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chose these 3 sets over the af tours, bec they are so damn easy to play (for blades.).

the callway tour, bec the shafts are too rough(c-tapers)

the miura cb3002 ( too cavity backed)

these 3 irons offer a degree of verticle intergration form uber thin blades to thick baldes with slightly thicker soles to ,the very pro esques cavity muscles of the yammy tours .

the shafts reflect the degree of difficulty. of the heads,

the monacco stiff in the tourstage are nice and friendly to play,

the monocco X are robsut striking irons .

and the modus TX are down right aggressive!

there should be enough variety here to give me THE best idea of what i hit well and what i dont hopefully


toursatge 905 -monacco stiff

yamaha tour 2011--ns modus 3 tx X

epon personal--monacco X

will be playing on VERY good quality grounds , that will be lush and thick so scoring shud be fine.

mid week golf so no one wil be around so i can practice all i like.

this shud be an iron battle royale....!

oh and the drivers.....

ryoma---crazy ls noir

epon zero--diamana X

yamaha tour--crazy cb50

epon 101--crazy boron

bring on the hols!


nice. you would not be stew with one set only!

looking forward to your reviews. where will you be


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country hokkaido , alot of guys may know niseko ski grounds ?

theres a cpl of very nice golf courses there that are all but empty most days.

so ill fiill my boots

first hole is a 720 yard par 6...!

country hokkaido , alot of guys may know niseko ski grounds ?

theres a cpl of very nice golf courses there that are all but empty most days.

so ill fiill my boots

first hole is a 720 yard par 6...!

really? i did not know such holes existed!

country hokkaido , alot of guys may know niseko ski grounds ?

theres a cpl of very nice golf courses there that are all but empty most days.

so ill fiill my boots

first hole is a 720 yard par 6...!

Drive and a Wedge for you Stew!!... Lol

Here's something I just remembered, that I had forgotten and couldn't remember..... remember?

The iron builds. are they all the same SW, same length?

And do the lofts on these 3 sets match?


Edited by idrive

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Good question

no the tourstage are light at c9

the yams and epon very similar

the lofts are prety right there may be 1' diff in lofts but i thi k they are all 48' pw maybe47

country hokkaido , alot of guys may know niseko ski grounds ?

theres a cpl of very nice golf courses there that are all but empty most days.

so ill fiill my boots

first hole is a 720 yard par 6...!

Isn't Niseko the newest Australian states?

love it...can't wait!

Good going Stew looking forward to the feedback but I can't stop thinking,what is happening to Stew only 3 sets to try on course!

Surely you must have some other supa dupa protos in your cave gagging for an outing? ;-)



Hmmm only Stew travels with MIN five to six sets of clubs lol

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Yes niseko is the new anexed state sad but true.....,

luckily for me i was going up there before gday mate became more recognisable than konichiwa...

Still a beautiful place.

3sets is down right bloody hard with2kids in tow

and as im only here a week 2or 3 games with each set is all ill get in

that will def be enough tho who knows might be a heck of a good set of sticks to go at the end of it!!!

Up here now in sapporo the humidity has already gone

first round tomorrow with the yamaha tours

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round 1the yamaha tours and i cant hit the ball better

they are not as soft as epon but the modux tx x are super shafts keeps the pull from moving much

lot stiffer that the monacco x lots...!

round 2 tom with the tourstage

th yam 11s are as solid a set of irons as there are end of chat.

cud play these in a hurricane and come up trumps

forgot how thumping they really are

cud easily use a softer iron set easily......

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Tourtage 905 monacco played today anither great day out

Collating info in deep blue but one over riding constant thought keeps emerging on these heads which is what ithought when i first got em

regardless ivr played them4times only and had 4 good rounds ball striking


Tourtage 905 monacco played today anither great day out

Collating info in deep blue but one over riding constant thought keeps emerging on these heads which is what ithought when i first got em

regardless ivr played them4times only and had 4 good rounds ball striking


Are these the "One's"??

