Everything posted by Blader-X
Current Drivers in Play on the JPGA
Seems Graphite Design is as popular as ever in terms of shafts. I've really got to get around to trying the new P9003 soon!
Back to my first love
Thanks for the review. Always interested in the reviews of new equip here at TourSpec. Don't give up on the irons just yet, might've just been an off day for you and not the irons. As for me, I'm still very much in love with my TourStages and they're getting quite old in terms of how some of us on this site go through equipment!
My Gold's Factory Putters
OH MY!! Those are fantastic. You boys are making me green with envy with all these Gold's Factory putter pics. Just beautiful.
Whats up with the RomaRo brand
Chris told me awhile back that RomaRo went the way of G-Field. They are no longer around.
Gold's Factory translation
That's absolutley stunning! Thanks for the pics. The use of the two different blues really gives it character. Great look!!
Gold's Factory Update 08/2007
Chris or T, can Sasaya change the neck to a goose neck style on his Anser-styles? Definitely thinking that maybe next year after tax time, might be the time to have Sasaya hand craft me a "putter to end all putters"!!
Big Moss Putting green for winter practice
Nice T, at least I won't have to worry about you getting "rusty"!! By the way, you should look into getting one of those hitting mats that is supposed to give you the feeling of real turf, giving way as you strike the ball. They run around $600 or so and have a gel-like bottom which is supposed to simulate turf. Never used one but have always wanted to try one. I haven't hit off mats in years and don't want to start but I've been searching for a mat that really and truly feels like real grass on the strike. I hit a lot at home but I don't have that much grass in the backyard so I have to let it grow back from time to time.
Roddio shafts
Its very much like Chris said. For me, I had very good results but didn't like the feel of it as much as the Axiv. It was much tighter (dispersion wise) than the Axiv but I really preferred the feel of the Axiv over the Roddio. Even though the weight of both were just about equal, the Axiv had more a heavier or solid feel to it. The Roddio felt light to me and mine was the W8 model which is 81 grams. Chris explained it to me that the Roddio is more of a underlying "softer" shaft which was been stiffened by the weaves. However, it is a great shaft. No complaints for any of its performance. It just lacked the "feel" I wanted so I moved on. When you have access to TSG and all there is offered here, it doesn't make any sense to just settle for anything less than perfection. Probably the reason why many of us here buy and sell, and buy and sell again and again. Some more than others!! Uh, Gocchin, how many clubs do you go through this year alone again??
Biceps tendon surgery recovery
Glad to hear you're back at it. Thanks for the update and good luck and continued success. It just sucks to be injured and not be able to do what one is used to doing.
Golf Digest DRIVER No.1 Shootout 2007
Great points and all good info. Myself, I've yet to find a stock shaft with a heavy enough weight to it that I prefer (80gm). Most stock shafts are usually in the 50-60 gm range it seems. They fit most but not all. I've never had as good results with lighter shafts than I've had with the heavier ones.
New EPON Website Launched!!
That seems to be the movement now. I've noticed a few other brands coming out with new drivers are going more to the triangular shape and away from the "box". I do think its a better concept. Shape is easier on the eye with still the same high MOI. With the Epon site, its good to see. I think in order to continue to survive the line, it needed to broaden out to a wider market. I'm sure they'll stay high end as that's what Endo is. And, since Epon is direct descendent so to speak of Endo, it'll maintain high standards. Time will surely tell. There's one other thing that goes along with this. Endo is considered by many "the best" when it comes to forging. If it wasn't many companies wouldn't use them for their forgings. Since Epon is so closely associated with Endo, Epon must keep exceptional quality or else it looks bad for Endo. This is huge for a Japanese company as "face" and reputation are everything.
Mitsubishi Diamana ali'islei
Speaking of which, T, you will give us a full report like always? ?
Mitsubishi Diamana ali'islei
I absolutely love the look of the graphics. Interested to see feedback on this shaft. For me however, it seems Graphite Design shafts have always fitted better than Diamanas. I just wish they looked as good as the Diamanas.
Waggle New Iron Preview!!
Of all the clubs pictured, I think I prefer the TourStages the best. But then, I am partial to TourStage. Just seems to "fit" my eye.
