November 24, 201113 yr Jonathan stop being a voyeur & post ur findings here lol. It's his & we tested it today.. Bloody awesome, I'll let him report. Come on guys lets hear the feedback from both of you! (^_^)
November 24, 201113 yr Come on guys lets hear the feedback from both of you! (^_^) I haven't really played it yet - raining here in Sydney. Eca & I only tested the Ryoma F3 at the range yesterday and then myself again this morning on a fairway driving range near my home. Shafted this with DI6 S flex but having in mind to install my favorite FW80 later this is still in the egg. I think this is an awesome fairway wood, the ball easily gets up in the air its long and I think longer than the egg most of the time, I don't know maybe because I was striking the ball better with the F3. What I really like it performed both off the tee and the deck so its a complete fwy wood set for me. I would really like to play it more, but my initial impression this is better than the egg maybe that's just me.
November 24, 201113 yr I haven't really played it yet - raining here in Sydney. Eca & I only tested the Ryoma F3 at the range yesterday and then myself again this morning on a fairway driving range near my home. Shafted this with DI6 S flex but having in mind to install my favorite FW80 later this is still in the egg. I think this is an awesome fairway wood, the ball easily gets up in the air its long and I think longer than the egg most of the time, I don't know maybe because I was striking the ball better with the F3. What I really like it performed both off the tee and the deck so its a complete fwy wood set for me. I would really like to play it more, but my initial impression this is better than the egg maybe that's just me. Silly boy was hitting this on a driver height tee & Im like oooiii, u trying to put a sky mark on that? He's done it with a driver b4. Amazingly, he just kept Bombing it. My initial thought was umm big head but the shallow profile put me at ease. Im using the px-03 egg and face height seem similar. The DI6 stiff untipped suit Jonathan and i think it just need a half inch tipping (as per GD charts) for me being about 10mph faster. The REP was showing 95mph & virtually 100% all the time. This head is hot. Being untipped it climbed a little higher for me. i didn't bother teeing this baby. Very easy to hit & I like the big head with shallow profile design. I liked how it sat at address with the circle marking on the face clearly visible next to the ball. It just feels that I couldn't miss it and it truly inspires confidence. I need to save up & the DI shaft is also awesome despite being untipped. I think I'll just steal J's once he replaces it with the trusty fw80.
November 24, 201113 yr How was it hitting off the deck compare to your spoon?? Was it easier and how was the distance??
November 24, 201113 yr How was it hitting off the deck compare to your spoon?? Was it easier and how was the distance?? My trusty spoon is the last left of my heavy configuration shafted with ilima80s & the head was repainted in a tourvan & heavier than standard. It's a boring flight max on the rep was 92mph ave 91. It needs a new home, any strong guys wanna take it on? Min 102mph driver with strong arms lol. They are both easy to hit off the deck having similar profile. Being a rainy day I can see the F3/di6 carrying a touch longer but the stronger flight of the egg/ilima suits me on normal Conditions. Having said that the diff is on the shafts. To me, both are great and shafted correctly, they are monsters that are easy to hit. If I was to choose, i want to get the f3 as I surprisingly appreciated the big head/ shallow Profile, sound, more conventional crown, with di6 or 7.
November 24, 201113 yr How was it hitting off the deck compare to your spoon?? Was it easier and how was the distance?? off the deck I found it easier than the spoon a lot easier and it is longer for me cause i'm striking the ball better with the F3 and I'm more confident hitting it too than the spoon.
November 25, 201113 yr off the deck I found it easier than the spoon a lot easier and it is longer for me cause i'm striking the ball better with the F3 and I'm more confident hitting it too than the spoon. Thanks.... that's great to know as I'm also a fan of larger heads as for me it seem to promote stability on the downswing. I'm using a Maruman shutter 5W which is similar in head size and can hit it further than my spoon off the deck, as the small profile and aerodynamic of the spoon head seem to give me problem in catching the sweet spot. I order one but sadly I was late on the bandwagon and have to wait for the 2nd batch to be made :(
November 25, 201113 yr This thread would be a hell of a lot more interesting with some PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 25, 201113 yr This thread would be a hell of a lot more interesting with some PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will have mine in 2 hours. expect a lot of photos. will compare it to other 3 woods.
