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Of all 3 I'm only big on the 302.

302: Its a slightly larger than compact players CB, nice rewarding feel when hit center. Forgiving for a players CB and one of the best feeling out there.

502: Pretty forgiving, but there are better feeling ( this ones a bit numb ) just as forgiving irons out there with less offset I would suggest. Go Titleist VG3 over these or ONOFF Forged 2011

702: Same forgiveness as 701 but in a better feeling by a good margin. lots of offset, very long distance due to multi piece design. I would go PRGR Egg Forged.

looking for comparisons

They are all very different.

702 is a larger sized game improvement sort of iron, 2 piece forged head

Very long and forgiving. Has very strong lofts and larger sweetspot that

Helps on thosenoff center hits.

502 mid sized players cb 1 piece forged with hollow cavity

Filled with gel like material in order to absorb unwanted vibrations

Very soft as well.

302 players cb 1 piece forged, less forgiving than the above but very

Workable and some considernthis the pinnacle of peon irons. Very soft

Others can better chime in as I have only games the 502 and the 302 in short irons.

What is you cap and what kind of irons are you looking for..?

I play a combo set of the 701's and 302's and have hit demo clubs of the 502. I agree with Chris that the 502 is not that great of a feeling iron, kind of numb feeling even when flushed as compared to the 302. For a players cb the 302 offers a good bit of forgiveness and when you're striking the ball well no club I've played feels better. The 701 clubs I play have been reshafted with some GD Tour AD shafts thanks to Fatman's generous offer to me which I need to post in this forum about, and these shafts have helped the feel of these irons considerably but to me they are still a harsher feeling club.

If foregiveness is your primary concern go 702, if feel and control is your bag go 302 and if you're somewhere in between do like I did and get a combo set of 701's or 702's and 302's. The only issue I guess with the combo set I have is that because of the stronger lofted 701's my set is 6, 7 (701's) then 7, 8, 9, PW (302's). It's a pretty seemless match loft wise believe it or not but when someone looks in your bag or the guys are cleaning your clubs after the round someone always asks "do you know you have two 7 irons"?


Edited by ihatebogies

actually had a combo of the 702, 502 and 302, had to adjust lofts of the 8,9,pw by 2*,2* 1* to match the 502s.

actually liked the 502s but the 302s are just unreal in feel.

gonna try a 302 with nippon sp orange...im getting a 6 iron shipped to me.

That would be the best, try em all out. Update us. Thanks

Recently tried the 301, 302, 502 and 702 in steel (KBS Tour) and graphite (Tour AD) at an indoor range to choose and build my next set of irons. They all looked good and felt great; I hit them all pretty sweet, as I seem to be only able to do at the range these days, so not sure how forgiving thet'd be on the mis-hits. They all looked larger than my Miura 501 from all angles, and I wouldn't necessarily say the Epons are better in looks and in play, just different. The 502 and 702 felt the same to me, with the 702 feeling like it will fly further. The 302 felt better than the 301 and was my choice in the end.

I'd advise anyone looking to get a set of Epons to try out the different models out, and if possible, in different shafts, before making a decision. They feel and play quite differently. I thought the 302s was harder to manage for me from the reviews I've read, especially since I'm looking for easier-to-play-with equipment, and was more keen on the 502s until I tested them.

With the level of customization available from Epon, I'd feel shortchanged if I didn't checked out and tried the different possibilities. ;)

So what set and shafts did you go with

I went with the 302, 4-PW. It will be a quite unique set with a custom finish and interesting shafts, to say the least. I'll post some pics when I get them in a few weeks. ;)

I went with the 302, 4-PW. It will be a quite unique set with a custom finish and interesting shafts, to say the least. I'll post some pics when I get them in a few weeks. ;)

i hope you got it in copper. those would be sexy looking sticks!

i hope you got it in copper. those would be sexy looking sticks!

No, black. ;)

No, black. ;)

whoa, better take care of those, finish wears of pretty fast but its only cosmetic.

congrats on the upcoming sticks.

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