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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. whats worst is you if you are not getting for what you think you are paying for , with intent to deceive its another story. there could be a possibility that someone was mislead into representing his product as such only to find out later it wasnt so. the proper thing to do would apologize and come clean, a cover up would only make things worse. fwiw i used to be a scratch distributor in manila but dropped the brand a year or so ago. il keep my comments to myself for the time being but i got a the same feeling chris posted in his blog but that wasnt so much as an issue as the south east asian distributor i was dealing with to bring em in but that is another story. btw we do share some common friends in japan that are very credible sources in regards to forging so i wouldnt completely discount his articles.
  2. derek, it all boils down to what suits your swing. its a case to case basis and testing and swing data alone will be insufficient when feel is taken outside the equation. i have a swing speed of about 110mph for the driver so i should be using a stiff in my irons as is indicated by the data yet i game regulars on my irons. i like the feel of the shaft kicking, others may find it soft but hell thats how i like em. my personal experiences in the last 6 months has been interesting. have tried PX, PX HL, KBS TOUR, KBS TOUR 90, TOUR CONCEPTS and Nspro. although others may have different experiences, the nspro 950gh WF became my gamer after sampling all those shafts. reason why i chose it is that it game be the longest distance and ball flight i desired while still having that crisp friendly nippon feel. for short its damn friendly, all of the other brands i mentioned were too boardy and harsh feeling. others may call it another name but thats just me. Even the kbs which is supposed to be the new gold standard could not get me satisfied. like i said this is just me and others may have another brand of preference. best game both and see what you like, you can always sell the one you dont game. it will cost you some greenback down the road but worth it if you value peace of mind. good luck
  3. , set looks to be pristine. price is very good. Good luck with the sale
  4. those look soo clean. nice! congrats! btw are those white iomics? been wanting a set of white grips but am worried about keeping em clean in the tropics
  5. Spoon replied to corky3's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    let us know how it goes and give comparisons with the roddio graphites. i remember your honeymoon with those shafts a year or so ago:)
  6. Spoon replied to corky3's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    yeah the super peenings work well with the epon heads. i have shafted two sets with the blue and my clients swear by them. i find them a bit heavy but am comfortably happy with the reds. they play like a heavier brother of the 1150 with all the friendly characteristics nippon shafts are known for
  7. here is a sample of the 8.5 face measures 55.5 mm. dont mind the mirror image shot with macbook cam:)
  8. i have received some driver heads for demo. initial impression is that the face reminds me of the older 460 zr driver. it is significantly deeper than the 151. i will measure actual dimensions of the face tomorrow.
  9. Spoon replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i heard from the guys in the other golf forum that he was doing pizza delivery and just dropped out from the radar. what a shame i was so looking forward to his iron and putter line. anyway would crazy be coming up with a iron and putter line as well? would make sense to head in that direction
  10. i have tried them and i would rate them at par with the nspro shafts. these have the softness and dampness vibration we have come to love with the nspros. ballfight is a tad lower than the nspro. downside is the price and the available weights and flexes. i have tried kbs and was not impressed w their iron shafts, performance was good and ballflight was a tad better than nspro but did not like the feel of the shafts upon impact. like i said i am one of the few and not amongst the majority that swear by the kbs tour.
  11. Spoon replied to Lennie's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i have two ems drivers and gave one to the wife. she hits it long and straight. mine is a 10.5 shafted with oban revenge 65s, although swapped it recently for the oban devotion. much better. all in all i like this a lot , big improvement over the EMB in the looks, feel and most especially the sound department. i personally gamed this for several months before moving to the 151. for those who want a easy to hit driver that goes straight, the scorpion is for you.
  12. Spoon replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    nice. i see they have adapted the channel grind for the sole. where are these forged?
  13. unfortunately i aint no rory mcilroy so i will be sticking to the true 10.5s
  14. very excited for this one. this will be interesting, our tester will be on the heavier side tipping the scales at almost 205grams and with a handpicked loft of closer to 8*. cannot wait for more pics
  15. yeah i can imagine these in the hands of chinese generals. picture is soo vivid. btw gifts from whom?
  16. ive know how you feel. been a victim myself of some jdm heads that were supposed to be smuggled out of Tm china factory. everything is available even spider putters etc etc. they even have fake prov1s. i was gaming a supposedly jdm driver 4 years ago for months not realizing it was fake. i was hitting it so long. only to realize that the color scheme was all wrong and voila. i bet things have gotten even more high tech since. scary!
  17. pics arent so clear but these remind me of the older fourteen and prgr driving irons.
  18. was that the one on the fs section clearance? looks awesome!
  19. Spoon replied to pca168's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    they make irons?
  20. Spoon replied to shoutout33's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    well said. idrive is right, they arent much softer than plated ones. i bet superman couldt tel the difference blindfolded.
  21. Spoon replied to unclekent's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    consensus is between the burner forged and af502. boils down to what suits your eye and what you prefer aesthetically. have friends that upgraded from 701 to 502 and are quite surprised how forgiving they are.
  22. Spoon replied to shoutout33's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    now who took a pic of that guy taking a pic of that girl?
  23. Spoon replied to shoutout33's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Mr T is a professional, he will have more than equipment pics. make sure to take pics of all kinds of eye candy even non golf related
  24. Spoon replied to shoutout33's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    and dont make the same mistake i did. did a thorough cleaning and oiling only to put back in my wet neoprene iron covers and they were rusty in the morning. also in a span of one wet afternoon , my raw irons were forming rust spots in less than a round. i cleaned with a steel brush and voila back to normal. remember raw irons are more maintenance than a no brainer nic/chrome etc etc finish.
  25. Spoon replied to Lennie's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    if it was shipped from japan then you can check postjapan and check tracking in their ems site. they are more reliable. fwiw, i never had a problem from tsg, then again tsg is one of the only retailers i use for jdm exotica:)