Posted February 19, 201114 yr having had a big session at home over christmas gave me a great insight into whats going into my bag this yr. its more of what i hit consistantly well and less of the experimentation stuff i l like to make. that way it might just save me a penny or 6 per week, and lower my scores with more consistantancy the drivers have been a bit inconsistant for a while ,i was either killing it hitting 12/14 ish or its 0/6 and errrrgh, just put it away use a 3 wood. ! ive worked hard on finding a set up that suits my swing the best + giving me the feel i like. i think ive finalllly found it jbeam /crazy set up the 425 tour and black 80 7.7 ..................., and the epon102 quadra FE express proto 75xs fairways ive gone with the royal collection 304p-- crazy black fw 8.2x ... the yamaha v 14* with (wait for it... diamana kailia70s ) and the egg spoon15* crazy black 80 8.2 . utility i wise m hoping the 22* egg 5 iron and ns 1150s set up will cement for a while, at the range its been beautiful, but a match is another thing. iron wise im playing the kyoei v muscles with NS super peening blue s to start the yr with the ground being hard and short grass. and as it warms up i m hoping to play the epon 302 same shaft set up .a lot more. wedges are the tourstage xwedge 03 from 2006 ish with the NS wv 125 , they have been fabulous on the range and first hit out tomorrow. putter is the guage design neo black no 1 in 41 inch shaft. piccys posted of match bag tom, but this shud see me thru till mid yr ish im thinking. small rotation naturally. but this is the core goal for this season is to break 70 as it has been for a cpl of seasons, but more over to move all numbers down a peg and consistantly score around the handicap with as little blow outs as possible. with a much help form my JDM delights as i can muster. bring on the season!!!! Edited January 9, 20232 yr by supo
February 19, 201114 yr having had a big session at home over christmas gave me a great insight into whats going into my bag this yr. its more of what i hit consistantly well and less of the experimentation stuff i l like to make. that way it might just save me a penny or 6 per week, and lower my scores with more consistantancy the drivers have been a bit inconsistant for a while ,i was either killing it hitting 12/14 ish or its 0/6 and errrrgh, just put it away use a 3 wood. ! ive worked hard on finding a set up that suits my swing the best + giving me the feel i like. i think ive finalllly found it jbeam /crazy set up the 425 tour and black 80 7.7 ..................., and the epon102 quadra FE express proto 75xs fairways ive gone with the royal collection 304p-- crazy black fw 8.2x ... the yamaha v 14* with (wait for it... diamana kailia70s ) and the egg spoon15* crazy black 80 8.2 . utility i wise m hoping the 22* egg 5 iron and ns 1150s set up will cement for a while, at the range its been beautiful, but a match is another thing. iron wise im playing the kyoei v muscles with NS super peening blue s to start the yr with the ground being hard and short grass. and as it warms up i m hoping to play the epon 302 same shaft set up .a lot more. wedges are the tourstage xwedge 03 from 2006 ish with the NS wv 125 , they have been fabulous on the range and first hit out tomorrow. putter is the guage design neo black no 1 in 41 inch shaft. piccys posted of match bag tom, but this shud see me thru till mid yr ish im thinking. small rotation naturally. but this is the core goal for this season is to break 70 as it has been for a cpl of seasons, but more over to move all numbers down a peg and consistantly score around the handicap with as little blow outs as possible. with a much help form my JDM delights as i can muster. bring on the season!!!! I think I speak for everyone when I say: PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICS!!!!!! thanks! :D
