November 7, 201212 yr Author just me 0.02.... with a 10.5 id 100% go witht the diamana over the GD. for a start its the latest and greatest. 2nd, the 10.5* will get the ball airborn with a railway sleepr inserted into it. i hit i-drives 10.5 and the thing went to the moon for me. so u wil have NO issues what so ever. just match the right weight flex for ya. iwill say on the diamana X ... i use the softer S flex rather than the x flex and iahve absolutely NO issues at all with it being sloppy. none what so ever. iwouldnt even consider going to X so.. the softer flex in this is fine. i get the b all soaring with both my kamui pro nad ryoma. u wont be hitting line drives.. especially wit hthe 10.5
November 9, 201212 yr Author 2 new ones last night were tried and given thumbs up.......... kamui pro 10.5 + wait for it......................... MATRIX tour black prototype {(280cpm) 1/30} 45 x 327 x c9 yamah tour 9* + crazy boron X cpm 280 44.875 X 323 X d3 only at the range. so not definitive. but def both of these stepped up to the mark with chin held high. the yamaha boron combo was SOFT. really soft, but the flex was pretty stiff. the borons have a very distinctive sting in the tip at impact. that is totaly differnt to other shafts u cud def feel the ENDO forge compared to the non,,, theres a big differnce in feel. flight was mid to mid high def lower than the 10.5* heads i was also using. the 9* with this shaft is (so far asi can tink comporably) much better suited than in higher lofted heads. good match.. def a good match... initial thoughts we re i liked this set up. didnt miss too many and def cud handle happy gilmour kapoooooooooooow without snap hooking,, soaked up the big whacks with ease... as is normal with the yammy tours heads , they dont like to be toyed with, they are for hitting thru fully , theres no i ll just eek this out there and dee how we go... i like it.... the kp-x with this matrix thing.. now ill state here..i HATE matrix. tried lots of them i found them to be MASSIVLY over priced for what u got, dont shoot me,, but thats MY opinion. they dont have any feel adn i dont get them! so i bought one............................................ actually Spoon kinda conned me into it................. so i did. well i got the skinny on it , its a tour made 1/30 piece 268 cpm un cut high balance mid high kick 83 gram shaft. took it in to my builder he said what are u going to do with this thing its doesnt suit you. fantastic i said back... well i got a spare 10.5* KP-x head here shall we give it a whirl? he didnt hold much hope when he saw the swing weight to club weight. i told him to go ahead and build it anyway. well last nigti agve it a full whirl weird.................. its weird................... its heavy .........,the pick up is heavy ............,the unlaoding is light. ..........,the impact is VERY heavy. the ball goes high. NOT HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGh.. , just high. and for the most part very straight. miss hits on this were EXCELENT.. really really good. yup really good . the best part about this is the miss**ts were seriosuly good. it wasnt long nor short it ws keeping up with my other s without eclipsing them and im sure... when i take it out tomorrow, it wont be a poor realton.. it also wont WIN anything,, but its what ud call............. a DOMESTIQUE.. in cycling.. u always need a domestique. yea i ddint like its feel at all. i LOVED the results on non centered shtos ready for this.. as good . as everything ive hit including the ryoma... i might just have built my self a serious insurance driver here. ill post more sfter tomorows on course test. but.. whilke i DONT like it .. i like it!
November 9, 201212 yr I'm quite familiar with the "back-up driver" the insurance driver is a whole new deal.
November 9, 201212 yr I never really thought of carryon two drivers in a round, which is the only way an insurance driver would pay off. Otherwise, you would have to know before the round started that you were not going to be on your game...
November 9, 201212 yr i play a couple of courses that there is absolutely no room to miss so i could see the purpose for an "insurance" driver. i'm just not sure i'd want to dedicate a driver for 3-4 rounds per year.
