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You probably by now have heard about 4K TV's & Video. Also known as UHD or UHDTV

It's basically a minimum resolution of 3850×2160 or four times 1080p. What most people have now 1080P is what's considered 2K resolution of 1920px Then there is 8K that has no real use just yet so we can forget about that.

4K has been becoming more affordable recently you can get a 50" for 1k if you wait for the new Vizio's, some chinese brands are pumping out 4k TV's at even less. But you get what you pay for although I would consider a Vizio at this price point.

The problem is there are few places to find 4K content. Sony is releasing a streaming box this year but it will require very high speed internet. Youtube & Vimeo just launched support for 4K. The best TV's are coming from Sony, Samsung, Sharp & LG.

It's CES time in vegas now. Sony is leading the pack with an affordable 4K video camera called the FDR AX100 it's prosumer and coming in March for 2 grand. If it came out just a month earlier we would use it for the golf show. Good news is TSG will be moving over to 4K video this year when they launch the interchangeable lens version just because Tario & I are geek like that.

Here's some footage from this consumer camera ( Click the gear icon and move the res to it's highest and give it time to buffer )

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hEYhkvZEVN4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here is an image of the camera, nothing fancy and it looks just like what most of us already have.


If you have a computer that has a video card that supports 4K, its usually a dual GPU computer you can gain some major real estate by using a 4K monitor but it won't be cheap. For a meager 31" by Sharp running at 60hz your looking at spending $3500 or the clone by ASUS which is nearly as good for $500 less. This is what apple sells with it's just released Mac Pro.


But if money were no object and you want the best TV money can buy at this moment try this on for size, the 100+ inch curved 4K TV's. In fact the prototypes just announced can even bend! Every brand is making them. LG & Samsung's latest bend.


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I saw I think an 80 or 100-inch TV at Best Buy earlier this year with 4k. Best damn TV picture I ever saw. They warned about lack of content, though. Hopefully it'll take off and some will be available. Guess for the moment I'll have to settle for my 60-inch Elites. Still the best picture I've seen, other than the 4k, on any of the big screens.

That curved stuff looks pretty cool, too, although I haven't seen it in person. Just don't care for the overly-bright, reflective picture a lot of them like Samsung are putting out.

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