May 12, 201113 yr Author The FEx Proto would be my favourite right now, same smooth feel as the previous but for some reason not as anti left which i like...........but that could be due to the jbeam head vs the 101, but it does seem just a little easier to turn over and you can throw the kitchen sink at it and it holds up nicely, dispertion is a lot better IMO than the original that is really great to know. i was a little intimidated when stew mentioned flex for flex the protos were stouter. the regular fex was already pretty behaved. and this one is even more behaved? wow. cant wait to game it tom. i had some problems getting used to the original fex in terms of turning the club over, once i got used to it no issue.
May 12, 201113 yr Author Can u guys explain the diff your experiencing between te proto & standard quadra? Let you know tom
May 12, 201113 yr Can u guys explain the diff your experiencing between te proto & standard quadra? Its hard to compare as i have them in completely dif heads the 101 i ordered heavy and 0.5 open, jbeam is lighter with square face, but with the original i always feel i have to swing within myself to get the best results, if i try to step on one i always risk blocking it right but with the proto i can pin the ears back whithout the worry of the block......... i think the proto is a touch firmer and feels like it kicks a bit more than the original, both have that super smooth feel that separates the quadra from the rest
May 12, 201113 yr Funny you guys are mentioning this block which seem to be the common thing when you step on it with the standard Quadra. I miss it a full fairway when i do it lol. Anyone care to explain why? Mine is dead straight block when i try to go hard. Do you have to get more handsy?
May 12, 201113 yr i think the stock has a more delayed snap, the ball seems to stay o nthe club afce longer and get stung, the proto feels a little more pingy and tighter snap,henace why it feels tighter i nthe flex., and ithink the proto isnt quite so anti left, they might be the same butt inm y book they paly jiust a little differnt.
May 13, 201113 yr Author Ok guys 1 round under the belt. I knew I would like this and the wow factor is expected but there are some things I find puzzling. First of all this is definitely way way tighter! I can go at it and it holds up to anything I dish at it. Also this is a lot higher launch than I expected it to be. This is a good thing, the difference in height is noticeable vs the original quadra. I love the height , it is also lower spin compared to the quadra, definitely get more roll out with this one. Now the puzzling part, it feels softer for me. I played it at 45.5 to have a little bit of room in tipping or butt trimming. Is the softness I am feeling actually the snap that others talked about? Maybe it's the kick? Others commented that this is stouter I am getting the opposite sensation. Whats weird though is that it holds up . My bad shot is a pull, now I am getting pushes. I attribute this to the swing but this shaft is definitely a different beast. I would not say better or longer just different. Putting this on the 102 iz the best decision I have made. Still debating wether to tip trip or butt trim to 45.25. I think I could have even gone an xs. Oh well not complaining. One more round Tom to test this sick puppy.
May 13, 201113 yr i think you need a cpl of rounds to get evey new club wired. ill back after a cpl more rounds , and especially when you have a great driving round u wont ever want to change that combo. its killer , thats ecactly what i have an ill never change that over. it is a littel higher than the FEX i find, but i think thats a good thing as well im gaming that new yonex tom with the bangvoo, looking fwd to seeing what it does with real balls , and maybe on sunday i can get the new crazy 460 out and see how she blows. if anything new beats my epon 102 quadra proto tho ill be shocked
May 15, 201113 yr C, please keep it coming :) I had my best driving round with the standard QfEx. Still wondering if this is the shaft to go into ryoma or go proto route. Which one of the two is stiffer? I thought I saw the standard being a couple cpm Stiffer in same specs? The 65sx standard is pretty good, will this equate to 65sx in proto?
May 16, 201113 yr Author C, please keep it coming :) I had my best driving round with the standard QfEx. Still wondering if this is the shaft to go into ryoma or go proto route. Which one of the two is stiffer? I thought I saw the standard being a couple cpm Stiffer in same specs? The 65sx standard is pretty good, will this equate to 65sx in proto? 3 rounds under the belt and the results are only getting better. this shaft is defintely more stable. dont get me wrong the regular one is already pretty darn good but this one is the icing on the cake. do note i like my shafts to be higher launch and low spin, this is it! it launches and carries more than the regular and rolls out more too. its longer but not by a mile, was the same yardage in some holes but i am defintely in the fairway. my bad shots here tend to be pushes as opposed to the regular which i was mostly in the left side. this one though feels softer. i attribute this to the kickpoint of the shaft. they say it is mid kick but i would say its more mid-low kick which explains why it is higher launching than the regular. so what i attribute as softer is actually the kick or the snap of the shaft. as i have played it longer at 45.5, i find the swingweight heavier at d4.5. il probably game it twice more to assess wether i will tip trim or butt trim. will play this at 45.25" and will bring down sw to around d2.5-d3. so for those who fear the proto will play radically different or stout, have no fear. its quite friendly and is easy to get along with. you can baby it, be rough and it will be more than happy to deliver your package to the center of the target. its superior in my book to the non proto. frankly speaking both are remarkable but i think i like this one more. whats not too like? its everything i hoped the graphite design tour ad di was. for now quadra is my favorite shaft , i have no urge to try the other offerings.
