TM DLL Putter
This is the info I need too...................anyone got one for sale??
WTB--TaylorMade Daddy Long Legs putter
Anyone have one or can get one?? Mail me at [email protected] Thanks, Brian
TM Daddy Long Legs Putter
Don't know if these are out in Japan or not If anyone has one for sale....let me know [email protected]
WTB:: Callaway 09 X Forged
Looking for a set of 09 X Forged and TM R7 Forged--or a similar forged set Mail me at [email protected]
The All New 2009 Epon AF-Tour Blade w/ PiCS!
How do the head size of these compare to the 901's or the Miura 5003's??
The All New 2009 Epon AF-Tour Blade w/ PiCS!
These have to be my next set of irons.....CHRIS!!! HELP!!!!!
Taylormade TP Forged
I know these have been out a little while-- for those of you who hit them or own them--how are they?? I liked the R7 Forged alot and currently am playing the 04 Rac MB's.. Are these a step up or same old same old???
WTB:: Diamana WhiteBoard 63
Mail me at [email protected]
WTB:: R7 Forged
Looking for R7 Forged Let me know if there are any?? [email protected]
Miura irons - which one to buy ?
Claus, I couldn't have said it better myself CB 202's =
Best players forged cavity back set - 2008 season
All year I bragged up the R7 Forged as the best iron I ever played., and rightfully so.. They have everything I ever wanted in a forged iron... But there is a new love in my bag with those same exact thoughts,, and potentially better for me all around when its all said and done::: Miura CB-202's!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't played most of the irons on this list--but I just can't see how there could be a better iron than this...
TSG JDM Forged Players CavityBack-test 2008 !
Chris, My swing is ready and I have 18 holes of testing space...but on the East Coast Not LA---PA
Miura CB-201's
Looking for a set of Miura CB-201's Let me know if you have... Mail me at [email protected]
Taylormade R7 Forged Limited Iron w/Pics!
Chris--you know how many clubs I've gone through the last 3 years-- After months in the bag with no thoughts or desire to even attempt to try another iron has to mean something..... These have it ALL for me
WTB:: Diamana Red 73 S or X
Looking for new or like new pullout Diamana Red 73 S or X also looking for a Cobra Speed Pro D 9.5 VS Proto By You stiff Mail me at [email protected]
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