November 25, 201113 yr At address Left to right: Ryoma F3 - Egg Spoon 15* - Epon Technity 15* - Kamui 15* Ryoma - Egg Spoon Ryoma - Egg Spoon Ryoma on bottom - Egg Spoon on top Ryoma on bottom - Epon Technity on top Ryoma on left - Kamui right LMK any other angles or comparisons shots wanted. :) Edited November 25, 201113 yr by idrive
November 25, 201113 yr jeff the ryoma looks huge in person! and it also doesnt look that shallow. i have a ping g15 and from your pics its around the same size.
November 25, 201113 yr It is noticeably larger than any 3 wood I've ever played, which I like. The different angles with the camera make it hard to get true comparisons. The ONLY reason this might have a tough time staying in my bag is the lie angle. It is pretty standard "up right" (58*) which is too upright for me. I need a FW that is at least 2* flatter than standard. Every time an FW is introduced that I want to try the first thing I do is email T and ask if the factory will bend it 2-3* flatter. the answer is always no..... I was hoping this might be a bit flatter than it is..... I can tell by looking there is no way the lie can be adjusted. On the bottom of the club from heel to center you can see (from swinging) the wear. From center to toe it doesn't look like it's been hit. However, because of the shape I'm still able to hit it well... not as well if were 2* flatter.....
November 25, 201113 yr Wow looking at the photos look like the yamaha 380 from some angle don't you think? At address Left to right: Ryoma F3 - Egg Spoon 15* - Epon Technity 15* - Kamui 15* Ryoma - Egg Spoon Ryoma - Egg Spoon Ryoma on bottom - Egg Spoon on top Ryoma on bottom - Epon Technity on top Ryoma on left - Kamui right LMK any other angles or comparisons shots wanted. :)
November 25, 201113 yr jealously............................when this desire will end.... nice pics....
November 25, 201113 yr left to right Ping G15, k15, ryoma, KZG Q, Royal collection BBD two pics side by side of ryoma f3 and pink K15. the ping k15 is huge but the ryoma seems bigger. solo pic of ryoma, the headcover is beautiful
November 25, 201113 yr Gr8 pics C, love the one with ball next to it. first thing i will do is put some tape on the lip towards the crown. such a skinny club has tendecy to get skied! i can imagine this club in F2 being the ultimate driver replacement.
November 25, 201113 yr Wow great pics guys, that is a lot bigger than I expected. I am still waiting for our F3 and F5 demos to arrive. At address it is bigger than the D/S I think, is that right C (Spoon)? Certainly looks like a mini driver.
November 25, 201113 yr 199cc ping k15 215cc ryoma d1 f3 224cc rc driving spoon frankly when i first got my ping k15 which was one of the most high tech peripheral weighted high moi woods i was very surprised how big it was. not disconcerting by any measure but big by my standards. i got used to it now the ryoma is even bigger but flatter overall. no humps just a soft flat pankace surface that almost looks too thin. but i gues they did it that way for a reason. all that tech and 60g weight to pick up the ball. thing looks sooo easy to hit, and its long from heel to toe! to think that it has the biggest sweetspot in any wood. very very confidence boosting. as compared to the driving spoon this one looks proportionetely bigger even though the DS is around 10 cc larger. with the DS you knew it was a mini driver so the size was kinda acceptable, the Ryoma is large but not in a bad obtrusive way because it is flat. its very large at first but coming from the K15 it was easier to adjust, you just get used to it and is quite appealing actually. looks very very easy to hit.
November 25, 201113 yr Thats what I thought C. The RC is definitely the bigger head since its deeper and more high back I figured the Ryoma looked bigger. Thanks for confirming.
November 25, 201113 yr Oh and at least the headcover looks a bit better than the driver covers... and no more darn zipper!
November 25, 201113 yr Oh and at least the headcover looks a bit better than the driver covers... and no more darn zipper! the headcover looks like it came from the same factory who made the Yonex ezone fw and driver covers. same material
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