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Shoe I agree with having to think on humor.  Been grabbing some new avatars...trying to decide on a new one...this one is one of them.  Keep looking I will probably change them daily.

i like that avatar. lol but mines better,lol.

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Shoe I agree with having to think on humor.  Been grabbing some new avatars...trying to decide on a new one...this one is one of them.  Keep looking I will probably change them daily.

mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm bitch!

good one :smile1:

So guys what's everyone been up to lately ??

I see pete has pulled his disappearing act once again , I guess spring break has him otherwise busy :laugh:

Alan nice avatar , where do you find them at ?? Me am just too lazy to look ,when I have those great pic's for my avatar already on my computer :whistle:

Hope you'all have a had a great weekend so far and just think spring is right around the corner . :whistle: :laugh:

Mike I have not been up to a whole lot. The avatar is Dave Chappelle dressed up as Samuel L Jackson in Sam Adams attireas a part from a skit from the chappelle show. Instead of Sam Adams beer it is Samuel L Jackson and like was said earlier during this part he says "mmmm mmmm bitch" it is pretty funny. I lifted it from comedy central but I am changing it today to another. You all will have to tell me what you think.

Mike I have not been up to a whole lot. The avatar is Dave Chappelle dressed up as Samuel L Jackson in Sam Adams attireas a part from a skit from the chappelle show. Instead of Sam Adams beer it is Samuel L Jackson and like was said earlier during this part he says "mmmm mmmm bitch" it is pretty funny. I lifted it from comedy central but I am changing it today to another. You all will have to tell me what you think.

Now that is a Nice View Alan :whistle: :wink:

I have another piece of eye candy for next week. :cool:

Thought you would like it Mike although it does not show the moose knuckle you look for. :smile2:

I have another piece of eye candy for next week. :cool:

Thought you would like it Mike although it does not show the moose knuckle you look for. :smile2:

Well one can't have everything now can they Alan :cool: :laugh: :laugh:

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Alan - that is a sweet view - hope to see it in FLA in two weeks.

Mike - how are the mizzy's ?

Alan - that is a sweet view - hope to see it in FLA in two weeks.

Mike - how are the mizzy's ?

Mizzy's doing real goood Andy :love: For a fact they are working so well right now am not even going to change the shafts in them :surprize:

Yes thats right going to keep the S3OO's . :smile1:

For now at least :laugh: :laugh:

Nice view indeed Alan..if you look really close you can see a periscope in the distance just to the left of center.. :surprize: :whistle: :wink: ...going out shortly and whack some balls around ..can't wait any longer...must hit golf balls..

Mike...glad to hear you're liking the mizzy's..like it would be possible not to..those are just such nice irons :cool: ....

I really wish spring would get it in gear...am tired of driving thru snowstorms and living with the temp no higher than 40*...just so I can bitch about it being to hot in another couple of months..my youngest and her mom are in Florida as I type this and I got stuck here dealing with stuff...sigh...I can feel myself earning a couple of road trips this summer...seriously considering Oregon as a destination just to play all three of the Bandon Courses (what's money but something you spend right)..altho the thought has occured that I could pay vagolfnut a visit in Myrtle also ...

may no diseased yaks spit in your porridge..enjoy the day :wink:

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Andy: where in Florida are you going?


Orange Lake = right behind the magic kingdom. They have a nice Palmer course on the property.

Goitcha...we are usually in Sarasota for the week after Easter but the wife and I decided that the traffic and crowd is not worth going down this year...I drive it so I can have my car down there because we stay at her parents. I think we are going to go down in June and maybe late September.

Hit about 85 balls this afternoon and have fallen in love with the Tour Concept shafts..I can actually feel where the clubhead is...very smooth and a nice kick at the end..beautiful ball flight..I am not used to seeing my shots go as high as these do...granted it's only the first range session and the ground is really soft so my feet were not solidly anchored but I am more than pleased with the work Mr. Kwok did on the Hogans...

on a completely unrelated note...a flock of at least 55 Sand Hill Cranes flew over while I was practicing...they were at least 600ft up but damn they are big birds and have a very unique call...they circled around me for about 5 minutes before moving to a higher altitude and moving on... :cool:

Andy..enjoy Florida and hit em good...

