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You Guys Will Know - do the Japanese make this?


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Last resort, surely the Japanese make something like this..........

my daughter (Bianca - 5) has a little golf bag that she's had since she was 2. its approx 61cm. she loves it and flat out refuses to let me get her a new bag, despite her brother (Hunter - 3) having a stand bag, which I thought might persuade her.

trouble is, B's bag is a bit of a pain laying it down at golf lessons etc, stand bags are much more convenient and makes it easier for the kids to look after their clubs.

to any of the Japanese experts on here, are stand mechanisms available separately from anywhere in Japan that can be retrofitted to a bag? Ive tried everywhere in Oz.

any help appreciated.

Edited by EPONfreak
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Years before the popularity of stand bags, some old timers at my club would use two flat sticks about 2 to 2 1/2 ft long with a screw about 2/3 length so the two wooden sticks would open up to form a 'X'. The 'X' then is prop up against (brace one end on the ground to form a bit of bridge) a light bag to form a make shift legs when needed. The player would then fold up the 'X' when move on to the next shot. I do not think there is such thing as retrofit legs for golf bags.

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Ha! Im going the opposite way with a Mackenzie Bag. No stand, but a great bag in so many other ways. Old school!

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They do but not in Japan, UK eBay.


Item number: 160816283332

Direct link does not work, starting bid £3.50.

Edited by ukok
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They do but not in Japan, UK eBay.


Item number: 160816283332

Direct link does not work, starting bid £3.50.

I can't be sure but if that isn't the same, it's similar to something I saw too many years ago during the Golf boom and before the stand bag was introduced. It didn't take in my part of the world and faded from the shops.


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