December 4, 201212 yr Author been a while..... been using what i got. which makes some sense. so what about this............ i wasnt 100% sold on ridding the epon zero. and i wasnt 100% sold on flogging the diamana X 60 s shaft either. if i can handle the stinger in stiff, the nthis one i can def handle so, what better way to meet and greet than by gettingthe 60s diamana X in the epon zero head JUST in time for summer in sydney. 45 inch not sure of specs but it come in at d2 nad prob 318 gram. a little light but that im thinking will amke for some increased head speed nad some long ball lama........................ breaking with tradition here going lighter adn softer , but hey why not. will be ready for sydney this weekend detail on it later... part 2........... ryoma 9.5* head (d-1). diaman stinger 70X............ the original combo i found when i discoverd this amazing driver. 45.25 d2 321 is gram. dont need to think wht this will be like i already know it. just the extra 1/2 inch overmy normal build migh make it interesting. the flex not an issue in this head. high straight and handsome is my guess..., results next week folks.
December 4, 201212 yr Can't wait to see the result... my new philosophy in shaft flex is "play the softest flex you can handle", and not "play the stiffest flex you can handle"
December 25, 201212 yr Author ok................. 17 days of golf in oz with a fair few pieces. some old. some new some rebuilt epon zero---------------diamana x 60s kamui kp-x -----------diamana x 70s ryoma d1--------------diamanax 70s took just these 3 out to play in tasmania i figuered these are my most sturdy and would play well in the wind. i was right. they all played very well. the ryoma was a very steady very reliable club for horrible conditions. distance was very good. flight was low to mid low. and a piercing trajectory. the slightly higher toes shots that turned the ball over were very long . had no fear at all stepping up with this beast and as we all know the miss**t shots were EASILY the best results of all culbs. its just such a perfect club if i had just one it would he hard to not have this one. its punch its heavier and its damn straight. i dont think its shorter nor longer than anything else.. but consistantly it just goes nad goes out there a decent way. thres no better test for drivers f than what we played in tassy . 9.7/10 the epon zero rebuild with a 45 inch build and ligher 60s shaft proved to be maybe my biggest master stroke in years. head speed increased. stil doesnt want to go left unless i do the open hips straight pull smash thng i tend to do a bit when im getting tired. but on the sublime days when the wind wasnt about say 20knots, i took her and let her eat..! ate she did. liked this combo MUCH better than all the others ive tried in her. unbeleiveable feel. incredible oomph. flight was mid and strong. distance was excellnt and .......... the misses were MUCH MUCH better than eveything else in it. its staying as is and it gets used on quieter days.. big tip for this head.. a weaker shaft seems to suit it better! the kp-x was prob my most payed club adn the longest SINGLE shots were achieved with this club. a cpl were really big one in particular was rediculous. utterly rediculous. misses were good . better than the epon not as good as the ryoma. the ryoma was better in the BIG wind. the kp-x on normal tassy wind days was fabulous. and its workable. the ryoma.. no way, just lock load.... best of these on the wind tour??? the ryoma best on average days the kamui and nicest to play by a country mile the epon. oh and the epon ISNT shorter . then i got home and replayed the jbeam 425 tour with roddio shingo spec m6 proto(2010) gee whiz that goes.. and goes... and goes.... low and running. its the kahoona. its the mac daddy, as long as u have grass that allows some roll.
December 25, 201212 yr Merry x mas stew! Hope u and ur family are well mate! I just built an epon zero with crazy 519! What would u expect out of this combo? So far hitting it mid to low and does run quite a bit. Nothing like huge carry tho.
December 26, 201212 yr Author hey vincent..... same to you buddy. sorry i missed u in japan id think thats a pertty good option based on my findings. the epon head is ver yvery punchy low spinning and heavy. the feel is something nothing else has ever been close to its by so far the best feeling driver. in summer ill be playing htis baby a lot thsi year. ive finally found a pefect match for it
December 26, 201212 yr The zero comes in 198g built to 45.25 inch d3 I think. Well have to test it on the course so far hitting off the range only. I did fitting in crazy factory btw! Haha
January 4, 201312 yr Author 2 new build just before the new year.. the original ryoma d1 ---diamana stinger 70x (45.25 x 326 x d3) jbeam 435 9*---diamana stinger 70x (324 x 45 x d2) lets just say......... the 435 is in the bag for tomorrow. the ryoma for sunday after the range session last saturday wher itook every driver i own.. i had 5 hours on the range btw... the 435 i figuered is the most suited to the chilly conds in winter. it might just end up asthe best driver in summer as well! but i got a final where by 2 ryomas... the 435 ,, the 425 and the kamui kp-x were all irrepalceable the kamui diamana x the ryoma diamana x the 425 roddio shingo spec the 435 didmana stinger were all stand outs. the ryoma crazy ls noir 8.2 was a beauty aswell. its fantasticly accurate! i think it was prob the most accurate i hit. but not as long as these above.. thr ryoma with graphite design p9903x at 44.5 inch was a great fairway finder as well. high. drawing and punchy,... damn thins is heavy! good windy driver! gotta play the 435 tomorow tho. its calling me!
