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Here it is....

Dying to see piretti gss golfer75 :)

That is sweet!! I have almost pulled the trigger on that one multiple times....man I think I might have to get it now!

Here you go buddy!





Edited by golfer75

  • Author

That's a beauty man.... Wow!!!!!

Very cool


very nice.

  • Author

Copper insert is softer than gss and Damascus in my opinion.

But not as soft as zen or mokumegani

Tae is that yours? How does it feel with the copper insert?

both are amazing looking putters, but that copper though! Gorgeous!!

tae, is the head weight the usual 365g that piretti uses as a standard?

  • Author

Yes I believe it's 365g.

both are amazing looking putters, but that copper though! Gorgeous!!

tae, is the head weight the usual 365g that piretti uses as a standard?

Nice stuff

Must admit again I am a sucker for the copper look in any form

forgive my igonorance, but can someone just give me an idea of who piretti is in the putter world.

his putters are all over the place here these days ?

they certianly look the goods!

  • 2 weeks later...

I almost hate to discuss this topic but people need to know what goes on at Piretti. I was Brand Mgr for them, I designed the covers, softlines, got the grip contracts from iomic, etc. Piretti does not make putters. The owner does not have any cad cam experience, no milling experience or a mill to make putters, no welding or other experience.

This is going to be a shock to the piretti putter owners but after a while I could see what was going on and I had an ethics issue and decided to not handle any work for them or to sell the product. I was the first tour, limited dealer, I ended that some years ago. The putters are simply ordered from a catalog, much like KZG irons. They are simply shipped to the Texas location where they are gripped and shipped. They do some paint work and hand stamping and that is the full extent of what they do. I took Ted Potter's putter to my mill and did the work to it, he had the first win on tour for them with a center shaft putter. He gave me an odyssey he used and Daud mane one like this. I took it and did the mill work on the neck and sent him 2. He won the first week he used it on tour, it was great to see as he is such a great guy. Mike and I were going nuts watching him come Dien the wire. I made sure when I sent those putters to him that Piretti was in bold paint in the event it got any TV time. We got a great break with worm cam pictures on the final hole. Monday, he was interviewed a bunch, he was very halt about the pet and shared pictures to all. Ed Butler at golf dust called me for information on the model and such. I fielded a few questions but then deferred them to Mike as it was his company and wanted him to enjoy the success.

Henrik used the YES! Donna for quite a while and was looking for somerthing and happened upon a cottonwood that he liked and he did quite well with it, very dang well with it! The wide body design was something he had experience with and it fit his eye well and he was a great ambassador for the company. Since then, there has been little to no interest on tour, a couple fringe players. It really bothered me that 40 to 50% of the putters are hand stamped tour or prototype but only a very small amount, probably less than 10 ever made it to the tour if you pull out Henrik and Ted.

To all of you that are spending big bucks on these, I urge you to watch your spending. If you see one you like, go for it but know that there is no craftsmanship behind it from anyone at Piretti. You can make putts with a 5 dollar Spalding or a $10,000.00 Cameron, the money does not guarantee you will make more putts, we all know that. I would caution you about spending more than a couple hundred for a Piretti. I know how much they cost, I won't embarrass them by saying it in an open forum like this. I've worked tour putters for Never Compromise, Cleveland, YES!, Adams, was a very large Cameron collector years ago and am starting up TPA again now, many of the older members here will remember them. I know the business well. I caution you all on this line, don't want to see anyone taken advantage of or sold something that may not be what it appears to be. Many of you know me and have done business with me for over 20 years; the year and a half I spent helping them develop a brand was a real eye opener. Be careful out there guys. Buy what you like but don't spend more than $100-$250 here, Piretti will make lots of money at that price, and you might find something you enjoy. I hope you all take this in the spirit it is meant to convey, if you like them buy one, buy two or three but I want you all to know what you are getting. It's been a few years since I've done anything with them. I harbor no grudge at all. Mike and I had a whole lot of good times tinkering and playing golf and such. I wish him nothing but success but in the big picture, consumers need to know what it really is they are paying for, and to pay an amount that is fair for the craftsmanship that is, or is NOT present in their putter choice.

Hit em straight guys!

Please excuse spell check errors, sent from Android device.

crikies. that is eye opeing.

pls dont tell me cameron or betti is the same????????????????

Now that's saying something... seems a thank you is in order as I had no idea about Piretti operating like this. Kinda glad I got out of them recently, but you're right, they are nice and do roll em well, but to a point, I guess??

wow. and i was really eyeing that piretti CU that tae posted in the original post.

sounds like they did exactly that with those piretti irons too.

Hi Guys,

My name is Mike Johnson and I am the founder of Piretti Golf. One of our good customers saw this post above and forwarded it on to me and I wanted to clear up a few things.

First, The poster above was never a brand manager for me or any other golf company. He was a dealer of ours that started posting putters on his site for less than our MAP pricing so we decided we'd no longer do business with him. We also purchased back all of the putters he had in his inventory to be done with him. He was very upset and instead of handling it like a professional he decided he would try and hurt our brand by posting things on his site to discredit our brand. I am the designer of each putter and every time I design a putter I personally sit down with my machinist and design the putter. We do not order our putters from a catalog. I don't know if such a thing exists. I am not a machinist. I can operate a manual milling machine and have made several handmade putters for certain customers, but it is a lengthy and intense process which results in a very expensive product. I take pride in using the best materials available for our product even if they do cost us more in the long run.

