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I just got my Monza VT this weekend from TourSpecGirl (Thanks for the fast shipping!) and was able to get in 18 holes after alot of carpet practice. I had 2 long distance bombs fall in for me. One was 22 paces, accross the entire green (you do the math). My partners could not believe I nailed it (was worth 6 skins). It was instantly nicknamed "The Stealth Bomber"!!!

This is one beautiful putter IMHO. The fit and finish on this one is in a leauge of its own, without one single imperfection. Awsome magnetic headcover and V-17 WINN grip that looks just like the old ones. I personally love the high-tech look on the bottom, but yet simplistic view from address. It is the most forgiving putter I have tried besides the Grace 6.4 or DOC. It has a great feel, not too soft to dull feedback, but not too hard. This one feels more stable thoughout the stoke than previous Monzas, and the sightline is so simple and easy to line up. I have not messed with the weight options yet, but I will as soon as I get a couple extra weights. It is 346g stock, so that is not bad, but I want to try the 6g and 10g soon.

All in all I am very impressed. I used a Mezza center shaft for most of last year, and did not think this one could knock it out (it beat out all challangers last year), but it has all the features I thought the Mezza lacked. If you like high MOI putters, you will have to check these out. :cool:


Had a brief stint with the first Monza when it came out. Felt good at first, honeymoon ended too quickly for me though. I want to like mallets (they look so much cooler!) but I guess the anser style head just suits my eye and putting stroke better.










:tm: With the 2 Gram Weight Cartridge being standard, here are the changes in Swing Weight/Balance using the other optional weight cartridges: 4 Grams = +0.8 SW PT, 6 Grams = +1.6 SW PT, 8 Grams = +2.4 SW PT, 10 Grams = +3.2 SW PT, 12 Grams = +4.0 SW PT, 14 Grams = +4.8 SW PT :tm:


Does anyone know what the swing weight of the putter is with the weight that comes with it?



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