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As most of you know, most Japanese ride carts when golfing (which is one of the reason why lightweight carry bags are not common). There have been some high tech carts in Japan including 4 person, air conditioned, refrigerated, etc. Now individual carts, which may actually speed up play as each player can ride over to his or her own ball immediately.

They include speed readings as well as how much power remains and a balance indicator so that the cart won't start moving until everything, rider included is balanced and stable... not sure about the helmets though... (^_^)

These Segway carts are actually available worldwide but of course the Japanese have to roll them out for actual full scale use cause they are high tech. (^_^)




That is very cool. Here is some more info from their site:

rec-golf.jpg1x1.gif1x1.gif1x1.gifThe x2 Golf – a transportation hole-in-one1x1.gif1x1.gif Ready to take golf to the next level? The Segway x2 Golf gives golf enthusiasts a new way to cruise the course. With extended-range batteries, a golf bag carrier, and low-pressure turf tires, the Segway x2 Golf provides the golfer all the tools needed to experience the game in a new and fun way.

Speed up play & get to the 19th hole faster

The Segway x2 Golf allows golfers to play faster as each player can ride directly to his or her ball. The x2 Golf's elevated platform brings golfers new opportunities as well. Standing an additional 8 inches higher, your enhanced vantage point allows you to evaluate the fairway and lay out each shot better.

Enjoying the x2 Golf on the golf course takes nothing away from the fun of the game! You can move alongside your friends on the course, parting only to reach your own lie. The x2 Golf brings an innovative flair to each round and allows you to experience the links in an entirely new way.

For golf course owners, the x2 Golf will put your course on the map. Offering the x2 Golf will give players a reason to choose your course for a round of play. Golfers are constantly seeking the latest and greatest innovation — your course can offer a unique experience with the x2 Golf.

Gentle on the turf

When it comes to course impact, the x2 Golf is much kinder to the turf than golf cart. It utilizes complex software algorithms that control traction and enable its low-pressure tires to carry the x2 Golf gently over varied terrain. It's also lightweight and extremely maneuverable, able to go places golf carts can't.

You don't need to take our word for it though; here's what the turf experts have said:

"Golf cart traffic significantly decreased turfgrass cover and quality versus Segway [x2 Golf] traffic."

- Doug Karcher, Ph.D., University of Arkansas and John Sorochan, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 29-Dec-2005

golf_compare1_sm.jpg golf_compare2_sm.gif

Click for larger images

Doug Karcher, Ph.D., University of Arkansas and John Sorochan, Ph.D., University of Tennessee

"When averaged across traffic types, turf trafficked with the golf cart had an average Gmax [hardness] value of 117 & 97 (Fayetteville, AR & Knoxville, TN), whereas turf treated with the Segway had an average value of 91 & 81 (Fayetteville, AR & Knoxville, TN)."

- Doug Karcher, Ph.D., University of Arkansas and John Sorochan, Ph.D., University of Te“The golf cart caused substantially more damage per unit area than the Segway [GT]. Further to this the area affected was larger, in the order of two to three times greater, with the golf cart.”

- A J Newell & A D Wood, The Sports Turf Research Institute, St. Ives Estate, Bingley, U.K.

“We’ve always looked for ways to separate ourselves from competition, and this has definitely done that. It is a great marketing tool.”

- Chip Pellerin, Director of Golf Sales and Promotions, Palmetto Dunes, Hilton Head, SC.

All Segway x2 Golf has been engineered to operate under a wide range of conditions. The electronics, batteries, motors and all other critical components are environmentally sealed to protect them from harsh and changing environments. . The Segway PT has been extensively tested - millions of fatigue cycles and thousands of hours of ride testing- to withstand vibration, varying temperatures, and exposure to moisture. And it requires minimal maintenance—just check the tire pressure and keep the battery charged. It’s as easy as that!

Ready to experience golf in a new way?

Edited by yourpressed

now THAT.... is just sick. I want one now!!

The segway has been available at one of our local courses here for awhile. :tsg_smilie_smile2:

I think its better than a powercart but golf would then be less anti-social.

Mayfair Lakes

I wonder how these work on hilly courses and making it across small 'ditches' and such?

The segway has been available at one of our local courses here for awhile. :tsg_smilie_smile2:

I think its better than a powercart but golf would then be less anti-social.

Mayfair Lakes

excellent-- but how much!!

I've triend one over here in The Netherlands. Actually quite funny to ride on, although you have to trust the systems because in the beginning you have the feeling you will fall over!

MSRP = $6150.00

excellent-- but how much!!

Hence i will walk'

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