EPON AF-101 Driver w/ PICS!!!
Sounds great to me T! One question though, is it still USGA conforming? If so, I'm upgrading to this head as soon as possible. This is by far the most beautiful driver Epon has come out with. Love the fact it has a slightly heavier weight to it as well. Chris, any report from your 18 holes?
Best players forged cavity back set - 2008 season
My vote goes to Yamaha. By far the best looking cavities I've seen in quite some time. As well as being Endo forged, I think this is the top pick for '08.
Impressed with TSG
That's a good problem to have!! Just to add my thoughts, you can't go wrong with anything on this site. Customer service is by far better than you'll find with almost any other golf dealer. And, I can promise for those of you in the States, you won't find better service. If you order something and its wrong, or damaged, you can best believe Chris, Jacque and Tario will make it right. My entire bag is JDM, all from TourSpec and I've never been happier with my game and clubs in 20 years of playing this game. Before this site my golf game had a void because I could never find what I really wanted for my game. I no longer have that void. I stumbled on this site a few years back looking for the very same irons I now play. I couldn't find them anywhere in the States and at first was wary not knowing anything about TSG. However, after pouring through many postings and finally talking with Chris on several occasions I purchased said irons and the rest is golf bliss history. If you're new to this site and are very interested in these products, but are wary because you're just unsure, let me tell you to put your worries aside and trust in TSG. They really are that good. And the products aren't too bad either!! My problem is a little different from Idrive's. I too can't always decide but becasue my kids have so many activities, they eat into my golf budget making my decisions and which equip to buy that much more agonizing. I really have to narrow it down. The good thing is, whatever I have chosen in the past has always been top notch.
Axiv-X feels 'average' what else would you try?
The new MD's differ in terms of the kickpoints. The old QT's had a low kickpoint whereas the new MD's incorporate the mid kickpoints of the old PT series into the design features of the QT model. So what you end up with is the quad-weave pattern of the QuattroTech with a higher kickpoint that what was originally offered. You know another shaft which hasn't really come to market is the TSG prototypes that a few of us here were fortunate enough to demo. I know I still have the one in my driver and its my favorite shaft by far. I'm really still enjoying it very much. Maybe Chris can shed some light on to why it hasn't come out or if there are plans for it in the future. Chris, it really is an awesome shaft, any chance of us seeing it more?
Axiv-X feels 'average' what else would you try?
The new Quattro Tech MD is the shaft I was thinking as well. Combining the awesome power and kick of the PT series with all the tightness of the QT, I really think that's the way to go. Not to mention I'm partial to Graphite Design Tour AD as it is. Very high quality shafts, you just can't go wrong with them. I would've gone that route myself, but the P9003x has been haunting me for some time and I'm having one installed in the 3 wood as we speak. Having said that though, I really would anticipate the new MD to be a real winner.
Epon AF901 Driving Iron w/PICS!
That's nice. Chris, how about a topline view?
Pics of the New Epon AF101 Driver!
Oh Chris, now why'd you have to go and do that for?!! Now I might have to change out my current driver head. Well I guess I could use a new one!! That head is absolutely beautiful. You got give us more; specs, availablity, etc.
Pick a shaft - any shaft
I have a P9003 on its way to me as we speak. Its most likely going in my 3 wood but then again I do have a spare Epon head lying around here that is in desperate need of a shaft so I may just change my mind and put that in there. Then again, maybe just have to get another since its my 3 wood right now that I want to make a change to. Like I said its en-route and as soon as it gets installed and I give it a couple sessions I'll report back. With a swing speed of 115mph I would suggest staying with an x-stiff especially since you can be prone to duck hooking from time to time.
So WHAT are the best drivers today?
Anyone here hit the new Yamaha 425? This looks like it could be a definite winner and I was curious if any TSG'ers had put it in play of late.
JDM Irons
The short answer is you can't go wrong with any of those pics. The long answer is well . . . how much time do you have?!! The new Miura 5003 are definitely very popular at the moment and a great choice. I still play my TourStage X-blade 2's and still love them very much. Great feel, small clubhead and the thinnest topline that I've seen to date. Not the most forgiving nor the most popular. Seen and hit the Fourteens but still to chunky for my taste. The Yururi flat back are also reported to be very easy to hit and have a super soft feel as well. As far as feel even though all are JDM not all have the same feel. JDM is far superior to any Domestic product in my opinion and the main reason why I switched. If you research the old posts you will find a two differing opinions in terms of feel. Some prefer Miuras which are forged mainly in Kyoei and others prefer the feel of Endo (TourStage/Epon, etc). I have not hit Miuras so I cannot comment on them but there are many others here who will write you pages upon pages about them. Really it all boils down to what looks good to your eye and then from there on in its a matter of trial to see what feels good to you. If you know what you're looking for and your specs, just keep reading and researching and you'll boil it down to what you want. Welcome to the journey. Take the time to invest some time and you'll be rewarded. Welcome to the site.
