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OK!  Look I understand it's a business.  And I'm sick of hearing that Chris spends money for this forum for us to enjoy.  The bottom line is that Chris is running a business and this forum and the upcoming magazine is all part of it.  I don't want to hear that crap about how we should appreciate these forums because others have put the time and money into building out the site.  Believe me Chris wouldn't be putting so much time and money into something unless he thought there was opportunity there.

You're 100% correct. I don't believe Chris is a philanthropic HO! TSG was created with a purpose yet I don't think one can really make good $ with a golf forum/website. Now if this were Google... Man those guys made it big in no time - great to see such success stories. You don't need to re-invent the wheel - just make a rounder one! :laugh:

In response to "rsu", Chris should be addressed as "Masta Chrissu San" by all his followers! :surprize:

It's all good.


We need people (other than Chris) who get to try all the rare Japanese equipment like TaipanLi, Zool, Willy (This guy plays a lot of stuff US/ Japan/Component/OEM), and maybe even me to post and do reviews and comparisons. Comparing my Japanese Bettinardi alone against my US retail should be good enough. But unfortunately I'm on the lazy side.  

As my contribution to this site for providing me with good deals. I promise I will do 1 review every 3 weeks of a piece of equipment that I feel isn't readily accesible to the US Market if I can ask my Asian Ho brothers to do the same.

I endeavour to post reviews anytime I hit something new. Since my summer break, I have bought the GAF1 and a Gauge M2+. The reason for not reviewing them yet is because I haven't hit them! Most of us go through spells where we don't have the time or we don't have anything new to say. For the time being, golf is taking a back seat but I'll get onto it as soon as the opportunity arises.


Lots of good responses here. Funny though how people can experience the same site and come away with a very different experience. For example, I have a little bit of money, but I never got the impression that this site catered to people with money. I also do not get the impression that there are not many junior golfers here, certainly there are less than at BSG (a lot less thank god), but the ratio is probably not that far off. The japanese aspect is a heavy influence, but not to the detriment of domestic offerings. If a group wanted to banter about domestic stuff enough to make it popular here, no one is going to stop them. But then why bother when the unofficial GaylorMade site is located at BSG.

If anyone wants to call a golf forum a 'cult' then BSG is definitely it. For a site with a ton of members and posts, it is quite one dimensional and simple minded. I am not trying to knock that site, it is what it is. Do members here really want a site here as active as BSG??? Be careful what you wish for. Personally, I prefer a site that has less activity but a better overall quality of posts. It is cool that I can have a life and not hang here all day everyday and feel like I might miss something if I take a potty break.

There are ways to get this site more active, but it takes a handful of members with no stake in the site to proactively create interest and maintain it. For example, I chose to do contests that were more creative and not centered around who gets to pick Tiger. I have no vested interest in the site other than to see it get better because I am member here, nothing more, nothing less. I could have chose to do the contests at BSG, but frankly I did not want to manage 1000 entries nor reward an administration that is quite unappreciative of dissenting views.

One of these days I will dust off my 12 point plan to increase member activity and see if any TSGrs want to take it upon themselves to adopt an idea and run with it. But in the meantime, I like the peaceful, very knowledgeable membership here that does not waste a lot of time posting complete nonsense.

It did not used to be that way when TSG started. When TSG started I likened you guys to the same clan that came over to the US on the Mayflower - a bunch of degenerate brits who were not welcome at home so you had to practically commit suicide coming over here. The BSG/Todd bashing was ridiculous. But after awhile, some maturity set in and the membership has realized its better to just concentrate on the positive and what this site does best, which is offer some great information. So a lot of progress has been made and CP should be thanked. (Now if I can just get him to calm down on the Gauge stuff...wink...wink...)

It is a challenge to have a site that is japanese centric yet you do not have a lot of japanese members contributing mainly because this site is in english. It's a slow road, but it's moving along. But let's not forget, the Japan information is spectacular because most of the time you are seeing the new trends in golf before they hit the boring US market. For example, we all know Fourteen very well, but they have barely made a push on the PGA Tour and will very likely do that next year. So we are ahead of the curve. When it comes to good information, less is more; be proud of that.

