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Everything posted by DoubleAA

  1. When they do become abvailable, Please save 2 pair in a 10.5 (US) size for me. 1 Pair all White 1 Pair all Black Thanks When retail availability occurs, Please E-mail me @: [email protected] Thanks Aaron Morris
  2. Did not know exactly if I should place this in the WTB/WTS forum and since it is not Golf Equipment I figured here would be the best place if any. Anyway, my wife's best friend and her husband moved back to Harrisburg Pennsylvania about a year 1/2 ago and they just completed renovations on the home they lived in while in Vermont and now they have placed it on the Housing Market for sale. For those of you interested here is the site and their info. http://johnsonvthouse.com/ I will ask all members politely not to reply to this post but rather to review the contact information from the sellers. Thank You
  3. Mitsubishi Rayon Diamana
  4. That post wore me out, Bro, I feel tired for you, great read and thank you for being diligent in getting it to us. GREAT POST!!!!
  5. Anything for the safety and health of a child. Here you go! you_bet.bmp
  6. My dad under went Rotator cuff surgery in April. He was on PT for a while and not healing well, I started my own private business on June 1st and put him on this stuff called Mona Vie a few days later. Mona Vie simply is just a highly potent blend of 19 wild fruits from the 4 corners of the planet that are all loaded with their own highly effective properties and all contain some of the highest counts of anti-oxidents, and phytonutriants the world has ever seen to date. Mona Vie is based around the Brazilian Acai berry that grows in the flood plains of the Amazon and has been called the worlds most perfect "super" food. I have heard some poeple in the medical field call it "Life in a bottle". Since my dad has been using the juice, he dropped all of his meds and pain pills after just 2 weeks of use. He was still doing his PT but at home and he was getting great feed back, his progress allowed him to start playing 9 holes of golf by Mid August and it is now October, His doctor OK'd him for activity and we have been on 3 golf trips since playing multiple rounds in a 3 to 5 day span on each trip, he has had no more issues which is made him very comfortable. He fell off a roof when he was 35 and broke several bones in his right foot, that foot has been causing him pain since I was about 15. He has lost 27 pounds, dropped his cholesterol 18 points, lowered his blood pressure, and he says that has had never had so much energy and has not once mentioned a hint of pain, soreness, or inflamation adn he used to in his wrists, back and knees. In 2 ounces of Mona Vie he is getting an equal fryuit intake of 7 to 9 fruits which exceeds the current USRDA of fruit and so much more. The best part is, is that his doctor all but crapped his pants when my dad went back for his 6 month check up and he gave my dad his latest blood test results. In my dad's words regarding that visit: - "If you want to call it a check up!, it was more like a bad joke, SOO, he told me to come home and get a bottle then head back to his office again, he seemed almost offended and wants to see waht I have been taking to heal so fast, It's funny, at first he thought I was on drugs if you can beleive it but then I told him it was just fruit juice and he laughed in my face! I kind of got a little upset but then he demanded that I bring him a bottle so he can check it out. so here I am, I think he's just pi$$ed that I dropped the meds I bet and just wants something to whoot and holler about!!" I feel proud of myself that I could do that for my dad not to mention it has helped me with 2 ACL recons and a 2 popped disks in my lower back that has kept me from a good nights sleep the past 3 years. No longer, This stuff is amazing and I only got on it after I told the guys who introduced me to Mona Vie on the golf course no less to get lost and spare me the sales pitch, I called him up 2 days later and decided to go into business for myself simply because I felt what it did for me and felt I had to after doing more research. I cannot believe the ride I am on right now and how good I feel!! I can look my 2 year old daughter in the eye again because Mona Vie is allowing me to simply "squat" again! Best of all, it TASTES GREAT and I am saving boat loads of cash by not having to by pain pills, powders, supplements, ointments, creams, fruit that spoils, fruit juices loaded with sugar, and I am making a passive income that costs me nothing to start and is easy to grow simply by signing up 2 people and so. Mona Vie is distributed independantly in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Canada, US, and Puerto Rico. Thanks for listening guys. Take a Look: http://www.mymonavie.com/naturesperfectene...discovering.asp http://www.mymonavie.com/naturesperfectene...medicalteam.asp http://www.monavie.com/bodine/WebcastMar22.html http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/monavie_...t_info_page.pdf http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/American..._vegetables.pdf http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/Universi..._Study_Acai.pdf http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/antioxidants_and_gi.pdf http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/Dr._Cars...tonutrients.pdf http://www.buildthejuice.com/pdfs/The_19_F..._of_Monavie.pdf Why Mona Vie was created: http://www.themoreproject.org/ Aaron Morris (doubleaa) Mona Vie Independant Distributor www.mymonavie.com/naturesperfectenergy 610 283 4776 [email protected] ID533025
  7. 1280 x 1024 32 Bit True Color. 27 Inch Flat Screen. T3 Gig ethernet running full/1000 speed and duplex connection through Cisco 6500 Router.
