ok guys i have had these since last year. was supposed to game but being in tsg
makes you fickle.
Selling my set of Limited edition Miura Tourney black blades.
these are 5-pw. Shafted with KBS tour stiff shafts and GP NDMC
white grips.
I could do the irons for USD$1320/set shipped (USD$220/per iron, incl grips, shaft, heads, hc)
IF anyone wants them and to make this a killer combo set i also
have 52,56,60 miura black wedges shafted with KBS TOUR black.
will make a killer black mamba set:)
wedges with the KBS Black tour shaft (which are more expensive shaft) for USD$660
picked this set up in a trade last year and was supposed to game them but im scared of ruining
the finish with my hacker swing:) just being practical. these would rock in the hands of someone
with more adept ball striking.
oh pls excuse the photography, trying to practice as i got a new camera and some strobes:)