Everything posted by idrive
Axiv V
I have two of them.. Graphics down looks much better imo.
Sole Engraving now Available from EPON!
I'm here to tell you guys that don't know or haven't tried Epon yet, with all the customizing available to you... well you're missing the boat. I'll soon have another Epon here to take the G-field out of the bag. Every club in my bag except the Putter will be Epon. Every Club very custom made in every way by one of the finest club makers in the world. No wonder I have so much confidence in my game right now.
Gloss Black TSG Irons
Wow!!! Those looks awesome. Congratulations. Matching wedges in the works??? What shaft are you going to use??
Axiv V
Sounds like you're describing the 7076. I have the 7072 in the Epon and would increase the stiffness if I had your 110 mph ss.
Golds Factory Premium Zone Insert Replica
Thank you, I have a pretty good Cameron Collection. Working on the Gauge Design and Golds Factory now. I also just came off the Golf Course having played my first round with the new Putter. The Putter is just amazing. I Putt extremely well all day. I think holding the Putter, knowing the Master has made it for me, to my specs, makes me a better Putter. Mental thing...
Golds Factory Premium Zone Insert Replica
Comparing the Putters, the bottoms are shaped differently. I think this is part of what gives it the sensation of sitting down better. The Golds Putters top edge does not sit as high on the ball as the G-field. It is narrower also. Yes, G-field lists the loft at 4* for the Premium zone putters. The Golds Factory is 5.5* loft. Another part of the reason I prefer this setup over the Premium Zone?
Golds Factory Premium Zone Insert Replica
I've compared the insert to the Premium Zone insert as close as possible. They look pretty much identical. I rolled about 100 putts with it today. I won't say it rolls the ball better than the G-field Premium Zones but it rolls it at least as well. But I Putt better with the Golds Factory. Now that I have one with the Premium Zone insert... I'll Putting lights out!!!! I did Putt very well with it today, very, very happy. As I have said before, their is something about the way this Putter sets up for me. (private stock #2) It feels like it is lower on the ball... like I can get under it easier.... seems easier to roll the ball, I don't feel like I'm blocking it. Hard to describe. The Feel: ... ... so soft, so sweet... I know it can't get any better because I have never felt anything better. A couple of the guys at the course rolled a few with it and fell in love. I am in love with the Putter. It came out just the way I had hoped. I'm sending my black one back to have the insert added. Hope you enjoy the Pics. I don't know why but my camera makes the paintfill look orange in some of the shots, it's not, it's blood red.
Golds Factory : Create SS304 insert to Rival Premium Zone!
The Putter is here.... I'm out in the back yard Putting... headed for the Golf Course later. Stunning, the Putter has turned out even better than I had hoped. Full review with pictures later. Holding the Putter has me feeling the sensation of being honored just to hold it let alone play with it. RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Golds Factory : Create SS304 insert to Rival Premium Zone!
Just received an e-mail with the tracking #. The Putter should be here Friday, Saturday at the latest. I didn't think I would be seeing it for at least 2 more weeks. DAMN I'M EXCITED..... who needs viagra????
Pro Gear PRGR 900MD Forged 699.00 + Shipping!
I have always loved the looks of this Iron. What a screaming deal!!! These just might be the right clubs to back up my back up set that backs up my backup set!
The best looking driver from above?
This is the Driver I'm currently playing. I love it. Have the Epon 460 and the Tourstage 460 as backups. Both of them are trying to work their way into the first string bag. When I'm hitting the ball well the shot is a low screamer that fades and rises very gently. Rolls out nicely.
Somthing about RAW that Turns it on!
Sweet pictures. It just reminds me that their is still a great deal of craftsmanship that most people never see let alone get to experience. This has to be the best "Golf" Store on the Planet.
Golds Factory : Create SS304 insert to Rival Premium Zone!
soooooo... I'm just a little bit excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been Playing with the Premium Zone Putters and absolutely love the roll. But.. there is something about the setup of the Golds Putter that I love that makes me want to Putt with it even more than the G-field. Putting these two together is going to quite special. I can't wait. Pics and Feedback as soon as I get the Putter. Once again, Thanks Chris for the ability to Communicate with Sasaya San and being able to pull this off. Truly amazing when you think about it. RULES!!!
Yururi C-Grind Tour Wedge Proto
I love the raw look to this wedge. I wish I had soft conditions to be able to use it. Out here in the Desert I can't tell if it's harder in the winter or in the Summer.
Yururi Jersey Wedge, What finish do you like?
I've always been a fan of the shiny and satin finishes. But.. I just received a 58* 07 X-wedge in black. I really like it. The copper X-wedges are great too. I think I like a bit different finish from a regular set. My vote is for any finish but shiny.
New Epon Bag?
I want an Epon bag so bad... I'm trying hard to like it. But it's Fugly
Japanese Drivers better than American ??
My feelings and experiences exactly.
Looking for Left Handed JDM Golf Clubs. All Clubs. Prefer: Newer Good Condition No Blades Thanks
I think it comes down more to the actual shot and the conditions. Out of the bunker?? Is it nice with fluffy sand or hard as a rock and wet?? Around the Green in deep wet grass or 50 yards out on a hard fairway?? I carry at least 2 wedges, at least one lower bounce, one higher bounce. Depending on the course I may take a higher or lower bounce set. It doesn't seem like I often take full swings with wedges... Soft conditions... higher bounce. Harder conditions... lower bounce. IMHO Now it's time to experiment. Would like to hear your feedback.
WTB - G-field Gauge Design putter
Forever playing with different clubs. Could change tomorrow. I must say I like the set up and roll I get with the Golds Putter. It is very customized to my specs. I'm having "fun" playing with it and also Putting very well with it. However.... The G-field still has the most pure roll. IMO They are not face balanced. Very much like the Scotty Newports.
WTB - G-field Gauge Design putter
muuuuhaahaaaaa.. I have 3 of them... with no intentions of selling any of them.
G-Field Gauge Design Prototype "Exrtremely Rare"
I hadn't seen it. Sweeeeeeet Putter!!! Take good care of it. And if you get tired of taking care of it...
what ball are you playing now??
first range report with Epon460 Axiv X7076, X-Model Copper, and GFT
Okay... first time at the driving range in how many months???? Your swing can't be want you want it to be. The Epon should not be sold so quickly. The best thing about hitting a golf ball is having the feel say... SOFT, FORGIVING... sounds like you're on to something.
YuRuRi " PROTO Putter "
So hard to buy a Puttter without rolling it first...