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Okay just curious if anyone has any experience with these graphite shafts from Matrix, the same company that produces the Ozik line? If so, would be interested to know your thoughts and experiences.



Hi Blader,

I hit these a few years back, so please keep that in mind! If you are looking for a 115 g iron shaft, there are only a few options. The MFS shafts have a low torque rating, seem fairly consistant through a set, and perform well. One very cool thing about them is the availability of subflexes: instead of getting an R, S, or X I think you can get one of three subflexes in each (they might have 4 subflexes, I'm not sure). If you work with someone who carries alot of Matrix stuff, you could really dial in the shaft to suit your liking. Although you can softstep other shafts that don't have so many options, I think the Matrix shaft has an advantage here in so far as fitting.

Now for a Japanese/high end equipment perspective. These are kind of like a "premium economy" or middle of the road shaft. The quality is great, but they don't feel as smooth as Graphite Design's Tour AD Pro (these shafts go from 90 g in the long irons to ~ 110 g for the short irons). I know Axiv has a set that also ranges from 90-100+ g as you progress through the set, but I don't really have any experience with those. Fuji's Rombax 9E05 is a fantastic shaft, but this only comes in a 90~100 g shaft.

Chris or Gochin might have more info on other heavy Japanese shafts. However, if you're not fussed about where the shaft comes from the MFS 115 is great choice.

Okay just curious if anyone has any experience with these graphite shafts from Matrix, the same company that produces the Ozik line? If so, would be interested to know your thoughts and experiences.



Not sure why you posted this on the Super High End site but...

they are some of the best grahite shafts for irons on the market. very smooth and tight dispersion.

Not sure why you posted this on the Super High End site but...

they are some of the best grahite shafts for irons on the market. very smooth and tight dispersion.

Maybe he has another set of Epon's on the way and needs a 115 g graphite shaft? :tsg_smiley_crazy:

On the serious side, have you compared these to the new Studio line or any heavy graphite shafts from Japan? I haven't been able to do a side to side comparison with the Tour AD Pro, Robmax 9E05, or Tour AD 95, but other than those (and the heavier Axiv) I can't think of anything Japanese shafts that would fit the bill.

I had these shafts, but I just switched to Aerotech Steelfiber 110 gram constant weight, much better shaft in my opinion, the Aerotech shafts have the best distance control of any shaft on the market bro, I have tried them all and I have access to them all, the only graphite iron shaft I haven't hit is the Axiv and I'm telling you, the Aerotech Steelfiber 110 constant weight is the way to go, less expensvie than Matrix and much better performance in terms of dispersion and distance control, they are awesome shafts

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Was looking at their website and noticed this shaft being played by some JPGA guys as well as Kevin Na on the PGA tour. I've never been interested much in graphite iron shafts but hey, I'm always trying to learn more about all these things. Kind of like "for future considerations." This shaft is promoted for low trajectory and was curious if those who have used it could back up their claim. Don't have any plans for new irons at the moment, but when that time comes, I want to be really dialed into all the available options out there. Gotta do the homework!

Your right BunkerTex, I should have posted in the club maker's forum. My bad. Thanks for the responses and for any future responses none the less.

Was looking at their website and noticed this shaft being played by some JPGA guys as well as Kevin Na on the PGA tour. I've never been interested much in graphite iron shafts but hey, I'm always trying to learn more about all these things. Kind of like "for future considerations." This shaft is promoted for low trajectory and was curious if those who have used it could back up their claim. Don't have any plans for new irons at the moment, but when that time comes, I want to be really dialed into all the available options out there. Gotta do the homework!

Your right BunkerTex, I should have posted in the club maker's forum. My bad. Thanks for the responses and for any future responses none the less.

"You're" not "Your" ;-)

They are outstanding shafts but they may not being around much longer. You want to purchase them while you can.

i had 2 sets of these shafts (in orange) and just picked up 2 sets in blue........they have like 15 or so different flexes but they feel about the same to me.......i currently have the MFS115 in 303 cpm which is x-1 and i have a set that is 293 which is s-3 and a set that is 307 which is x2 and a set which i have not even checked the cpms but it is supposedly stiff.......the shafts have some heft to them and are very heavy ffeeling for graphite shafts, the power is there as there is a bit of a kick and trajectory can be controlled both for high and low shots......basically these are real smooth and accurate shafts and flex doesnt seem to be a major factor ....at least between stiff and x-stiff

They do offer fairly low-launch (very low compared with most other graphite) and they're very stable. R3 plays like a solid stiff, S3 like a mid-X. As with many of their iron shafts, I feel that MCC is consistently out of step with the industry on labelling these. No big deal, as long as you get the right ones for your swing. (Their .335 and .350 shafts are closer to expected stoutness, btw) The very thick sidewalls make tapering for .355 a snap. Because they're so steady, I usually use nearly a full flex softer than I might in another shaft for a typical player.

  • 4 months later...
I had these shafts, but I just switched to Aerotech Steelfiber 110 gram constant weight, much better shaft in my opinion, the Aerotech shafts have the best distance control of any shaft on the market bro, I have tried them all and I have access to them all, the only graphite iron shaft I haven't hit is the Axiv and I'm telling you, the Aerotech Steelfiber 110 constant weight is the way to go, less expensvie than Matrix and much better performance in terms of dispersion and distance control, they are awesome shafts

Where is the "Best" Place to pick-up a set of the Aerotech Steelfiber 110 gram shaft.

My interest has been "piqued" by PGAPro's comments above!

Anyone else tried these?

I have had these in two sets of irons and currently play them in my S-58's. I think they are the best steel shaft replacement in the business. I play many of my sets in X-flex steel (TC's and Nippons 1150's) and still am able to dial these in perfectly. They make your irons play at least one club longer; makes things a bit tricky. Need a very good club tech to built them consistantly; all in on my end. Do not spend another dime on a set of graphite irons; not worth the heavy pricetag in my opinion. My main reason for always having a set of these around is cold late in the season in Ohio really damages my hands (I play almost all year round) so I transition (right now actually) into these when the weather gets cool. I love these shafts in orange; very durable finish as well.

EDIT; awalkspoiled addressed my question earlier... cheers

Edited by K2_2

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