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ryoma golf pro caddy/cart bag + syard caddy/cart bag


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2 bags for sale.

ryoma cart


s-yard cart bag

both white with black lettering.

both in great cond.


both approx.4 kilos. and both terrific bags.

excellent pocket size and variety

plenty of club space.

9 or 9.5 inch.

ryoma condition is very good , theres no tears nor too rough wear ,it spent 100% of its time attached to a cart at my home course so its very schweet.

s-yard ive used maybe a cplof days at most so it is in mint cond.

$350 shipped each one.

remembering shipping is VERY exxy on these bags

and ill get it.

pm me for more details, these are to go,

my photos are NOT up to scratch o nthe ryoma bec im without of a suitable camera again..!

ill hopefully rectify that with this evenings purchase of the altest sma-pho. and get some proper snaps up , rest asured these are ver y very good cond. , if ur at all intersted keen drop me a pm and il nick wifeys phone and take some gooduns sooner.

syard is a stock phot but its this exact bag. identical.

cheers chaps !

Edited by supo67
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  • 2 weeks later...

yea tomorrow i can , my camera busted and i had to take into cannon to getit fixed , it comes back tonight. .

so tom i can post them, its in pretty darn great nick actually.

Edited by supo67
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piccys up but my good camera didnt return last night , so these just with a tablet, so excuse the poor quality.

bag is virtually spot on, some tiny discoloration spots (bec tis used and white!)

but over all its in excellent cond.

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