February 19, 201114 yr having had a big session at home over christmas gave me a great insight into whats going into my bag this yr. its more of what i hit consistantly well and less of the experimentation stuff i l like to make. that way it might just save me a penny or 6 per week, and lower my scores with more consistantancy the drivers have been a bit inconsistant for a while ,i was either killing it hitting 12/14 ish or its 0/6 and errrrgh, just put it away use a 3 wood. ! ive worked hard on finding a set up that suits my swing the best + giving me the feel i like. i think ive finalllly found it jbeam /crazy set up the 425 tour and black 80 7.7 ..................., and the epon102 quadra FE express proto 75xs fairways ive gone with the royal collection 304p-- crazy black fw 8.2x ... the yamaha v 14* with (wait for it... diamana kailia70s ) and the egg spoon15* crazy black 80 8.2 . utility i wise m hoping the 22* egg 5 iron and ns 1150s set up will cement for a while, at the range its been beautiful, but a match is another thing. iron wise im playing the kyoei v muscles with NS super peening blue s to start the yr with the ground being hard and short grass. and as it warms up i m hoping to play the epon 302 same shaft set up .a lot more. wedges are the tourstage xwedge 03 from 2006 ish with the NS wv 125 , they have been fabulous on the range and first hit out tomorrow. putter is the guage design neo black no 1 in 41 inch shaft. piccys posted of match bag tom, but this shud see me thru till mid yr ish im thinking. small rotation naturally. but this is the core goal for this season is to break 70 as it has been for a cpl of seasons, but more over to move all numbers down a peg and consistantly score around the handicap with as little blow outs as possible. with a much help form my JDM delights as i can muster. bring on the season!!!! So you riped the stinger out of the 102, how does the FE Proto compare in that head
February 20, 201114 yr A 41" putter shaft Supo???? R u playing it as a Belly or do you have a bad back? Pete
February 20, 201114 yr Author A 41" putter shaft Supo????R u playing it as a Belly or do you have a bad back?Pete i just found it like this and played it long, i cant stand that pivot position, i played it today and was on fire with it!5 one puts from 8ft ish.., its bagged!i have another exactly the same at 33 inch ..just suits me perfectly. ( for the moment anyway)piccys tom cant up load form this piece of shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite comp.after one round troday at CCJ, home course 78, in cold cons ,was very very happy, one glitch, one very silly double. ergh! otherwise off to a great start.weaponry superb. those wedges wont be coming out any time soon , till it warms up any way.epon 102 8.5* crazy black 80 ls 2 sx.. oh my now equal no 1 . humongous straight low/mid bombs.bit better than the white ice cream cone form yesterday chris san...., HA! Edited April 25, 20168 yr by supo67
February 22, 201114 yr Author piccys added crazy hotpotch format , apologies Edited April 25, 20168 yr by supo67
February 22, 201114 yr Author So you riped the stinger out of the 102, how does the FE Proto compare in that head thats going in today, the one shown is with a cray 80 and it suits perfectly. after palying it with a crayz 80ls 2. irealised the 102 needs a more pingy steely shaft rather than a sofer one, bec the head is so soft it kind of mutes the feel to much with the crayz 80 tho , wowsah, it was sensational. that proto in it might just suit as well i mthinking. hopefully itll be reayd tonight and i can go to the range and try it out
May 12, 201113 yr Author 5 months into the yr and several rounds i stil ldont fell like this yr has been a consistant one.what with our corner of the earth moving 5 metes closer to hawaii and half of the course here closed, but i ddi get a cpl of great wet weeks in oz over easter, and played not a multitude of clubs, but a lot more select offerigns.the drivers have remained the same , but with the addition of a ryoma v spec 9.5------ crazy 80 ls noir for most comp days.its not as great as the epon 102 but for consistancy its unparralled.the 3 woods havnt changed same roy cols crazy set up, being rotated with the new yamaha v14 and a shingo spec shaft, maybe the best feeling club ive hit .bar none. havnt gamed this yet, thats on sunday.the irons have been chopped a bit. ive kept the kyoeis in oz bec i play them so welli in hard conditions, i think they suit down under perfectly , andive got so many great irons to play n lush j the EPON af tours have been re instated, with ns SP blue soft stepped x 8-9-pw and