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Okay, so with Part 1, the virgin Personal-2's putting me almost down for the ho'-ing count, Part 2 steps into the picture.

I picked up this wonderful set of OnOff CB247 heads earlier in the year from one of our TSG boyz down under, but I realized I had the chance of my golfing lifetime to do an experiment that I've always wondered about.

I guess my partiality to the feel of copper irons is obvious by now, but since I consider these 247's the softest feel I've ever laid hands on iron-wise, I was curious -- could these be something I liked steel shafts in, which normally I don't respond to with the same love I feel for composites, the Fuji MCI's in particular...?

Enter Modus-3 Tour 105's, which Chris introduced me to several weeks ago when they came available on the market. Maybe the lighter weight, which I tend to favor all through my bag, would bring me around when paired with the OnOff marshmallows.

So I talked to my good friend and trusted club builder, Gary Gooden, aka here @ Goodsie, to get his opinion, and he agreed the 247's would be the babies to try this on. So I dutifully sent them off to him for his magic tuning touch, and he shot them back to me last week all spined and flo'd.

Bottom line?

The verdict is still out. These things also feel like light sabres. There is a little more of the vibration that puts me off of steel most times, but the Modus-3 seems to have dealt with this, at least in the lighter 105 weight, in a way that works better for me. These shafts make the 247's launch higher and, for me with my slow tempo, with very nice control and feel.

The MCI shafted P2's still seem longer, but not hugely smoother as I expected.

In short, I have myself a nice dilemma. And I'll be curious to see how each feels in the cold(er) winter play (albeit still in the year round climate of S.Cal...).

So, kind of a dual nirvana for me at the moment... And I'm not complaining...








Edited by RLL33

Yep. Nice to have all those coppery toys! 247s are legendary.

Love it! My next irons will be another set of coppers!!!!!!!!

Keep us posted on how those puppies perform! You know I am almost tempted to try an experiment myself....

I most certainly see a problem here.....

Trying to figure out which set to play.

Considered playing them as a combo set for a couple of rounds?

  • Author

Interesting idea. I haven't yet, but I suppose if I like one more than the other for, say, the long irons or short irons, a combo could figure in...

Oh, the possibilities...

I believe Kierkegaard (who was well known for playing golf under the midnight sun in the summer months...) called it "the sickness unto death..."


R, both sets are awesome and will bring you a lifetime of coppery goodness...I'm weakening... lol

  • Author

Thanks, D.

'luck, man!


  • Author

Well, the dilemma has definitely been resolved -- in favor of the P2's. There is just no comparison to the feel, control, trajectory (using MCI shafts), the length, and the workability of the P2's -- even though these OnOff's are what I would have called nirvana had I not gotten my hands on the P2's...

Will probably be putting these up on the BST if I can face letting them leave home...

Sure are beauties seeing them in person!

  • Author

Thanks, R, always look forward to seeing what shows up in your bag too.

Ah my old set in glorified copper! Very nice R!

  • Author

Thanks, C, about to go back on the market.


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