Everything posted by idrive
Irons!! Nippon 1150 v/s the rest!!
HOW, in the world, does the average golfer figure out what is best for him??? especially when swinging the same swing twice in a row is difficult???
first range report with Epon460 Axiv X7076, X-Model Copper, and GFT
For starters. Most range balls suck. Very difficult IMO to get a true feel for anything than swing practice. Still, better than nothing. I have the exact same driver and shaft setup. Has definitely taken the left side out of play. Does seem most of the distance is from carry, very little roll. My take on the driver is very similar to yours. I do not play it on a windy day. I have all the Epon copper wedges. After practicing with the wedges I have found nothing else comes close. I am able to do anything with the ball from any lie. Very consistant. I have a couple with the NSpro1150's and some with the TT black gold shafts in stiff flex. I prefer the TT's far ahead of the 1150's. G-field, great club, but, does not seem to have the carry of other woods I have hit. Very forgiving, easy to hit. IMO, after a few more times practicing with the wedge... you won't go back to your old one. All in all, your initial impressions were all very much the same as I had in the beginning. Had a chance to hit them again??
Home-Ground Wedges
Great Post!!! Only bad thing is now I see me getting the equipment to try this myself. Looks like a bit of fun as you experiment. Okay, headed out to the garage to see where I can set everything up.
EPON Custom Copper Iron Set
I just clean them thoroughly after each practice session.. and maybe a time or two while practicing. Water only.
EPON Custom Copper Iron Set
Thanks Everybody... They are officially in the Bag. Played with them today. Having played about 10+ rounds with a set of J's already I was dialed in from the start. Absolute butta. I am beyond pleased. As I said before... these clubs are going to in the bag a long, long time. I also have a set of Copper X-wedges that I only use just for practicing. 52 - 56 - 60 In the last 4 months I have hit maybe a 1000 balls w/52, 3000+ w/56, 1000 w/60 I have hit many, many, many more balls with these wedges than the average golfer will ever hit. I have attached a couple of Pictures, they're just getting broken in. Thanks again for the kind remarks.
EPON Custom Copper Iron Set
I don't know if it was the bribes, the whining, or the threats... But with a lot of hard work, Thanks to Chris and the EPON Factory. They came thru with a Custom build and finish set of Technica Pro 1's, or "J" irons. I chose not to have the new "Type J" name tag. They are stunning. Every angle, every light they look different. If you have a copper X-wedge then you know what I'm talking about. They will never see a range ball. Going into the bag soon... as soon as I can quit staring at them and get myself to hit them. I think they're going to be in the bag a long, long time. Sure would appreciate any comments or questions Hope you enjoy!!
Tourstage X-Drive Fairwood with Quattro Tech shaft
I fell in love with the shaft the first time I swung the 430P w/QT shaft. I have the 65 in the Driver. Had the 75's put in my fairway Woods. Seems to be perfect. IMO I would suggest going with a heavier shaft (75-85's) with the fairway woods. Without the ability to mix it around and hit shots with every shaft, I don't know what the perfect setup is, but this one is working!
Golds Factory Stage 4 - 5 Wedges
Almost all of the information I have about them is from the Tourspecgolf Proshop. I will be using them tomorrow. (4's not 5) I expect they are going to eat some golf balls. The grooves are very sharp. Will have a bit of an update on the playability tomorrow night. If they play like they look and feel, this is going to be a lot of fun.
Golds Factory Stage 4 - 5 Wedges
The stage 5 Sandwedge is just for collecting. I do hit it around the house. The stage 4 52* and 58* are built to my specs and are going to play on the softer courses around here.
Golds Factory Stage 4 - 5 Wedges
Stage 5
Golds Factory Stage 4 - 5 Wedges
First set are Stage 4
PRO DIVISION FORGED L by G-Field - 370G Head!!!
Anyone have one of these Putters they want to sell??
Epon Anniversary 460cc ZR Driver
That sucks.
please compare Tour Stage VIQ 2007 and EPON Type S or X
Japanese Domestic Market
Gold's Factory Private Stock #2
I have another cover... the black sock is the one that came with the Putter. Make sure the Putter is wiped down and clean when you finish your round. Never put it away wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then, wipe it with a Cameron Oil Cloth or put baby oil on it and wipe with a clean cloth. This care is very, very important.
Which of the latest and greatets Wedges spin more, less
I can only play my Tourstage Maru X-wedges on hard/very firm greens. I can't seem to keep the ball from spinning off a soft green with 3/4 to full shots. Epons are spinning the ball perfectly on most greens that are not "hard"
Gold's Factory Private Stock #2
Had a chance to take the Putter to the Putting Green today. Wow. I kept saying "wow" EVERYTHING about this Putter is fantastic. Soft, excellent roll, CONSISTANT. It seems Putts struck perfectly and those that were slightly off center seemed to have the same roll and distance. My dream come true. Tomorrow will be the shoot out between the Golds and the G-field currently in the bag. I ordered some Golds wedges too... maybe that's why I got the Putter a bit sooner?? And I just received a tracking #. The wedges will be here tomorrow.
Did any one realize this wedge ?
looking at the pictures... I wonder if those grooves are going to be able to spin the ball???
please compare Tour Stage VIQ 2007 and EPON Type S or X
For the reasons above and more... I tell everyone about this site. I wish I could do more to promote it.
Gold's Factory Private Stock #2
Ordered on 2-6 Received on 3-16 Pretty much what I expected. I'm walking around the house with it in my hand. Something special about a Putter that has been made by the Master with your specs.
Gold's Factory Private Stock #2
Just received my Gold's Putter. The Putter is set-up just the way I asked/ordered. Many more pictures by request. Initial impressions are... Quality. Is it possible to "feel" the time and care put into the Putter? Customized length, face angle and lie. Putter sets up perfectly for me. A review from the Putting Green to follow soon. I can already tell this Putter is going to be special.
Epon Golf Bag
Ozik X-CON Prototype F7-M and Altus Shafts
What flex for a 100mph SS in the Alcon??
So you want to Grind Wedges?
What lofts are available?? More pics!!!
Back Problems/Tightness!!
I totally agree with the comments here on keeping in shape. But myself and many people I know have been known to take ibuprofen to help out. Take them when you start the round and continue some light stretches as you play. They help enough to make it a better day.