Ns sp orange soft stepped 5-6-7.if i need a 3 or 4 iron i use them form my miura sb02 set. without any problems at all.which brings me to those , wow ,thye really are whats written about them. shafted those with KS shimada tour 120stiff and havnt looked back.just a wonderful worrkable set of irons, perfect of tight lied hard pan or lush rich JP turf.i pretty much rotate these 2 sets now and dont see that changing anytime soon.wedges have changed like underwear. i left those great tourstage x wedges in oz bec the lie on them is like a surgeons scalple , andfor my home tracks , theysuit prefectly. equally with the miura wmfs.the ones im loveing here are the kyoei rafw seris 07 nad 08 hitting them extremely well. they suit the nice fluffy lies we get pressnted each week , wont be swappping those for a long time eithe. the shafts are ns blue X and ns wmf125 either or are superb the wmf wedge shafts are more rigid, the NS blue have more feel. dont prefer either one.putter , ive gome back to the axis 1 eagle or the hiro matsumoto mz-07. they both suit me style well.putting lesson didnt hurt either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!balls are still the XXIO and premium brills. but the srixon z star v and tourstage v10 are hot on thier heels.getting warm here hope the scoring starts hotting up after all the ahrd work and slog in cold wet windy conditions.if it doesnt..... keep an eye on the bst there willbe offerings!!!!!!!!! Edited April 25, 20168 yr by supo67
August 5, 201113 yr Author wow, just looking at this bag and how much its changed in 5 months.the epon 102 quadra proto, jbeam 435 crazy tj 46, yamaha tour bangvoo, yonex quadra FEX have been benched(bycrikies , im like that ambromavitch chap , and Chelsea soccer players here with the quality ive got on the bench!)the current drivers arethejbeam 425 tour with crazy 80 7.7ryoma d-1 --diamana stinger xcrazy 460---crazy sigma 7.7epon 101-- diamana stinger sfws the same RC 304p with roddio tour proto shafts in s7xand the ever trusty yamaha v 17--diaman stinger xthe utes get rotated with pr-gr egg irons in 3-4-5-6 21-26*or the RC bbds from 09 just with ns 950 steel in stiff. noting special .the irons, well what a multitude of changes here.still game the old favs the kyoei in australia with ns super peening blue stiff .but locally herethe epon af tours + 302, thee zone sprout prototypes, fourteen tc-1000, and even miura sb-02shave been usurped by yamaha tour 08s ,then the 2010s.., and now currently i nthe bag are the 2011s with NS prototype ora in x flexthe wedges well i just have to look at the mto swap them around,this weekend its the mizuno T10s really small compact sole.see how therse go, they are the non conforming of the range.on the bench are yururi seida, rupas, tourstage maruyama, kyoei rafws, miura wmcs,putters.. i cant get the yamada milled ibushi and the trusty matsumoto mz-07 out of the bag.balls dont change, super newing premium brils in japan and asia, and srixon z- star and tourstage mild in oz and USAas much as id like to think i cud settle on one bag.HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAno chance!piccys of new bag tomorrow. got new camera so some good -uns on he way...! Edited April 25, 20168 yr by supo67
August 5, 201113 yr I do get a kick to see what's on our bag. It's sort of the state of what's new And available to the hardcore jdm enthusiast . I don't even have to check rhe net Just your bag, ever evolving and changing and that's awesome. And man you probably made it difficult for the rest of us to get stingers. You have a hoard! Keep em coming stew, I'm sure this ime next week your bag will yet change. But that's Cool and is expected. It does indeed make the game more fun!
August 6, 201113 yr I do get a kick to see what's on our bag. It's sort of the state of what's new And available to the hardcore jdm enthusiast . I don't even have to check rhe net Just your bag, ever evolving and changing and that's awesome. And man you probably made it difficult for the rest of us to get stingers. You have a hoard! Keep em coming stew, I'm sure this ime next week your bag will yet change. But that's Cool and is expected. It does indeed make the game more fun! Same here.. Just wish i had the same SS as Stew lol.