  8. I agree 100%, thanks for the :ntsg_smilie_bulls**t: coverage NBC, your ontime delivery of such a special event is being butchered simply because you cannot handle to competition posed by the internet, what did you expect when the Cup began on Friday and most of your viewership is at WORK!!! Same goes for Saturday, is not everyone entitled to follow along no matter the means by which it is done! It is quite pathetic to say the least. Why do we subscribe to cable TV and by the most expensive HD tv's, to watch what we want when we want. Is it that impossible for you to figure out!!!! The TV networks could not handle the fact that online participation was greater than the cable TV viewing. It was high due to the fact "IT WAS REAL TIME AND NO DELAYS AS IT SHOULD BE!!!! Thank You NBC for making a train wreck out of our passion. Good Advice to NBC, ABC, CBS. When the Golf Channel takes over the broadcast rights to the PGA, LPGA, Nationwide, and Champions Tour, please make sure you are there to pay attention and take notes as to how Golf should be brought to the World, it will shock you that it is LIVE, REALTIME, & UNDELAYED. WOW, what an idea!!
  9. Tried one cigarette when I was 16 cuz I thought I was a "Gangsta" and choked my a$$ off over a Newport Menthol. First, last, and only time this chicano will ever think, hold, puff, or choke on a cancer stick. :tsg_smiley_no:
  10. Agreed! What are the french to do now!! Henry is no ZIZOU! Reports were given that several very tasteless comments were made to Zidane about his Mother and sister from Materazzi which spurred the response. And yes, I am ashamed of all the "Phantom" or "Ghost" fouls that occur during the game, I would love Instant Replay for this but I fear it would ruin the game horribly, I just know that the penalty box was transformed into a pool with all the diving going on, all that was missing were speedo's and a 2 meter board.
  11. ITALY Congrats to the 4-time Champions of the World Cup!!! There is no way they can say that game was fixed. I vote Captain Fabio Cannavaro as the "World Cup MVP" France played the better game by far but the execution shown by Italy on the PK's spelled L-O-S-E-R for F-R-A-N-C-E after a 5-3 stomping while facing Fabian Barthez. Congrats to Zizou for the Winning the "Stupid Ass of the Year" Award. :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: Zidane headbutting Materazzi square in the chest blew me away, this was his last game ever for Club or Country. In the words of Fred Sanford, "LaMont....You Big Dummy!!!" To see the now "Infamous" act, click here:France - Italy Highlight Fast Forward to 1:35 of the Video He just erased all the good he did in his career and guaranteed himself a posthumous mention of a savage headbutt against Italy as long as the WC exists and France is involved. Head butting Materazzi instead of the ball is not enough for you!!!!! :tsg_smilie_confused: Great World Cup for Italy! I guess the USA can be happy knowing they Tied the World Cup Champions with only 8 men.
  12. F.C Barcelona http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1785130580654800686 Breaking in New Shoes http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8925413301368236130
  13. Brazil had no desire to fight. France played brilliant football and it showed. Zidane is the Man although Rinaldihno is leagues better. (I was waiting to see it and I never did, dammit) Ukrane was run over from the first roll of the ball by Italy. Germany vs Argentina "WHAT A GAME" Germany must thank Argentina for giving them that win. England vs Portugal, I so hoped England had a WC run in them but the loss of Rooney and Beck'ster leaving 9 guys on the field left them to tired to fire crisp and lively PK's and no chance at effectivly scoring a go ahead goal for the win! My Prediction. FINAL Germany vs Italy => Germany -VS- France <= Portugal vs France France Wins WC over Germany 1-0
  14. I wish Mizuno would get an idea to revive the line of these again, they look as though the forge date could have been yesterday and not 1991!! set 001 would be mine no doubt!! :tsg_smiley_yes: :tsg_smilie_money3:
  15. DoubleAA replied to DoubleAA's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    NEVER MIND! :tsg_smilie_rolleyes: I was able to locate the real terminology for "Blueprinting".
