January 15, 200817 yr I got the EMB last week. 10.5 46 inches with the Tour Ad FOR emb stiff regular. Im a smooth tempo player and swing 100 to 106 mph. I played college golf in the early 1970s , and still have kept my handicap close to scratch. Im a steady player and have always been obsessed with squeezing every inch of performance out of equipment. So far the benchmark for performance for me has been the epon 460, with an AXIV 6064 or a quatro 65 S. Its hard to beat the feel and performance of that club. When you 1st pickup the EMB if you have the stock shaft, the soft feel is alarming. It felt almost like a senior flex. Despite the soft feel the shaft is pretty consistant. I expected to hit moon balls with the stock setup. To my surprise I hit mid trajectory straight bullets that ran like a jack rabbit after hitting the ground. This is in the mid atlantic DC suburbs on a course with dormant bermuda fairways that are wet and soft and winter temps in the 40s. After a few rounds under my belt I have a few observations and have made the following adjustments. 1. I added 4 strips of lead tape to the d3 swing weighted head. This helped me track the club better. 2. There seems to be a hot spot on the face just slightly towards the toe. If you hit this spot on the correct path you can get jaw dropping results. HIt towards the heel it will still go straight but you will loose some yards. I havent checked my swing speed on the monitor yet, but at 46 inches and the lighter weight of this club I can tell I swing this club faster with less effort. I hit one drive freakishly long last week but the temp was 70 degrees and I had a nice wind at my back. 3. Feel and sound. This club has a nice explosive feel at impact, but the clanky sound can fool you and effect your senses. 4. Forgiveness. More forgiving towards the toe, also if you hit low, The ball will not go more than 10 feet off the ground. It took me 3 rounds to get dialed in with the EMB, and I like it quite a bit. Once the real season gets here I can make a more realistic evaluation. On a normal pass I hit a mid high almost dead straight shot. The only club Ive hit that has an edge in the forgiveness dept is the cobra L4V. The EMB is a good 10 to 15 yards longer for me than the L4V. If they could make an MOI club with the deep face and Moi traits of the L4V, with the ball speed and feel of the EPON 460 that would be the ultimate. Edited January 15, 200817 yr by driverhead
January 15, 200817 yr Thanks for the good feedback, it's much appreciated especially when it's such a new product like the EMB. You raised some good points that many people are discovering like the Tour AD for EMB shaft, while the torque numbers seem high, and while the shaft gives the impression of soft... it is a VERY stable shaft and matches very well with the EMB. Results you're getting reflect several who have already learned how straight, forgiving and long the EMB is. Epon touted this driver to be straight then have great run and it seems to be proving true. Look forward to your further testing!
January 21, 200817 yr So -12C weather has prevented me from playing my EMB which makes me sad.... Duffer19 braved the cold and borrowed my 12* EMB with Tour AD for EMB Regular flex and went to the range (hitting indoor to out) and said it was "stupid easy to hit".... I need some of that stupid easy...
January 21, 200817 yr So -12C weather has prevented me from playing my EMB which makes me sad.... Duffer19 braved the cold and borrowed my 12* EMB with Tour AD for EMB Regular flex and went to the range (hitting indoor to out) and said it was "stupid easy to hit".... I need some of that stupid easy... Even I am not that crazy. The day I took T's beloved out for a test drive was a balmy +1c during the day. For those interested, the stock R measures at 215 cpm at 46" yet does not feel like a wet noodle.
February 14, 200817 yr Wanted to bring this thread back to the top... I just finished playing my most played course 2 days in a row at close to 70*F temps. the EMB with the Axiv shaft is longer than any Driver I have hit. I was 10+ yards farther than what I have been with any other Driver over the last 2 years. In the Fairway - LONG. Once you get past the sound... KA-TANK!!! This Driver is the way to go. HIGHLY Recommended.
February 14, 200817 yr In the Fairway - LONG. Once you get past the sound... KA-TANK!!! This Driver is the way to go.HIGHLY Recommended. i agree with you. still trying to get over the sound.
February 16, 200817 yr decided to use the emb today at our local course. one thing made all the difference and it is the stock tour ad emb shaft. man this is special and a good match for the emb head. ive never liked the sound of the emb but this time it was different. i attribute this to the fact that i have never found more fairways til this combo. i am not known for driving very far but i was able to keep up with the long hitters and even outdrove them several times. after a performance like this the sound is negligible and it is actually growing with me. my bad shot is right but with the emb i was able to take out the right side most of the time. the other times i was not was atributable to my swing. the shallow face also helps but i learned the hard way that you are supposed to significantly tee it lower tha other drivers i am used to as i top balled several times leaving some marks on my crown:) anyway this driver will stay on my bag and it is very close to replacing my all time favorite ( r7 cgb). i will be using this on my wed game next week and will put it to its paces. will be back soon.