December 1, 201113 yr Author well , how much this has evolved this yr is startling.the only survivor from this was the jbeam 425 tour.the bag i still have . like that one will take that back to oz as my walking bag.the pr-gr egg is still in circualtion. and the irons have been unshafted pending a decision on thier future.i presume they will remain in oz as they like tough turf. just put a nice set of shaimada tours in them and they will be magical once agn.the bag that closed the seaon was ...,driver---- mauman conductor----diamana proto 60s2wood---kasco FD --quadra fire express 75xs5 wood--- yamaha v17--diamana stinger Xutility----royal collection CVxER 24*---graphite design md7s5-pw---yamaha tour 2011 --NS proto ORA xwedges----52-56-61 * yamaha 2010putter----yamada razorballs---tourstage x-01 milds.this was the official 2011season ender bag played at " the eagle" last weekend .being december the bag gets totally redefined bec ill be heading back to OZ for summer golf on links, then cold tough winter grass in tokyo.the bag will be totally differnt for both conditions.yamaha irons dominated the yr ... yamaha fairway woods..drivers the ryoma early yr... jbeams mid yr... maruman late season... epon 101 was gamed a lot.wedges became the tourstage maurs and the yamaha forged,the putter wnt thru severla manifestations, and the yamada razor has styed firm for the last 3 months, with little to no chance of being swapped out in the foreseeable future.piccys of the end bag coming........., Edited April 25, 20168 yr by supo67
December 2, 201113 yr after what you told me it will be hard to select a driver. if only they had 16 slots in the bag
December 3, 201113 yr Author i really like it, i dont think its anything special , but i have been really driving well with it. the 9.5 is deep and i get it to go very long. the shape is great for my eye , like a cross between the ryoma and the epon 101 and i have to say it hits the ball a long way, i bought the club for the shaft, then thought id try it out , and i was so impressed i bought another one in 10.5, which i think i like better. the have a place in my rotation for a long time. for the money its def a good buy
December 15, 201113 yr Author damn...... season hasnt ended yet ! i should be donning bib-brace , goretex arcteryx jacket, volkl selecta and helmet and heading high wide and handsome into the forest in thigh deep pow by now. alas, im heading back to TCCJ for more golf in larrrrrrrve this wekeend. surely THIS is the last game this yr! the mild conds in tok. have lended itself to late season golf beautifully. greens running at +11 every week makes scoring nigh impossible. tight cropped grass. heavy air. cold balls means differnt culbs! 10* yamaha tour 2012 driver with crazy 50 8.2 has grabbed the bag possy now bec of the run it gets if i manage to get the bloody thing on the fairway! the kasco--quadra has been repalced with the crazy f14 --crazy fw 8.2 for the same reason the 5 wood is battle royal between the crazy f16 --quadra fex 75 xs and my all time fav the yamaha v17- stinger x cant split these , but that yammy is just so damn easy and fine. its prob just grabs it. the ute. wholly schmokes. the ute, what ui would give to not use a bloody ute! that thing has changed at least 15 times this yr, but the one im hitting realtively well NOW is the adams pro black and the royal coll cvXer . they rotate depedning on grass /course conds. irons have been pretty stable, the yamaha 2008 hard to knock out of top spot. but this weekend the 2012s get thier first work out. interestingly last weekend the miuraism sb-01 --TT Monacco gripmaster grip combo got the nod . and did darn tootin with them aswell. first blsat with them in a while, not too shabby, unfortunatly if u dont play these weekely they are real hard to get ur eyes in with . a little daunting to say the least, (esp 6 and under! ) They are so darn small. but boy they are a good iron, so precise. BUT the yams get the top spot! wedges have been battle royale between the tourstage marus an the yamahas for the last 8-10 weeks nothing is on top i just alterenate depening on grass, if its cold/ wet ill go the marus , if its cold dry ill go the yams. differnt feel but they both look great to me at address, i havent longed for the other during play once. the putter is a lay down misere.... tha Yamada razor has just dominated. took the lead coming around the turn form my all time fav the matsumoto mz-07 and hasnt looked back. long may it reign!
December 16, 201113 yr Good luck this weekend Stew, I hope the Yamaha 12s work well for you. If not you can send them over here, we only have one season, golf season.
