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How to release the club properly?


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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the tips with the dread "s." I video taped the swing sequence and realized that with the wedges, I tend not to "set" before taking the stroke. Since I was unable to play for months, until recently, I've been reading Ben Hogan's Five Lessons The Modern Fundamentals of Golf. Per Mr. Hogan, assuming proper stance, ball placement, etc., at impact the back of the left hand (rt. hand player) points at target preventing the right hand from overpower the lefdt and twist the club over.


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sometimes what causes my slice is that on the back swing i take my right elbow way too inside. Thus on the downswing it gets stuck behind, opening the face and causing my ball to slice. A great drill i found was gripping the club and having your arms outstretched. Keep your arms straight out and turn, using your torso. From there adjust slightly so that you're in the position that you would be in at the top of your backswing.

Another cause for slices is not getting your left side fully out of the way, which hinders the right side from having a proper release.

hope this helps.

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if you want my answer bernard sounds like you have ball too far forward and  youre stood slightly open so you have to hold club off through impact.IMHO

this sounds very like me ! i play a hold off shot all the time, its easy to play with but kills my distance!

thanks for all the advice guys.......will make a point of getting the Hogan book.....never bad adding to my collection lol :cool:

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