Personally, I can see how the forums get a little stale, even I go through slow periods. But it does not take a lot of members to sit down and think about what could they post about golf that they can be passionate about for a week or two and try to dominate the conversation. When you get 30-50 people doing that, you have a vibrant site. So to paraphrase JFK, I offer ask not what the site can do for you but what you can do for the site. Be creative, as long as it is about golf, it's welcomed here.



OK!  Look I understand it's a business.  And I'm sick of hearing that Chris spends money for this forum for us to enjoy.  The bottom line is that Chris is running a business and this forum and the upcoming magazine is all part of it.  I don't want to hear that crap about how we should appreciate these forums because others have put the time and money into building out the site.  Believe me Chris wouldn't be putting so much time and money into something unless he thought there was opportunity there.

You're 100% correct. I don't believe Chris is a philanthropic HO! TSG was created with a purpose yet I don't think one can really make good $ with a golf forum/website. Now if this were Google... Man those guys made it big in no time - great to see such success stories. You don't need to re-invent the wheel - just make a rounder one! :laugh:

In response to "rsu", Chris should be addressed as "Masta Chrissu San" by all his followers! :surprize:

It's all good.


Don't get me wrong...I couldn't think of another way to put it. I just never seen so many people thanking a business over and over for selling them something. I admit Chris offers great products and some custom services that are just not obtainable through retail outlets even in Japan but come on - you're paying for the stuff.

I can't think of any item, especially golf clubs, that I have ever purchased where I contacted the seller to tell them "thanks for hooking me up with a product you wanted to sell for a profit.....you're the best!". All successful businesses can have only one goal and that goal is to make $$$ - not to say that "Masta Chrissu San" can't be a nice guy.


Noone can touch WBC in the Philippines. The really strange thing about is that the guy has tons of clubs/sets (My last count for iron sets was around 8 or 9 and that was after unloading 3 or 4 in 2 weeks) his current fixation are his Wishon Combos and his Wishon Driver. I think the Wishon Irons are currently going through their 4th reshaft and the Driver which has been in town for I think 2 months has gone through 2. I have played the Wishons (his first set, he has 2 God knows maybe even 3). I liked them. The forging felt like "form forged" or even like the Titleist 762s with the mylar cavity. The sole grinds are very versatile which is excellent for our wildly varying turf conditions here in the Philippines. but I just can't get over the fact that thats what Willy plays. TN 87s, MR23s, Katanas, Honma, X Blade CBs, Nike Blades in the garage...and he plays the Wishon 5 rounds out of 10?

I think you need to hook him up with something really,really really exotic.

OK!  Look I understand it's a business.  And I'm sick of hearing that Chris spends money for this forum for us to enjoy.  The bottom line is that Chris is running a business and this forum and the upcoming magazine is all part of it.  I don't want to hear that crap about how we should appreciate these forums because others have put the time and money into building out the site.  Believe me Chris wouldn't be putting so much time and money into something unless he thought there was opportunity there.

You're 100% correct. I don't believe Chris is a philanthropic HO! TSG was created with a purpose yet I don't think one can really make good $ with a golf forum/website. Now if this were Google... Man those guys made it big in no time - great to see such success stories. You don't need to re-invent the wheel - just make a rounder one! :laugh:

In response to "rsu", Chris should be addressed as "Masta Chrissu San" by all his followers! :surprize:

It's all good.


Don't get me wrong...I couldn't think of another way to put it. I just never seen so many people thanking a business over and over for selling them something. I admit Chris offers great products and some custom services that are just not obtainable through retail outlets even in Japan but come on - you're paying for the stuff.

I can't think of any item, especially golf clubs, that I have ever purchased where I contacted the seller to tell them "thanks for hooking me up with a product you wanted to sell for a profit.....you're the best!". All successful businesses can have only one goal and that goal is to make $$$ - not to say that "Masta Chrissu San" can't be a nice guy.