  16. DoubleAA posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Can somebody better explain "Blueprinting"? :tsg_smilie_cool:
  17. WRX has given word that all members will be notified when all definitions of the virus and his hijacking files have been removed. They have given directions to a work around but have warned of lingering issues. Please wait for definite word from WRX on a when account holders can return. From this point, an ETA is not known!
  18. ***WARNING*** If you have not found out already, WRX has been hit severely by a hacker. They are currenlty dealing with the effects of this ignorance. Please be aware and be careful about what you download, we do not need to lose members by way ignorance and malicious acts inflicted by others. From GolfWRX Support on May 13, 2006 @ 01:46 EST, USA Greetings (Member Name) GolfWRX would like to deeply apologize for any inconvenience a terrible individual or organization has attempted to inflict upon you and us. This group, most likely hired, took advantage of a recent Invision Power Board exploit to install some spyware web code and attempt to redirect you to another site. This other site would then attempt to install more malicious code on your computer. Please do not follow or download any of the software listed on it. The hacker also used the built-in email software of Invision Board to send out the message. The hacker did not take email addresses and then send out a message through his own server. We are checking security logs and have tracked some information back. The GolfWRX team is working with our host provider and Invision Power Board to prevent future issues like this. Again, "PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS from an email entitled "Administration golf wrx"!!!" Please contact us or comment on the board here: http://golf wrx/forums/index.php?showtopic=31385&hl= ------------------------------------- golf wrx Statistics: ------------------------------------- Registered Users: 14626 Total Posts: 185765 Busiest Time: 2021 users were online on 27th April 2006 - 04:58 PM ------------------------------------- Handy Links ------------------------------------- Board Address: http://golf wrx/forums/index.php Log In: http://golf wrx/forums/index.php?act=Login&CODE=00 Lost Password Recovery: http://golf wrx/forums/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=10 ------------------------------------- How to unsubscribe ------------------------------------- Visit your email preferences (http://golf wrx/forums/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=02) and ensure that the box for 'Send me any updates sent by the board administrator' is unchecked and submit the form
  19. I would imagine they knew this would happen once Tiger found out about unauthorized usage of his name, photos and brand. You can bet his intention all along was to let someone else benefit from others greed. I was very please to read the outcome of the lawsuit. Good for Tiger, better for his foundation/s and best for all the kids. Shame on you Christensen Shipyards Ltd. Don't you know anything about patent infringment laws....DUHH! :tsg_smiley_laughatyou:
  20. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Tiger Woods has settled a privacy-rights lawsuit over his yacht, aptly named "Privacy." Venable LLP, the law firm representing Woods, issued a statement Monday saying the golfer had settled for an undisclosed amount with the builder of "Privacy," Vancouver, Wash.-based Christensen Shipyards Ltd. Woods claimed in the lawsuit filed in 2004 that the company had breached its contract by using his name and photos of him and the 155-foot yacht as promotional materials without authorization. "We made a mistake and truly regret the company's conduct," said Christensen president Joe Foggia in a statement released by Woods law firm. Although the settlement amount was officially kept secret, Christensen's insurance company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., said in a related court action that the amount was $1.6 million. In a lawsuit filed last week in Miami federal court, St. Paul asked a judge to order Christensen to pay the entire amount or to limit St. Paul's share to a $1 million cap cited in its policy with the shipbuilder. No hearing has been scheduled in that case. :tsg_smilie_money3: Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  21. DoubleAA replied to daamartin's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Moving to L.A in Novewmber, like to get more into the Golf Biz, Cisco is fine but when golf dominates all open time and thought, I want to get closer to it by way career change. Had to ask! Later.
  22. The wife does love art but it has nothing to do with GOLF. Droppin a couple dimes on wall mounted pieces is much more tasteful. Putting more meaningful pieces in a golf bag does not exactly please her sense or culture nore bode well for a quiet conversation about our artistic differences. Ortega wins hands down over Custom pieces from the Orient. :tsg_smilie_wah:
  23. DoubleAA replied to daamartin's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I am impressed by the Miz MX-500. My entire set up will be Mizuno/Gauge/G-Field before to long. Then I will work on a second set with some MP-32's leading the charge. BMack, do you have any part of the Baseball/Softball side of Mizuno? Any job openings in CA for Miz?
  24. Like the New Ferrari ENZO maybe! I was thinking the exact same thing!!!
  25. DoubleAA replied to daamartin's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Use the YS-7 TSX myself and have been really happy. The only diff I would think would be Trajectory btw the 2.