January 23, 201213 yr Author right 2012 bag....., i take as my annual jaunt back to oz for links torture the end of the yr not the beginning , as its a celebration of all things golf and i dont let anything stand in the way. 15 days . 14 days of golf. fan tastic......, played some terrific tracks this time as well. long reef(home) NSW, one of the worlds truely great links, the lakes, home to the aussie open , magenta shores resort, THE most brutal beast of a thing , can verge on unplayable at times in big wind. and the homely feel of the new 9 at manly. was really windy the whole time so, needless to say my scores BALLOONED numerous times. .... my handi tho somehow stayed in tact. , thankfully the last 3 rounds i managed to get things wired in the comps and reduce a cpl of high ones coming oiff the other end. the clubs........ drivers........ after a few experiments with all and varying. i knew from previous trips i need a driver that doesnt really go uber- far but , more one i can rely upon to get me on the shorties under pain of death. that yonex nextage 9* from 2 yrs ago. with a GD p9003x at 43.5 inch was just magnificent.just perfection, cud maybe have done with an extra 0.5 inch just go get the SW up a bit, but after a cpl of rounds ihad its measure., was using this for stingers off the tee most of the time. i gamed this about 9 times, by itself numerous times and with another driver when the darn wind wasnt knocking me off my feet. so good was it , its been left in oz for all time. wehn i do return ill get a cap i n the top of it and play it at 44 with a skinnier grip, u almost cant make the ball go left with this beauty. this head is so much better than the new one its almost inconcievable that YONEX changed it, the (power ryo yeilds...) made me yearn for my jbeam tour with the crazy 80 at 44.25 inch i took out of the bag for weight restrictions. the "solid contacts " designed for (crazy 425) with crazy sigma 50 7.7 flex @ 44.75 inch & 10.5* was a real find, the ball soared heavenly and straight, on sedate days this was a pleasure to play. its heavy as old boots but such a strong flight. was a last minute plan to make this and it seemed to work very very well. SOLID CONTACTS head was used by ryo ishikawa ( before he went to yonex as a 2 yr old or what ever rediculous age he was when he started winning tournys) and im here to say its not a bad piece at all. very close in looks to the epon 101 more solid tho. a more robust felling at impact. the Epon is a bit mushier , this has a more oooomphy feel. il ike it alot, that got gamed at the lakes an d it held its own with aplomb. its staying as is. i have the feeling this will be very good in JP , esp when theres no wind. the 2012 yamaha tour ,with a crazy 80 ls noir 8.2 @ 45 inch & 10* wow, this is driver i want to speak about. it is CLEARLY my best driver i have . the spin is low ,the trajectory is mid its gets plenty of carry and the most pleasing aspect was how much roll i get with it. over all No1 its was my longest driver for distance and can play this in rain hail shine. impossible to over power, lord knows i tried to swing out of my shoes on the 14th down hill at longy , and yea the ball gets to where i want it + a bit. it was a toss up putting the sigma in this or the noir,, the noir suits it superbly. once again getting it to go left, bah humbug, good luck! inn all honesty if i was to have only one driver it wuld be this or the one i have here with the crazy 50 black. the crazy black has a lot more kick to it, but the noir is just one piece of solid flex. totally differnt style to the 50. the 50 feels much livlier, but the noir is prob tighter. these two drivers will take some beating, or actualyl competing with. its early days but i cant see too many rounds without either of these two in my bag. the jbeam 435 9.5* 45 inch GD p9003x BRUTE. there should be a sticker on this saying "warning" DONT PICK UP ME 5 UNLESS UNLESS U CAN swing close to the speed of light! oh brother what did i make! i made this at easter last yr and left it in oz, (for a reason i now remember) its is just raw power, sheer , utter driving power. nothing more ,theres 0% subtelty . 0% moveability , and 1% feel. if ur a really powerfull driver. and i do mean i mean really , then this is hte club for you. i hit 1 ball with it that i literally just stood up to and swung as hard and long as i cud , and it came alive. i figure its about 3 strengths too much for me. on a regular basis i cant replicate that swing everytime lord id like to bu i cant , i just hit lt like prince fielder getitng a fast ball over the middle . literally ! but the one i got was amazing. gents if ur big and like to clobber it, MAKE THIS DRIVER NOW. u wont regret it the irons........, 2012 yamaha tour ... srixon pro 100 blades.......yonex ezone blades.. vey difernt stlyes here, nothing same same what so ever. very very good choices. the yamaha tours got the nod when the wind was very strong the extra forgivability was sorely needed. the flight on these with the proto shafts was high but strong, i found i cud move the ball about a little bit , when i really needed to , but when i neded to keep it low and straight with the 5i, i realised i needed the 4. the lofts are strong but i found i really longed for a lower launching iron a lot of the time. (in japan tho not neccessary) i played these at mgenta exclusively 3 times. they are perfect. the ball still stops