RSU (what's your real name?),

It's all good - all views (consenting or dissenting) are welcome here. Personally, I don't buy exclusively from Chris - I have other sources and HK gets a lot of the Japanese clubs. Regardless, if someone has been aching to have ready access to Japanese clubs, then TSG has proven to be their godsend because they had no access before. For this reason, if they wish to thank Chris for selling them something, I don't see the problem. However, I don't see "so many guys" thanking Chris for selling to them. Personally, I give Chris :-) if I don't get my sh*t on time :spit:

Btw, nice review of the GAF1. Hope you'll post another review once you've unleashed them on the course. Haven't hit mine yet but it'll have to be a great club to knock the F-ST+ out of my bag.

Happy golfing (and HOing),


For a minute I was surprised to hear I'd joined another cult...I love that concept.. :-D ...I would have to agree that sometimes it seems a little slow here but then I am extremely grateful that the majority of stuff posted is worth reading. A couple of you have already stated quality over qauntity, a concept I heartily embrace. I stumbled into this site in March during one of my rambles thru the ether and have been delighted, amazed, and enlightened on a regular basis since. I have learned an incredible amount about equipment I never knew existed from people who feel the same way about this game as I do.. :love: .

I am not sure I understand being intimidated by the :money: aspect. I am far from wealth, but possessing good taste and an appreciation for quality and fine craftsmanship costs nothing. I will never be able to buy a set a week but so what...here I get the benefits of the guys who can and are willing to share those experiences( omg maybe I'm a voyeur too) for my benefit. What you are is determined by what you read and who you associate with which in my mind makes me a conniouseur of fine golf equipment, for which I thank all of the members of this site because without your knowledge and willingness to share none of this is possible.

Oh yeah...it's Chris's fault...sorry oh benevolent master san...but it IS your site...I go to my closet now and confine myself to bread and water.

One thing before I go...I see nothing wrong in thanking any business person for selling me something at a profit...if they do it honestly and with courtesy I want them to know I'm happy with that...having spent 20 some years in retail its nice to hear a thank you occasionally instead of questioning the legitimacy of my parentage. :-)

OK!  Look I understand it's a business.  And I'm sick of hearing that Chris spends money for this forum for us to enjoy.  The bottom line is that Chris is running a business and this forum and the upcoming magazine is all part of it.  I don't want to hear that crap about how we should appreciate these forums because others have put the time and money into building out the site.  Believe me Chris wouldn't be putting so much time and money into something unless he thought there was opportunity there.

You're 100% correct. I don't believe Chris is a philanthropic HO! TSG was created with a purpose yet I don't think one can really make good $ with a golf forum/website. Now if this were Google... Man those guys made it big in no time - great to see such success stories. You don't need to re-invent the wheel - just make a rounder one! :laugh:

In response to "rsu", Chris should be addressed as "Masta Chrissu San" by all his followers! :surprize:

It's all good.


Don't get me wrong...I couldn't think of another way to put it. I just never seen so many people thanking a business over and over for selling them something. I admit Chris offers great products and some custom services that are just not obtainable through retail outlets even in Japan but come on - you're paying for the stuff.

I can't think of any item, especially golf clubs, that I have ever purchased where I contacted the seller to tell them "thanks for hooking me up with a product you wanted to sell for a profit.....you're the best!". All successful businesses can have only one goal and that goal is to make $$$ - not to say that "Masta Chrissu San" can't be a nice guy.

RSU (what's your real name?),

It's all good - all views (consenting or dissenting) are welcome here. Personally, I don't buy exclusively from Chris - I have other sources and HK gets a lot of the Japanese clubs. Regardless, if someone has been aching to have ready access to Japanese clubs, then TSG has proven to be their godsend because they had no access before. For this reason, if they wish to thank Chris for selling them something, I don't see the problem. However, I don't see "so many guys" thanking Chris for selling to them. Personally, I give Chris :-) if I don't get my sh*t on time :spit:

Btw, nice review of the GAF1. Hope you'll post another review once you've unleashed them on the course. Haven't hit mine yet but it'll have to be a great club to knock the F-ST+ out of my bag.

Happy golfing (and HOing),


Hey Tai, all as I can say about that one is LOL getting your stuff on time LOL :whistle:

ive tried to post, but i never get any replies.

so now i cant be stuffed. I still read some of the topics though.

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