February 16, 200817 yr OK; I've had my EMB 12 degree, square faced head with the Axiv-X R flex shaft @ 45.5" for nearly 2 months now, so I can report without sounding like puppy enthusiasm about a new chew toy. This sucker is LONG. This sucker is STRAIGHT. The shaft really kicks, but seems perfectly controllable in my hands. I'm a mid-50's guy with a relatively flat 95-98 mph swing, and I need a bit more loft than average to get enough carry. I am carrying this over bunkers I used to avoid. I am outhitting my buddies by 20-40 yards on comparable drives. I kid you not; this is by far the longest hitting driver I've had. The only others that were close were a Golf Gear Tsunami with a 50 gram 46" shaft I couldn't control several years ago, and a Wishon 919 THI with an X-Con 6, but the Epon EMB is clearly the longest. I can get a bit of fade or draw, but it really wants to go straight. Despite the relatively low weight and slightly longer club and all the flex, this shaft is very solid and predictable. I paid a bundle for this club, but it was worth every penny.
February 20, 200817 yr The guys I was playing with today asked me if this Driver was Legal. I hit my drives today beyond where I have ever hit them. I have a sore left wrist. I am not swinging as well/as hard as I normally do....
February 20, 200817 yr Jeff: I've got to try that beast. getting our vegas plans final. can't wait to play out there again.
February 20, 200817 yr The guys I was playing with today asked me if this Driver was Legal.I hit my drives today beyond where I have ever hit them. tell me about it, i have had folks complain that i was using a hot non conforming driver. i get tired of explaining to them it is lol
February 20, 200817 yr You have to tee the EMB low and address it slightly towards the toe to max it out. Monday it was a balmy 74 degrees and after nearly 2 months of mid 30s and 40 something temps I was very anxious to see what the EMB could do in normal temps. It didnt disapoint. I nuked this thing. The highlight for me was driving over a short 310 yard par 4. It was a dogleg right around the lake and required a 251 yard carry to dry land over the lake and 260 to the center of the green. I put it on the back fringe. Its been a long time since I nuked a shot like that , and I just swung smooth hit it towards the toe and it was GONE. I had the course to myself and partner so I tried testing several balls against the EMB. The Taylor Burner TP ball carries a long way with the EMB, and the Cally HX tour has the best combo of Carry roll, and wind performance.
March 8, 200817 yr I got a 2nd EMB this time a 12 degree with a stiff stock Tour AD shaft, my original is a 10.5 with a stiff regular. I didnt see much difference going up one flex, you still have to swing smooth with this shaft, but the 12 degree head really got the launch angle much higher from a flat mid trajectory to a flat high tour trajectory. It was 71 degrees and very breezy tuesday. My 1st shot (with a big wind at my back measured at 292 yards with the skycaddie). It felt so good playing in 70 degree temps after playing all winter in mid 30 to mid 40 temps. The distance factor was finally not hampered by cold weather. The high winds we had the previous 2 days also helped dry out the winter swamp fairway conditions. The shot that amazed me the most was last tuesday there was a 15 mph left to right crosswind . I played to the left side of the fairway and hit a towering high shot that didnt move 1 foot off line. (the EMB low spin is a great wind asset). It was 262 yards to carry the hill and I was 15 yards over that hill in a tough crosswind. Given the good results I had, after the round I went to the range and set up my swing speed monitor. I have found that my swingspeed has jumped about 7 mph with the EMB. I range 106 to 111 with a peak of 113. Other 46 inch setups I range 99 to 105, and really have to push it to get near 110. This club is so easy to swing that I feel I get great leverage on the downswing and the overall light weight of the club yet with good head feel and balance really motors through the hitting area. Im very happy with both clubs and might use a 2 driver setup based on the conditions.
March 8, 200817 yr I got a 2nd EMB this time a 12 degree with a stiff stock Tour AD shaft, my original is a 10.5 with a stiff regular. I didnt see much difference going up one flex, you still have to swing smooth with this shaft, but the 12 degree head really got the launch angle much higher from a flat mid trajectory to a flat high tour trajectory. It was 71 degrees and very breezy tuesday. My 1st shot (with a big wind at my back measured at 292 yards with the skycaddie). It felt so good playing in 70 degree temps after playing all winter in mid 30 to mid 40 temps. The distance factor was finally not hampered by cold weather. The high winds we had the previous 2 days also helped dry out the winter swamp fairway conditions. The shot that amazed me the most was last tuesday there was a 15 mph left to right crosswind . I played to the left side of the fairway and hit a towering high shot that didnt move 1 foot off line. (the EMB low spin is a great wind asset). It was 262 yards to carry the hill and I was 15 yards over that hill in a tough crosswind. Given the good results I had, after the round I went to the range and set up my swing speed monitor. I have found that my swingspeed has jumped about 7 mph with the EMB. I range 106 to 111 with a peak of 113. Other 46 inch setups I range 99 to 105, and really have to push it to get near 110. This club is so easy to swing that I feel I get great leverage on the downswing and the overall light weight of the club yet with good head feel and balance really motors through the hitting area. Im very happy with both clubs and might use a 2 driver setup based on the conditions. Great feedback again... it really seems to be the case that a nice smooth swing is what works best with the EMB with the stock shaft. Looks like you'll have a great season with these clubs!