Shafts that let you feel.
Hey Mjr. D So I take it "back to Phoenix" means spring training? Be sure to let us know how the Super Peening Blues works out for you. I'm considering that shaft along with the Black Golds for my next set of irons this year.
New 3 wood times for 2008 ?
Damn the cold man!! Get out there and hit it in the interest of all us club-ho's!! But seriously, when you do get the chance to give it a go please write a review for all of us. Attach some pics as well if you can.
2008 Epon 208KGX Wedge w/PICS!
My, my, my . . . Epon just continues to impress. February, uh; just about the right time I guess as I'm wearing out my current Epons. These would be wonderful replacements, with a lower trajectory no less. Now that's something I would be very interested in.
Yamaha 2008 Inpres X V Forged and Tour Limited
Sweet. When you do get them if you could at all possible measure the thickness of the topline of both. I too am very interested in these irons. Something about them just looks very appealing.
New 3 wood times for 2008 ?
Two come to mind. The Epon of course, and the new Pro TP Fairway from Royal Collection. I still think the BBD model they made years ago was one of the all time fairway wood models. I haven't hit it but judging by its looks and the fact its made by Royal Collection, I'd say its a sure winner. I'm not in the need for a 3 wood, the Epon's doing very well, but if I were, the Pro TP would be my choice. I am putting a new shaft in my current 3 wood soon and I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes.
Happy Holidays Everyone
Blader-X replied to idrive's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearMy best wishes to all in 2008. I was settled Jack but I'm thinking of changing out some shafts. And then again, those new Inpres VX-Tour keep haunting me. First though, it'll be some shaft changes.
It has arrived!!!
That is one fine looking putter. Outstanding craftsmanship and nice design. Que bella!
Nippon users, what wedge shafts?
Hey Ed, I play the 1150's in x-stiff in my TourStage irons and had used them in stiff in a couple of G-Field wedges. Now I'm really happy with them in the irons but wasn't too thrilled with them in the wedges. I was unhappy with the high trajectory. I prefer full wedge shots with a somewhat low trajectory. I went with True Temper Black Golds and have been very pleased. Having said that however, I've been very curious about the Super Peening by Nippon. They're touted as providing a lower trajectory than the 1050's, 1150's etc. In regards to the Super Peening, the Red and Orange both have mid kickpoints much like the 1050's, 1150's. The blue has a high kick point which would provide a lower trajectory. I've never hit them but would like to one day. Still, not so sure how they would perform in a wedge. Their website says they're made for harder swings to provide greater control so they may lead to lower trajectory from that standpoint. The one thing I would worry about is whether they provide the "feel" many golfers wish for when it comes to their wedges. If you do take the plunge and go with the Super Peening please let us all know how it goes. Seems a few of us around here have been interested in these but just haven't tried them as of yet. Gocchin, Chris and others have found great success with graphite shafts, and I know myself and Idrive really like Black Golds in wedge shafts. I feel they provide the trajectory I'm looking for with great feel. Good luck and if anyone out there has hit the Super Peening please share with us your experiences.
Yamaha 2008 Lineup Preview Video
The Inpres X V Forged Tour Irons have really caught my eye. Out of all the new products for '08, these keep haunting me in the back of my mind. I really like the look of them.
Swing Speed Conversion - 2.24 is the majic number
Need to quickly convert from mph to m/s or vice versa and don't feel like doing all the math? Here's your factor. 2.24 Just about all JDM equipment is listed in m/s or meters per second when it comes to swing speed. For those who need to convert that to mph or miles per hour here's an easy conversion. This may have been covered in another post but when I did the search I couldn't easily locate it so I decided to add this specific post. M/S (meters per second) X 2.24 = MPH (miles per hour) Converting from m/s to mph multiply your m/s value by the factor of 2.24 --Example: A swing speed of 48 m/s would correlate to 107.5 mph (48 X 2.24 = 107.52) -or- MPH (miles per hour) divided by 2.24 = M/S (meters per second) Converting from mph to m/s take your mph value and divide by the factor of 2.24. --Example: A swing speed of 97 mph would correlate to 43.3 m/s. (97/2.24 = 43.30) For those of you who want more decimal places the factor becomes 2.2369361. I rounded to 2.24 for ease of use.
A peek at Japan Tour Vans
Actually Claus, the English language and the alphabet is required to be taught in schools in Japan. It used to start at the middle school level but is now also quite common at the elementary level as well. I believe Chris could tell you more about that having taught English there for some time.
3 wood for exclusive of the tee use.
Having used both I found the Epon much better off the tee due to the higher profile. I'm sure results would vary due to player individuality. When you do try the G-Field tee it up so that it just barely sits above the grass; the Epon can be just a little higher depending upon what you prefer but I found the G-Field to work better as it was sitting just like you would find it in a perfect fairway lie.