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well... ive changed my game a lot over the last 2 years.... my iron play has improved enormously.. my driver has always been my major striking point.... ive always had the jiuce over my partners by a decnet margain more often than not.... so that pat didnt realy need attention... the ni relaised i like actually just banging balls relenetlessly as a stree relief nad a wokr out combined after work.. thats where the addiction to driver change came from..... i cnat go play weeekdays. i can only range at night here.... so its was more of just fun.... then i strrted playing good clubs and well its gone from there..... the big change in my irons has been the weight of the shafts.. i had a shoulder reco. a few years back and have been playing lighter NS 1050--NS1150 shafts bec ive been scared of damaging the ligament again.... then i realised its ok so i went heavier anheavier with better and better results, my swing shortened a lot and i got a lot more punchy thru the impact zone .. so the heavier clubs now suit that tempo perfectly..... the lighter wedges i had for 1/2---3/4 shots are fine but on full shots i come out of my shoes and top it... so. back to the drawing board.....

now................. i think ive finally found what im looking for.....

well... ive changed my game a lot over the last 2 years.... my iron play has improved enormously.. my driver has always been my major striking point.... ive always had the jiuce over my partners by a decnet margain more often than not.... so that pat didnt realy need attention... the ni relaised i like actually just banging balls relenetlessly as a stree relief nad a wokr out combined after work.. thats where the addiction to driver change came from..... i cnat go play weeekdays. i can only range at night here.... so its was more of just fun.... then i strrted playing good clubs and well its gone from there..... the big change in my irons has been the weight of the shafts.. i had a shoulder reco. a few years back and have been playing lighter NS 1050--NS1150 shafts bec ive been scared of damaging the ligament again.... then i realised its ok so i went heavier anheavier with better and better results, my swing shortened a lot and i got a lot more punchy thru the impact zone .. so the heavier clubs now suit that tempo perfectly..... the lighter wedges i had for 1/2---3/4 shots are fine but on full shots i come out of my shoes and top it... so. back to the drawing board.....

now................. i think ive finally found what im looking for.....

I really enjoy range sessions, but irons only, and as long as the range balls are decent. Not those generic yellow balls. 0 feedback at impact, way too soft. After work I just head out with a 7 or 8 iron, hit 2 or 3 buckets and I'm good. Clears my head like nothing else. Some people loathe the range.

I used a full length 8 Iron shaft for a few years and really put some work into it. I never found a real advantage in it other than making the ball fly way high and having more options whenever the ball ended up on the slope on the left side of a deep bunker. The added length allowed me more direction for the ball. However I also found pointing the ball was more difficult in the short game because the shaft was so soft. I had to choke the club down to near the metal to improve my ability to point the ball in the short game, and when I had a reaonable stance in the sand. Towards the end I became habituated to simply choking down all my Sand Wedge shots even in a full swing as that allowed me better trajectory control.

These days I play the same head with a tip trimmed wedge shaft in standard length that plays way boardy and has cost me some distance but points very well. I think I'll keep it this way for a while though I do miss those added bunker options at those times I all into the left side of a deep bunker.


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well........... i payed the same headsa with NS wv 125 shafts in the 49-53 -57* yamaha wedges.. Ns950 s i nthe 61* as i was playing the kamui head where the club that has pw stamped on it says 44*.. which. we al lknow ISNT a pw but aparently now it is...

the differnce was great an great.. tempo back to normal felt hte club from swing thru impact. got that sorted..

4 my swing i need heavier shafts thats it. those Wv really get the ball to move on the greens aswell. i like the way spoon said they are kinda like the DG spinenr shafts without the looks.. makes sense to see the ball back up like i t did.

ill be pulling the 1150x and re doing them with WV.. for me they are spot on..!

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