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biut more time with a cpl of thelatest diamanas the X... the B and the new W allin 70s to make a fair and easy comparison.

im a bit of a diamana player these days , thru no real contrived decision, , thats just what ive gravitated to.

i dont think the diamana rnage is the best feelign shafts out there. nor the longest,. but overall. i just seem to gte them to work a bit more consistantly than others, im not ever going

"hmm, ij ust wish i cud get that ball to ..........."

they just seem to fit what i like to play


the B W X are all in rotation as we speak. and played them all yesterday

W in the ryoma maxima 8.5*

X in the s-yard .388 9.5*

B in the maruman conductor 9.5* powerfull straight.

not a bad line up here if i may just say so myself.

and enough play withem all to kind of know whatto expect under the pump and when i can practise wailing into them.

so whats what ..................,

well, the W as its the latest .

if u think u can hook a ball well ur prob infor somehting here then

i dont htink ive hit one draw with this thing in 3 matches and 100 + drives inclsuding range sessions on course.

ive hit some slices tho!!!!

boy this dont mind going right. so much so , ive flatteend out my swing plane ,and choked down to MAKE 100% sure i get the hands turuning over or im going into the tress on the right with my high upright plane.

so actually its not a bad thing . bec it makes me conscious of EVERY single drive , if i dont do this im gonna be punished.

when i do get it right it delivers a very very nice flater trajectory with PLENTY of roll and a ver y strudy penetrating flight.

this shaft iss NOT ideal for me.

in a match on tough conditions i wil get killed .

but when im just hitting balls its really quite good.

its designed for. and im guessing here as ive not read about it. its for the how shall we say more robust hitters out there in golf land.

the 70s is easily enough for me. if its a repalcement for the ahina ,then thay have got a super upgrade here ,the graphics are spot on, the feel is realy tight . and its ver yfast, u can feel the snap instantly.

if u have a tendancy to go left as bit too much. ths shaft i will recomend as a MUST CONSIDER...........!

the B. well ive got about 6 of these little beauties in fairwau woods. drivers. u name it

really think this is one of my fave sshafts . its a bit higher adn a bit easier on the bod than the W thats for sure. and as the new line on blue. well that IS my gold standard f shafts, eveyrthing i hit comes back toi how it goes VS the blue. and this one is a a HELL of a upgrade. espesially in fairway woods

lordy me this thing excels off the deck. and it goes long with both control and a bit of height, at MY SS u really cant ask for anything else .in a driver. the 70s is JUST the slightest bit whippy., its not.. but agaisnt these other 2 it is.

however this actually makes it longer than the W and the X. the maruman driver with this in it is out an out long. it out drove the ryoma dia X and the syard diaX but its not as tight thats a given. its an easier hit

the diaX really does make all these tho pale into insignificance.

yerstredays game off the tips at 7250 yards with smoe damn long and tight holes i had in the bag both the ryoma and the syard

i was playing a 2BBB event with my mate soi was hititng both drivers on a lot of holes to see what went where and without exception when i really needed to get it set , i went for the .388....... every time

i was MAYBE potentially sacrificing a bit of carry on a wet fairway day. the ball plugged quite a bit with the typhoon the otehr day killing os many course with deluge... but when i wantede to make sure i was o nthe shorties.... i want he X.

theres a pretty substantila price diff o nt hese hsafts but

i always live by u get what u pay for., and hte X IS......... the big kahoona

2 stock shafts have been spot on for me this year. The GD in the 388 is a perfect fit, as is the stock shaft in the FOURTEEN CT 112. i

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