Posted February 23, 201213 yr Has anyone hit the PRGR EGG 7 driver? This is one of the more extreme concepts Ive ever seen. One loft only 7 degrees, and one shaft.. the M43. Thoughts?
February 24, 201213 yr I'm getting it and gonna shaft with Diamana X (or with Tourstage 707 but prob the Egg).
September 22, 201212 yr The Egg7 is definitely designed with the more aggressive swingers in mind. Those of you considering the Diamana X shaft is right in the ball park. Its a very low spinning head off of anywhere on the face so some swing speed is need to make it work. The good part about the Egg7 is that it won't let the ball balloon in the air. Its a line drive to slightly, nose diving trajectory which is a major plus if you play in dry conditions!
September 23, 201212 yr Keep in mind though the Diamana X is not an option for the egg7 and it is not necessarily the best choice as the design of the egg Seven excels with shaft with a more active tip to produce the right amount of launch with the egg's lower loft (though if I remember correctly there may be one Seven user with the X in it). I know there are quite a few Seven users here. Driverhead (OP) did end up getting one as well. And so did Mjr. Diarrhea. The concept of the egg is to not only produce a strong trajectory but also out carry higher lofts and definitely out run them. My review was here: http://www.golftoimp...-driver-review/
March 17, 201410 yr have to jumpin here for a review and a question... i managed to finally procure one after a long time of baulking, basically beceasue my previous foray into prgr drivers hasnt been good . so ive passed on them. t i got one in a trade that was shafted with a fubuki alpha 60s in it. not what i need but i was just determined to see how the head went i ranged sat morn in spectacuar conditions , i also took my maruman conductor with diamanan B 60x as well .. were both light weight which is perfect in winter. 310gram for the egg and 312gram for the maruman , which is 8.5* well.............. wish id taken the plunge on the 7 earlier! the shaft was obv not for me as almost every shot i hit whistled off high right and slicematron, the maruman was a nice higher consistant stright fade to small draw. i wasnt hitting the midlde a real lot it was really early seaon striking blues..! , but i got close to the centre enugh to make a minds eye of them both and i was swinging well within myself. the idea waas a simple test to see how the head went well i think i loved it th set up is bizare the centre of the club at address looks like its WAY WAY right of were the sight dot is placed and the toe angle is extremely high to the sight, but not at impact ,its BIZARE.. it looks like the toe is 3 inchs in the air, but when uhit the ball tis dead square. iloved it!!!!!! impact is magnificent. its oneof the nicest impacts ive hit on any drivr. it is on the bigger side, at 460 cc, but it looks bigger in hand than it does on the ground which is nice doesnt look like ur hitting a shoe box. trajectory was interesting. its NOT that low and its def NOT that high, vs the 8.5* maruman which was noticeably higher and higher spinning ( but obv not at 8.5* a balloon ball!) never the less it was higher . the egg was DEFINATLY the more powerfull driver. and the maruman an easy peasy easy swingin fairway finder/ eneded up really liking the consistancy of the maruman and the ease in which i had to swing with it much differnt to the egg7, which at a slower swing speed. the egg was almost impossible to hit my choked down stigners with, and equally ahrd just by choking down a bit ( 45.25 inch) made it quite eratic. .im presumning............. its the incorrect SHAFT here . so the egg7 is DEF getting reshafted my question is to what ? i want to play this at 44.5 inch bec ithink is so damn powerfull and needs utmost control for what i want, im already thnking this cud be one of if not THE links driver of drivers. or hawaii my thoughts immediatly were the dia X of course but ive got a waccine 88compo and a stinger 70x that are unused. anyone got any thoughts ? btw........ the maruman conductor 8.5 with the diaB 60x is a heck of a driver!
March 17, 201410 yr I haven't hit mine yet. The stock shaft that comes in it is very tip flexible so i don't see it launching that low. Ill try to play it some this week. Great looking head though. Finish looks exceptional.
March 17, 201410 yr If it were a perfectly neutral face (it's a bit closed) I'd never sell it. I'd use it for windy days and any time I fee like hitting low piercing bullets.
March 29, 201410 yr I played this today Pulled the fubuki outmand put a waccine 88gts in it specs came out d0.75 x 327x 44.75 Litte light on the swing weight for what i like but it is early doors and i wont be smashing it too far Was very windy on firm short grass pretty much ideal formthismdriver build . Ordinarilly. Id use the ryoma withdiamana x , had that with me. Ut wanted tomreally test the egg out The face is def closed about 1deg and the head weight is a very breezy 194 gram N materr. I really like the shape at address and today isit sprefect test Well its lowish with being a runner its nice and piercing it doesnt look closed at address so i liked it a lot If anything it is bit light For my tasteor preference but it went well all day Hit 7fairways. And 3just offs so yes it goes well and it s very much a non left driver even tho its closed Thinking long reef for this wud be perecftion Very hapynwith it might need a bit of extra weight in side tho
April 13, 201410 yr I tend to send my drives high, even with a 9.5 degree so I'm tempted to try the egg7 degree. Anyone know of a place to try before buying?
April 16, 201410 yr My next time through Tokyo, I'll check to see if they have used ones that I can try out. My favorite used club shop just added a net in the back so I can try things. Before it was buy and try and then buy some more :)
April 18, 201410 yr I have used the PRGR EGG 7 driver to great success in a few long drive events in South Africa winning this event with a distance of 369.7 meters with almost no roll on the grid, this is the longest ball carry I've ever gotten from a driver head! Awesome driver!
April 24, 201410 yr new build going in this. the 194 gram head just didnt work well, the swigng weight is too light , my tempo is off. this has to be built longer, around 46 inch. cant get a swign weight to d2+ without lenghtening the shaft and not prepeared to alter a7* head with foam. results wud be catastophic id imagine htere forget "forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre" more like "JUUUUUUUUMP" the next test is the shingo spec m6 proto that is built to play 46 .75 inch NO idea hwta thats gonna bring but sensei sid it was a better idea than the stinger, bec its spec built for length. kinda defeats the purpose of having an uber low short driver. confused.......,
April 25, 201410 yr no. i figure the lead wud jus make he ball roll along hte ground. Maybe you can find the jBeam aerodynamic paint to get them in the air some first.... ;)
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