May 16, 201113 yr Thats great C, really helpful. I have a fairly high launch & no issue with spin. I managed to get those even with the devo 7 05. So it might be safe to say I might prefer mid-high kick point. I will give the standard a try 1st.
May 16, 201113 yr Author Thats great C, really helpful. I have a fairly high launch & no issue with spin. I managed to get those even with the devo 7 05. So it might be safe to say I might prefer mid-high kick point. I will give the standard a try 1st. the devotions 7 5 launches pretty high as well. i guess what we perceive as "high" is relative. i think the main selling point of the proto is NOT the launch but the increased dispersion. for me the launch was a bonus, dispersion is the business of this shaft.
May 16, 201113 yr Author Hmmm.. What to do lol! You already have the non proto right in 65xs? just use it in your gamer and should you ever have the wandering eye for another driver head, shaft it with the proto. either way you cannot go wrong with either shaft
May 16, 201113 yr I do have it now on current gamer and was wondering if I transfer to the ryoma when it gets here. Of course after spending on the ryoma I have to wait a little bit before spending again lol.
May 16, 201113 yr Author I do have it now on current gamer and was wondering if I transfer to the ryoma when it gets here. Of course after spending on the ryoma I have to wait a little bit before spending again lol. understandable. youl enjoy your current quadra and ryoma very much. if you get sick of that ryoma, you know where to send it!
May 17, 201113 yr the devotions 7 5 launches pretty high as well. i guess what we perceive as "high" is relative. i think the main selling point of the proto is NOT the launch but the increased dispersion. for me the launch was a bonus, dispersion is the business of this shaft. I Agree 100%
May 17, 201113 yr i like the proto better , bec its easier to hit straight and its slightly higher flighted the FEX is one mother of a shaft. i finally discoverd its anti left, i think it stil feels bette than the proto but the proto is better for miss hits . at the price they come out at, theres daylight between these and everything else really. under 300 for a used one, baaahhhhhhhhhhh, get one!
May 17, 201113 yr i like the proto better , bec its easier to hit straight and its slightly higher flighted the FEX is one mother of a shaft. i finally discoverd its anti left, i think it stil feels bette than the proto but the proto is better for miss hits . at the price they come out at, theres daylight between these and everything else really. under 300 for a used one, baaahhhhhhhhhhh, get one!
May 23, 201113 yr Hey C, Still going good with proto? I'm still assessing ryoma/standard QFex. Had one range sesh & one round. Hit it really well during range & quick dial due to being already acquainted with shaft. Had a bad swinging round, tempo out of whack but manage to keep driver in play. So bad the swing the dreaded'S' happened on a couple of short irons. I can already say that this is as long as my previous non conforming TM R360Ti. Still need a few more rounds to asses if right shaft.
May 23, 201113 yr Author Hey C, Still going good with proto? I'm still assessing ryoma/standard QFex. Had one range sesh & one round. Hit it really well during range & quick dial due to being already acquainted with shaft. Had a bad swinging round, tempo out of whack but manage to keep driver in play. So bad the swing the dreaded'S' happened on a couple of short irons. I can already say that this is as long as my previous non conforming TM R360Ti. Still need a few more rounds to asses if right shaft. Yeah really good with the proto. Have it dialed in, was actually able to lower my launch angle with some fundamentals. Really satisfied and I can't complain. Not touching this combo anymore. It will remain as is for the time being. Others though may not be able to handle this as it has less spin than the 65fex non proto. What I though as soft was actually the kick of the shaft , I like it . I had a friend that tried it he prefers the non proto. Guess it's a case to case basis.
May 23, 201113 yr Thanks C, Might take me at least 3-4 more games and a couple more range sessions. Let me know if anything changes :)
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