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Graphite Design Tour Ad M65 vs Diamana S63


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folks, can anyone give me some dvise of the difference of the following two sharts: 1) Diamana S63, and 2) GD Tour AD M65. it seems like their specs are very close, currently, I am using Diamana S63 in my Srixcon W505, thinking about a new driver, yet, Diamana is not a shaft option for it, therefore, I would like to know if Tour AD M65 is a better shaft for it, or at lest about the same. thanks a lot!

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I'd the S63 (blue board) in the w-505 and found it too soft with ballooning flight. The M-65(s) is currently shafted to a Nike Ignite DFI. The M-65 is tight, much tighter than the blue board nothwithstanding the "almost" similar specs, with no ballooning. I'm planning to shaft the w-505 with either a PT or Axiv but can't quite decide yet. BTW, my SS is about 105mph, semi-agressive move from the top and late release of the shaft (late unloading of the shaft on the down swing).

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