January 4, 201312 yr Arghhh.. the 435 again! I'm really thinking I should get one back just for the heck of it but what to do with 3 drivers then? hmmmm... you're definitely not the person to direct that rhetorical to stew :-) Edited January 4, 201312 yr by wmclarenf1
January 4, 201312 yr Author think about them...... play with them....cuddle them... speak easy to them.. then they will repsect you ... then clobber the living daylights out of them!
January 4, 201312 yr Arghhh.. the 435 again! I'm really thinking I should get one back just for the heck of it but what to do with 3 drivers then? hmmmm... you're definitely not the person to direct that rhetorical to stew :-) lol...the 435 is going to haunt you forever! stew, i couldn't agree more with your ryoma/435 findings. for me the ryoma/crazy isn't the most forgiving but it's definitely the most accurate and the most penetrating...not just a fairway finder but a fairway dissector. the 435 is just a beast, the most forgiving and the longest of long! Edited January 4, 201312 yr by chiromikey
January 7, 201312 yr Author well well well................ perfectio i nthe cold over 2 days sat was the ryoma--stinger 70x sun was the jbeam 435-stinger 70x + yamaha tour crazy boron X best OVERALL driving of the weekend was easily done with the 435 longest was easily the 435 most accurate was easily the ryoma best individual single shots was the yamaha. boron and winter is UNBEATABLE.....! gee whizz its good to hit. im in love all over again. didnt even think to put a non boron piece i nthe bag. no point its just sensational i think......... ive found a new consistant distance champion. the 435 is just monster long, thats all there is to it, theres no mcuking about its just huge. its light and its incredible , and its 9* and it was delivering HIGH shots. thats the beauty of the borons they are very low spin HIGH and straight. the yamah 9* wit the crazy is high and softer than the stinger. it AINT an x flex thats for certian in comparion to the stinger... its an sx .its so good to hit. not sure if ill play it in summer. too high i think (for me) but at the moment with cold chillllllllly balls its awsome
January 7, 201312 yr Author gawwwd i love it its rediculously long. and the stinger in it made it sing like a rocker billy at the gran ol oprey forst time.
January 8, 201312 yr lol...the 435 is going to haunt you forever! stew, i couldn't agree more with your ryoma/435 findings. for me the ryoma/crazy isn't the most forgiving but it's definitely the most accurate and the most penetrating...not just a fairway finder but a fairway dissector. the 435 is just a beast, the most forgiving and the longest of long! I hate the crazy 435. gawwwd i love it its rediculously long. and the stinger in it made it sing like a rocker billy at the gran ol oprey forst time. Woohooo... I just got back a 435 this time in 10* and a 201 gram head which I am thinking I'll play at 45.25 this time round.
January 8, 201312 yr i'm not sure there's a shaft that wouldn't work in the 435! you want to torture me, shaft it up with a F8M2:)
January 8, 201312 yr Woohooo... I just got back a 435 this time in 10* and a 201 gram head which I am thinking I'll play at 45.25 this time round. congrats brotha!! give it a month of undivided attention. don't even bring anything else to the range until you get comfortable enough with it to realize it's so forgiving that you can go after it every swing. then you'll understand what all the fuss is about! ;)
January 8, 201312 yr you want to torture me, shaft it up with a F8M2:) i love to torture you but i wouldn't tear apart this combo even for that! ;) i typically prefer the feel/performance of low loft heads paired with high launch shafts but i'd bet in 10 or 10.5* head it could work.
January 8, 201312 yr i love to torture you but i wouldn't tear apart this combo even for that! ;) i typically prefer the feel/performance of low loft heads paired with high launch shafts but i'd bet in 10 or 10.5* head it could work. hmmm, maybe down the road i will give this head another shot.
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