I'm curious which are going to have the best feel.... give the biggest woody....

which look best at address....

which ones are the easiest to hit... interact with the ground best

and which seem to be the most forgiving. I know forgiveness isn't as much a part of

the equation when you're striking it pure but on that rare mis hit....

so, how's the weather????


wow with so many club try outs and tests How can anyone ever arrive at a choice that will make them happy?? Don't get me wrong Stew has been an awesome source of information. He has tried them and will shoot straight with you about his thoughts. I guess I am just ready to get off the club hoing for a while. it is fun but it has hurt my game this year. just too many driver and putter changes to settle in on a routine. no matter how far I hit a driver or how well a putter looks and performs, I always think there is a better club around the corner. OK personal rant over - great job Stew on sharing your info. It is a fun process for a while.

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Robb i know what u mean if i was plying comp i wouldnt be doing this but we cant do that in jp so ijust have funtill i go home and play comp not surprisinly at home i dont change the comp bags much here tho well u gotta see the diversity of course to understand esp driver changes can work wonders on7250yard runway tracks or6300 yard pete dye things

huge difference

got the personals out today boy oh boy

Robb i know what u mean if i was plying comp i wouldnt be doing this but we cant do that in jp so ijust have funtill i go home and play comp not surprisinly at home i dont change the comp bags much here tho well u gotta see the diversity of course to understand esp driver changes can work wonders on7250yard runway tracks or6300 yard pete dye things

huge difference

got the personals out today boy oh boy

oh i did not even know that. so what trade bait did you entice him with?

shaking my head! crazy boy he is.

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I'm curious which are going to have the best feel.... give the biggest woody....

which look best at address....

which ones are the easiest to hit... interact with the ground best

and which seem to be the most forgiving. I know forgiveness isn't as much a part of

the equation when you're striking it pure but on that rare mis hit....

so, how's the weather????


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At address the yamaha tours have a bewithing spell over me its the combo of the thin neck small hea. And high toe i love this look when implaying well i prefer to use this head

the 905 are TINY and square but they dont look unplayable at all the soles are minisculefrom tight lies these are great but fir sloppy slushy fairways the yams are much more all round

then the personals some where in between

from lush they are lush from tight they have enough bidy to get down into the pill and the sole aint that bg it bouncesoff

for miss hits its the personals by a mile out of these irons

easily the most forgiving and def the bed feeling bit thicker all round but compactso miss**ts go well much much better

the modus tx x are to much in the yam heads they are goin can play a softer shaft in these in fact i thnk they ned it im not strong enough to get the most out of them as a combo if u are these are the nuts!

Im still yet to miss hit a personal badly its getting worrysome bec when i do the wheels wil come off im sure i get the3iron as good as the pw

hard to knock that hard to competr with that

these might just be the ones

the monacco x is much better suited the stiff in the 905 move too much

esp in the dcoring irons cudnt comtrol arc the x are prefect

over all the personals just win they are bagged

Nice, I had a feeling they were going to be "the ones"

I'm finally dialing mine in but I must say it took me longer than I thought it would. Without the lessons

I took last week I'm not sure I would have. Nice to feel confident over the ball again.

What I like about the Personals is there seems to be more feel to them. The AFTours when hit flush

feel so soft it's almost like you have to look down to make sure you've hit the ball,. With the Personals

you know exactly where and how you've hit the shot on the club face without looking.

I wouldn't worry about mis hitting the ball, I don't think you're capable of it. :)

Do we have a clear winner with the Driver?

Stew, hate to say this but you need to try the RomaRo H forged Blades before declaring the ultimate combo. I just got a set and they are in my opinion, the ultimate combo in feel and performance. I have Monaco stiff's in them as I'm getting old!

Great Holiday Niseko, Winter or Summer!!!!


wow with so many club try outs and tests How can anyone ever arrive at a choice that will make them happy?? Don't get me wrong Stew has been an awesome source of information. He has tried them and will shoot straight with you about his thoughts. I guess I am just ready to get off the club hoing for a while. it is fun but it has hurt my game this year. just too many driver and putter changes to settle in on a routine. no matter how far I hit a driver or how well a putter looks and performs, I always think there is a better club around the corner. OK personal rant over - great job Stew on sharing your info. It is a fun process for a while.

+1 to that Robb. I find that if I'm forever looking for the holy grail, it actually casts doubt on the gear I currently have which will ultimately creep into my game.

That being said, what's everyone liking in terms of new drivers;)

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