The putter Ted Potter used to win with was machined here in Texas and designed by me. The poster above always wanted to get more involved with Piretti, but having seen some of his past business relationships end the way they did was a huge red flag. He pushed and pushed for me to hire him and when he finally saw that I hired somebody else to do what he wanted to do he was very unhappy and felt he had been cheated. That is when he started posting slanderous comments about Piretti on his website. It is very unfortunate that he has handled these things the way he has and I personally feel sorry that he feels he has to do this.

This poster(sticks) was a huge Cameron advocate and still sells many Cameron tour putters on his site for upwards of $7500 so to urge you not to buy expensive putters is very comical.

I absolutely love what I do and have been very blessed to be able to support my wife and 4 children designing and making putters for a living. I feel great knowing that we make the putters with the best materials and never cut any corners when making our product. If my designs help you putt better than I am doing something right. If you putt just as well with a putter you paid $15 for I congratulate you. I hope those of you that own a Piretti get excited when you get to putt because you have something that was made in the USA and something different.

If any of you have questions about our manufacturing process or anything else I'd be happy to answer these questions.


Mike Johnson

Piretti Golf

Edited by PirettiGolf

Nice post Mike. Whoever Sticks is, he needs some coaching.

Very good to know! There's always another side to the story. Thx Mike!

  • 2 weeks later...

Never met him, but what I have heard, Mike is a class act who actually stands behind his product. I have 2 Piretti's, and love them!

  • 2 months later...

I keep everything folks. I post this here to defend myself and to show you the hypocrisy and let you make the call. I was one of the biggest collectors of Cameron's for a long time. I have been working with YES for a while and am starting up 2 new brands now. I popped in to look at some new PRGR product and saw this post and felt compelled to respond to it.

I am not on a campaign to bash piretti, just want consumers to be aware of what goes on there. They DO NOT IN ANY WAY Mill,putters in the piretti facility. They paint stamp and glue, that is the extent of the work they do, period. They have no mill, and no knowledge of how to cad/cam a putter out I have with 3 companies now., I reached a point where I had enough of what was going on there and felt like I was misrepresenting the public with the products. The craftsmanship and the whole Tour Only thing and prototype was a joke. 2 or 3 players on tour and about 2000 tour putters sold,, that seems a bit odd doesn't it? I took a stock putter from them and milled it for Ted Potter, ME,, no one else. Henrik had a great run with them but they were never made by piretti. Take a look at this cut/paste from an email back in 2012. I had just landed the Iomic Grip deal for them and the man with the money at Piretti had sent me a nice note about it. Here is that email,, make your own decisions. Bottom line do your homework, or you might be in for a big disappointment. I have blacked out the name of the other gentleman as he was nothing but nice. Mike was too for that matter and we had a good run, just needed to go our own ways. Make your own judgement calls based on this email and what you have read in the posts.

  • J***n B*********d
  • Jul 12, 2012
  • marc
Brand manager sounds great. You definitely have put together some
great stuff so far. Mike and I both value your insight with regard to
making Piretti come across as a more upscale brand. I love the
accessories that you have been able to put together. I definitely
want to get the three of us together when Mike gets back in town we
can explore all of our options with regard to our continuing business
relationship. We definitely want you to be part of the team - we can
figure out the structure that works out best for all of us. Please
just stay on these guys at Iomic so we can get these grips ASAP.
Thanks again.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 8:26 PM, marc stewart > wrote:
> Thanks for telling me. In my experience a simple thanks goes a long way. I
> appreciate it and really enjoy what I do for you.
> My goal is to build a future for Mike and his family and you too. I have a
> bond now with him, the Lord has blessed the relationship and I am going to
> do everything within my power to build a future for your families. Its fun
> and exciting and it gives me a purpose. This makes it
> all worth while.
> I really never speak to you, its not for any reason other than I know you
> are busy with your other business. I take pride in what I do and I hope you see it in each
> product and value added proposition I bring to the table.
> Your name, B*******d, will be added to the signature box of the P.O. and I
> will send it back. Do you have a working title that I should put down or
> was it correct the way I had it? I hope what I put for me was ok. Being a
> small company I figured that was ok. I was a brand manager most of my life
> so I figured that was a good fit.
> Blessings,
> Marc
> Pirettigolf.com
> From: J***n B*******d
> To: marc >
> Cc: Mike Johnson
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 8:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Purchase Orders
> Marc,
> Fantastic work. We really appreciate all your help and we consider you a
> valuable part of our team.
> -Jason
  • 3 weeks later...

Naw, i own a few Piretti GSS Putters and i love them, i don't know either Mike Johnson or you, but i rolled everything under the sun and Pirettis are pretty damn nice !!!!!

* Oh and MIKE JOHNSON, if you are listening, you make some beautiful head covers that are super sturdy but it has the wimpiest velcro ever, if you can please make a magnet closure option, that would be awesome.

And Sticks, coming on a public forum with supposed credentials to bash one of my favorite putters is just not right, your Camerons also cost a couple bucks to make ! and i personally find they putt like crap, and many of the retail putters feel better than the tour putters.....they are well made and some are really nice to look at but seriously, you think 5K is ok for your 5 bucks but not for Piretti ???? BHAHAHAHAHHA

so who is gaming pirreti putters now? i may be able to pick one up soon!

copper to be exact!

so who is gaming pirreti putters now? i may be able to pick one up soon!

copper to be exact!

i have in my putter rotation a Piretti Tour Elite and a Piretti GSS cottonwood 2 and a Epon Zen and a Bettinardi FCB 110Cu and a couple Bettinardi DASS tour stock.

The Zen and FCB and tour elite are my favs

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