So you are hitting the ball higher with the Tour Concepts? I was hoping they would lower ball flight. The only reason I say this is I thought about these maybe one day.

i finally got hit some balls last wednesday. it was about 40 degrees outside and sunny. ht the new t-40 tour 3-wood. what a bomb. hit it straight and long. hopefully i can hit balls this weekend. but depends on work schedule. and weather. but the way its lookin, i should be able to. might hit the ftxs again and look at a driver. getting thenew bag hopefully soon. finally going to get the titleist cbs41 in navy blue for 190 shipped.

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Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

Hope you do also Andy . That would not be nice just before a vacation to the sunshine state .

Hope you are well enough to at least get 2 or 3 games in while you are gone .

Have a great trip Andy .

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Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

Hope you do also Andy . That would not be nice just before a vacation to the sunshine state .

Hope you are well enough to at least get 2 or 3 games in while you are gone .

Have a great trip Andy .

Well I have until April 2. Mike thanks for the kind words - how are you feelin ?

Still love the mizzy's ?

Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

Hope you do also Andy . That would not be nice just before a vacation to the sunshine state .

Hope you are well enough to at least get 2 or 3 games in while you are gone .

Have a great trip Andy .

Well I have until April 2. Mike thanks for the kind words - how are you feelin ?

Still love the mizzy's ?

Fellin good when I get some sleep . :tired: Mizzy's , think I will making the S300 history . Just don't know yet what I'll throw in them .

Would love to try the TC , just don't want to spend that kind of cash at this time .

So will probably go back the the TFR's . Either the 6.5 or the 6.0 / Not sure yet . :-D :o :laugh:

Andy I really hope you get better b/4 your trip. i have not had a kidney stone but hear they are quite painful. I really hope you feel better.

Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

best wishes for a successful recovery :cool:


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Thanks guys - feeling much better already - just need this tube removed before I could swing. :)

So you are hitting the ball higher with the Tour Concepts? I was hoping they would lower ball flight. The only reason I say this is I thought about these maybe one day.

The only reason I hit it higher is that Joe tweaked the lofts on my long irons because I hit such a low ball, have always played run up shots with 3 and 4 irons cuz I hit it so low..so in my case these are definitely hitting the ball higher..which in theory means I should be able to quit running thru greens..the thing I really like is the feel, which with the stock Apex shaft was non existant compared to these. The mid and shorter irons are essentially the same controlled flight I've always had but with greater feel, if that makes sense...another thing is I hit into a 2 club wind and no shots ballooned..they just bored upward, peaked, dropped which is something I have never seen in all my years of playing in the midwest wind tunnel...even when I just smacked the ball as hard as I could saw no ballooning..it may be a miracle, or Memorex (if you remember the old commercials), or some kind of hallucinogenic flashback but if the future holds this phenomenon to be true and I can cease worrying about balloons into the wind I may sleep with these clubs for the rest of my days...

Andy..get well soon, kidney stones, while not something I have had personally, have felled many of the strongest folks I've known due to the pain. :surprize: I'll stick to orthopedic injuries thanks...did they blast it with sonar or actually cut you, if I can ask? Just the phrase "nice sized kidney stone" causes my eyes to water and body to cringe..I think I'm suffering sympathetic pains.. :D ..something about the thought of a sharp edged chunk of rock moving thru the small, tiny, itty bitty tubes in my liquid excretory system makes me uncomfortable..."pass naturally" hurts almost as much when you realize it means that self same rock shoots out of my wanker causing me to punch holes in the walls near the john...damn...I need some morphine just thinking about it...

Hoping you get to enjoy your trip...take it easy on your wife and kids ( if you're as bad a patient as I am they may try to kill you before you recover :whistle: :wink: )

Well I just had a great week - Came down with a nice size kidney stone Monday - Doc.s thought it woul be a good idea to let it pass naturally.

Could not stand the pain anymore and just got back from surgery - I hope I recover in time for my Florida trip.

that sucks to hear. hope u get better.

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