nively on the greens and the look of them inspires confidence at address. veyr very good irons, very good on the tight stuff and the fat sole didnt really affect me what so ever. def not as "direct" as my other blades but as a club to get to a point "down there" in shiiiity conds. i wouldnt weant to hit anything else. the srixon pr 100. the look is quite rounded. the top line thin. overall i think these are lagerish for a blade but a lovely frame of the ball at address. soft as butter tio hit, NO idea where these are made but boy they feel pucker. i used these when it was bright sunny and no wind , and iwas glad i did they are perfect. these arnt as dynamic as the yonex or miursims but then again idont want htem to be. peole had isues with the PW but i think its pretty danr nice. very thin soles makes hitting down oi nthe ball a pleasure and limited bounce to top the ball. i figure ill be gaming these a LOT this season now ive pulled the DGS and repalced them with the NS proto 2 f15 i figure ill stick these babies i nth bag when i play longer straighter tracks like narita or old orchard. they have a bit more substance to them , they will get a lot of airtime this yr for sure. the yonex ezone blades -- DG x100 3-pw WOW they suit my eye so well the rest got benched the last 4 days in oz. tiny little rions , tiny thin soles, tiny topline, off set in a weird way, but to my liking. not realy off set but bent rounded neck that looks straight, god how do u describe these at address. put it this way, a lot of people wouldnt like this look. im sure. i .love it. i love it as much as ilove the look of the 2008 yamaha tours. that much. now i get the feeling that the x 100 dont spin a lot?????? man these things just booooooomphed of the face. played these at NSW, the lakes and longy in the comps. hardly missed a trick withthem, donlt like DG X100 at all, but i gotta say they do the trick. they are totally dull and lifeless shafts but even so they fit the yonex really well. in a perfect world id leave a set of these down under and id get another set and reshaft them with the NS proto ORA stiff for up here. love em, i saw these at the show last feb and immediatly said the next set of blades i get will be these. welli finally bought htese aftewr some long lenghty discussions with craig, carlo jason and tario the day i flew out literally 20 mins before idrove to the airport . and dogone im glad i did. one of my all time faves already wedges. nothing changed here the yamaha, the tourstages and the miura wmc03. thats me locked loaded for the fopreseeable future. got a few too many of these so watch the BST ill offer a cpl of them out. utes.. somethinge never change. i cant hit utes. given up back to the most reliable of them all the egg spoon 6i and 3 iron with stock NS 850 shafts OVER IT. fairway woods played the crazy f14 with crazy fw 80 8.2 a lot. this is easily the most solid thumping fairway wood ive hit. its low its piercing its head heavy, u know where the head is at all times, and it is absolutely NOT for jutsputting the ball out there somewhere nice.. nosirebob. its for lock load kapow! its useable off the deck if u like a gulp in yr throat a bit , but u gotta go really strong into it or its rigfht and scuttling, very pear shaped is long and it runs a mile. excellent fw esp off the tee. excellent the pr-gr egg spoon 15* diamana kaili 70s. like re-acquainting oneself with an old girlfreind u dumped in a fit of stupidity one day only to realise the new one u dumped her for has shorter legs............ and her hair is dyed............ the wrong colour. absolutelky bloody marvellu,s needless to say its back up here with me as it. perfection. just dont use a tee. putters the axis eagle got he nod along side the razor , and the matusmoto mz-07 the rest are merely filling up bag space. i hit these better than everything else, the new yrs resolution is to rid my slef of everything else i have everything. the putting gigs up. balls hard to top the tourstage x-01 mild and dj line. the srixons z star gota few rounds but i was always reacjing back in for a tourstage. doubt that will change these will be the openers foth new yr in march and ill be shocked if i knock anything out of the bag. illkeep my epon 101--crazy boron..yamaah tour crayz 50---p tune stinger----and yamaha tour stinger --and maruman condutor stinger drivers around the fairways will rotate between the egg spoon(old) the yamaha v-17 stinger and the crazy f14-f16 irons illkeep hold of a set of yamaha tour irons, the yonex , the aftours and the srixons. lets see how long the little club ho keeps his word this yr!
January 23, 201213 yr Lol... Did/do you charter your own Jet for the Kit?? I'm hoping to have my 2012 bag finished in Feb! Edited January 23, 201213 yr by DaleUK
January 23, 201213 yr Absolutely fab to read your reviews, Stew. Must have had a fantastic time back down under.
January 23, 201213 yr Stew- You must have a Rodney Dangerfield golf bag to carry all those clubs down under...
January 23, 201213 yr Author put it his way i JUST get it all on the plane with a fam of 4 and silver membership at qantas if only i was normal
January 23, 201213 yr put it his way i JUST get it all on the plane with a fam of 4 and silver membership at qantas if only i was normal Your family must go with the clothes on their backs and flip flops to get all that gear on the plane!
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