March 8, 200817 yr Let me throw this at you guys... I see how light this shaft is and I'm typically more into a heavier weighted shaft. My tempo is slow to medium. Normally pretty smooth ... but I do have the occasional undisciplined move over the top. I've noticed with a heavier swingweight in the D3-D4 ... I simply feel the clubhead much better and I'm able to control the over the top move much more. I'm using a 10.5 head, but I'll guess it's in the 10-11 range in reality. The loft seems to work nicely for me. Good tee balls is what I'm getting in the 240-250 range with another 5-10 yards of roll. Is the stock shaft just going to be too light? Would I need to plaster the head with lead tape to get more into the D3-D4 range? Or reshaft with a lead plug? I'm using the venerable old Fuji Vista Pro 60 in a 6.0 PCS stiffness. The shaft is rather nice but a tad soft at times (when I'm a little faster from the top on a good day and I'm just going at it). My swingspeed is around 100-105 with the last monitor fitting. I appreciate the feedback.
March 8, 200817 yr Let me throw this at you guys...I see how light this shaft is and I'm typically more into a heavier weighted shaft. My tempo is slow to medium. Normally pretty smooth ... but I do have the occasional undisciplined move over the top. I've noticed with a heavier swingweight in the D3-D4 ... I simply feel the clubhead much better and I'm able to control the over the top move much more. I'm using a 10.5 head, but I'll guess it's in the 10-11 range in reality. The loft seems to work nicely for me. Good tee balls is what I'm getting in the 240-250 range with another 5-10 yards of roll. Is the stock shaft just going to be too light? Would I need to plaster the head with lead tape to get more into the D3-D4 range? Or reshaft with a lead plug? I'm using the venerable old Fuji Vista Pro 60 in a 6.0 PCS stiffness. The shaft is rather nice but a tad soft at times (when I'm a little faster from the top on a good day and I'm just going at it). My swingspeed is around 100-105 with the last monitor fitting. I appreciate the feedback. I would say erase the heavy shaft thing and D3 D4 thing for your mind only off the start and while you are testing the club in its stock form. Vista Pro 60 really isn't that heavy right? I mean its in the 60 gram range correct? Usually guys with an fast move from the top or quick tempo benifit most from heavier shafts. When you use a heavy shaft does it simply reduce the problem with the over the top move for you? or does the actual weight actually smooth out your already normal tempo? If you were to select an aftermarket shaft try the Tour AD MD7 or 8.
March 8, 200817 yr Let me throw this at you guys...I see how light this shaft is and I'm typically more into a heavier weighted shaft. My tempo is slow to medium. Normally pretty smooth ... but I do have the occasional undisciplined move over the top. I've noticed with a heavier swingweight in the D3-D4 ... I simply feel the clubhead much better and I'm able to control the over the top move much more. I'm using a 10.5 head, but I'll guess it's in the 10-11 range in reality. The loft seems to work nicely for me. Good tee balls is what I'm getting in the 240-250 range with another 5-10 yards of roll. Is the stock shaft just going to be too light? Would I need to plaster the head with lead tape to get more into the D3-D4 range? Or reshaft with a lead plug? I'm using the venerable old Fuji Vista Pro 60 in a 6.0 PCS stiffness. The shaft is rather nice but a tad soft at times (when I'm a little faster from the top on a good day and I'm just going at it). My swingspeed is around 100-105 with the last monitor fitting. I appreciate the feedback. I like the feel of a heavier club also and put 3 strips of lead tape on the back of the EMB. It helped me with the overall feel. Its hard to put into words but the stock shaft has really good feedback thru the swing and because the overall static weight of the club is lighter it has given me a good swing speed boost. It reminds of of an old Cubic balance 48 inch driver I used 6 years ago that was very light, and gave me the same sense of leverage. The EMB head though of course is in a whole different league as far as performance and quality goes.
March 11, 200817 yr I would say erase the heavy shaft thing and D3 D4 thing for your mind only off the start and while you are testing the club in its stock form. Vista Pro 60 really isn't that heavy right? I mean its in the 60 gram range correct? Usually guys with an fast move from the top or quick tempo benifit most from heavier shafts. When you use a heavy shaft does it simply reduce the problem with the over the top move for you? or does the actual weight actually smooth out your already normal tempo?If you were to select an aftermarket shaft try the Tour AD MD7 or 8. Kind a chicken or the egg question for me, but I'd say it's the latter. My tempo smooths out and the transition from the top is much better. I even hold at the top for that slit second. I just think I'm more conscious of the weight. I just know my current shaft is probably not the best fit considering my swing. Last time I demoed a light Ping with a very light shaft and I simply couldn't handle it. Way too light. I just made the switch in the irons from the Vista Pro 90's to the AeroTech i110's and everything's better there.
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