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2 very nice bags.

cart bags here, the ryoma is the more "used' of the two it spent it entire life on the bag of my home course cart ,there small discolourations but not a wear mark to be seen bag id rate as a 7.5/10

virtually perfect .

cold storage pocket. lots of big pockets and a few samll item pockets.

white with black lettering.


s-yard is in primo cond, 9/10, hardly used it perfect basically.

cold storage pocket lots of differnt posckets for smal and large items

white with black lettering

$300 shipped

shipping for this size bag isnt cheap, so consider that in calcs, they ususaly run well over100 bucks for these.

been told to clean the armory, so first infantry out is the bags..!!!

Edited by supo67

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