Golf Digest DRIVER No.1 Shootout 2007
Hey T, Anything you do like this is always welcomed by me. I love seeing all these Japanese mags on golf gear and as you know my wife is from Japan as well but she's not too interested in the golf stuff and even less in trying to translate it for me. She attempts from time to time but she doesn't play golf so she really isn't sure what they're talking about anyway. So keep the translations coming as well as the pics and scans!!
Best travel bag/protective case for your high end gear
I used Club Glove travelling to and all over Japan a few summers back. Works great. I too used the "stiff arm" you can purchase from them. I even went to the extent of wrapping some of the individual clubs in bubble wrap and used little foam blocks between them as well. Also, Club Glove has wheels making it easy to get in and out of airports. Even worked well on the trains there in Japan. If you've ever been there you know how crowded and difficult it can be at various times on the trains.
New Graphite Iron Shafts from Graphite Design
BigBen, Looking foward to your results with great interest. I have been starting to become interested in graphite iron shafts lately. Not ready to make the switch but like I said starting to become interested. I can agree with you on the TC's. I have one in an Epon Type-S 3 iron and I must say am very impressed. Great trajectory and feel. So content in fact as its very solidly in the bag. However, my thoughts about the graphite iron shafts stems from the long irons. Been wondering if I should play around with a graphite shaft in the 3 iron, creating a kind of a hybrid club while at the same time experimenting a bit to see if I could increase feel. Let us know how it goes.
Sonartec HB-001
You're probably right, but the X-UT is working out just fine. Thinking about changing out the shaft and putting the UT-85 from my G-Field into the X-UT and giving that a go. No reason other than just to do it. I don't use the G-Field currently except when I go for a long range session and I'd hate to see the UT-85 go unused.
Sonartec HB-001
That's what I'm interested in. I don't think it'll be a good move on the part of Sonartec, but that's just my thought. I have a feeling the quality will go down as they attempt to appeal to more of the mass market but who knows. Aside from that I just received an email from Sonartec saying that this new HB-001 is now the fastest selling line for Sonartec beating out the MD.
Sonartec HB-001
According to GolfWeek a few months back, Sonartec split from parent company Royal Collection and is no longer associated with them in any way.
True, but the driving iron has been popular in Japan for sometime. TourStage probably just wanted to capture that market and also for those who like the look of an iron as opposed to the utilities. Not everyone has embraced their (utilities') advantages. I've also noticed that TourStage loves the tungsten insert. They seem to putting that in all kinds of irons. Even my X-blade 2's have a tungsten insert in the 3,4 and 5 irons and they're blades! I think with this driving iron, TourStage just was looking to make a more forgiving version and appeal to those who identify with the reasons I stated earlier. Just my take.
Shaft recommendation for G Field fairway wd
The stock shaft and Pershing are lower end models by GD. Without knowing all you details, I'd say stick with the Graphite Design but try either the PT series or QuattroTech series. Both are great shafts and well worth the cost. Tight dispersion, awesome flight.
chikara wedges
In regards to the Chikara's I don't think I agree with this statement. Yes it got quite a lot of pub for some time but that's like with anything new. It can't possibly last forever since there aren't many of us who play with JDM and even fewer who even bother posting. I believe Chris told me one time that only about 10-20% of customers who buy from him actually are active in the forums. When Epon came out it got huge pub, but now you don't see much written but its still a very excellent product. Also the cost of these wedges is also a factor. Its quite an investment. The average consumer wouldn't even think about purchasing these on cost alone. I think though, that these wedges will stand the test of time as Carlton was doing excellent work on wedges up until this time where he decided to go it alone. I love his design but I'm content with my Epons at the moment and am waiting to see what he offers in the next year before I take the plunge. However, my eye keeps watching and waiting. Just enjoy the wedges as they are and as far as waiting in the future, if there's something you come across and want, go ahead and get it. Base your decisions on your feelings and not the masses. Sometimes the masses are correct and sometimes not, especially when it comes to something so personal as golf equip, and JDM golf equip at that.
TSG JDM Forged Players CavityBack-test 2008 !
I'd opt for Palm Springs.
That's actually the new Utility Iron. The screw is most likely a tungsten insert lowering the center of gravity, thereby increasing the ball flight.