Everything posted by xchangmanx
YuRuRi's NeW Unagi Head FairWay WooDs!
Now those are really nice
Graphite Iron Shafts
I'm currently in the process of changin to Graphite for less shock and more yards. IE: I was skeptical till I hit my friends mizuno mp 60s w/tour ad 85s in them. OMG 3 iron off the tee went for a good 230 in the air and it was kind of a toed mis**t.... w/very little shock!!! Next day started seriously looking at the graphite shafts avaliable. =)
new wedge!! which one??
Yeah, I was just talking to T about going Tour AD in the AF301s.... seriously debating on the Tour AD 75 or the ns 750s.
new wedge!! which one??
I just purchased a second set of KGX wedges this time w/the Tour AD shafts. Might as well order the back-ups now before they sell out like the AF wedges. LOL
The Japanese and their Forgings
Couldn't agree more.
Tiger woulds?
I think Tiger could win w/big berthas.
new wedge!! which one??
I have a pair of chikara's I bought from Mililani GC, where they carry Carl's wedges. I guess its no problem here in Hawaii, being that he has a shop setup near diamond head. On the wedges, awesome grind, cuts through the ground no prob. PS I heard he is coming out w/cavity backs and blades soon. (carl)
Yururi Driver?
Guess the big thing is going black now. Indeed the yururi driver is eye catching. Again? who makes this driver for Yururi, or they do it themselves?
Anyone playing / hitting the Tourstage 445cc Black?
Awesome data and a great review. Kudos J. I also have the 445 in 9.5 stiff, the epon technity 460 9.5 rombax 7x07, and the GR 460 9.5 w/a roddio 6ba stiff. My SS is around 105 right now, and I carry longer w/the 445 stock stiff setup than the epon and GR. However, I have the same problem as jacksonlui; I have way more dispersion to the right w/the dimana black shaft. My bad shot is either a pull or block and the the Rombax shaft is just way better for me in that dept. Rombax w/the Epon is a great combo, the ball seems to have a strong piercing trajec which seems powers through and bores more than the 445 w/diamana stock shaft. The 445's traj just doesn't seem as powerfull as the Epon's, as it seems to kinda struggle to get in the air. But for some reason the 445s carry is longer by about 5 yards. GR w/the roddio is spined floed, I end up hitting it just as long as the epon, but the it can't compare the the feel of the Epon. I'd play the Epon anyday over the GR. I end up playing the epon w/the roddio more than both TS drivers. Comparing 445 w/the Epon, I'll sacrifice 5 yards for the feel of the Epon any day. I prob will end up pulling the shaft from the 445, and trying something else. It truly is a great head and the most eye catching driver I've seen second to the black onoff, I would def purchase this driver again and again and again. Just get fitted.
Epon Driver questions
Welcome to the forum! Re: driver, I believe that the technity and 460 are same clubs, just cosmetic diffs.
new wedge!! which one??
No doubt in my mind!! Tour Sieda!!!!!! FTW Its my favorite wedge right now!!
The Japanese and their Forgings
One of my favorite wedges are Cleveland TAs and the CG12s. (they are cast not forged) I love the feel of the cast 8620. To, be quite honest, I like them better than the a lot of forged wedges out on the market. But then again, when I look at a high end forged wedge, I always pick the forged wedge. ie, I play my epon wedges more than my CG12s, cuz of the WoW factor I get from friends and others.
The Japanese and their Forgings
Honestly, I can't tell the difference I think its all in my mind. Perhaps, I like knowing that my clubs are forged. A little more confidence is always a plus for me. I play w/epons and even though I'm not a scratch player I love the fact they are forged and high end.
new wedge!! which one??
Sieda wedges, super soft and super spin w/black gold shafts.
Daiwa Roddio Users
Yeah I had the same prob about 2 months ago. I bought a roddio shaft, and placed it in my GR w/the logo down and sliver up. I noticed I had trouble hitting it, it was harder to hit than my aldila. I then had it spined a floed. My 6ba has the Silver faced foward, and not the silver faced up. once I made this change, I could really hit the sweet spot consistantly. Thanks for this thread guys!!
Nippon NSPRO750
Which would you recommend for placing in the AF 301s? I desire a high /mid/high traj. but I want to try shafts that are soft, smooth and light. I've hit the 950s in my R7 forged irons and love them. Now w/regards to the AF301 I was wondering if Graphite is the way to go, or the NS750s on the 301s? I had the NS750s in mind along w/the GD Tour AD-75s. I've already decided the GD AD75 is the shaft I want if I go graphite, just a choice between the 750s and the AD75s. Thanks for bringin up this topic!!
Solid Tellurium copper
Very nice putter =) First time I've seen this putter, it looks stunning.
Yamaha 2008 Inpres X V Forged and Tour Limited
Its nice!! I like the Gold V. Very nice purchase!!
YuRuRi Prototype Blade w/PICS!
Same pref here, I like the soft feel, but longevity is also important. I think satin is the best finish.
2008 EPON 208KGX In Hand Actual Images!
Haha small world! Here on the islands, it has been rainy all week =(. OMG talk about rain. Anyways on to the topic of the wedge> the Gold wedge by far owns all!! Its so beautiful when polished.
2008 EPON 208KGX In Hand Actual Images!
3 full rounds w/this wedge. I have the 52 and 58 in gold. Love the performance, love the spin, feels like my Yamaha impress x wedge w/the amount of spin it creates. Played at Coral Creek in very wet conditions; pouring rain, and then next day played another 18 w/alot of rain. All that rain and still the ball spun w/perfect trajectory control. Ball sometimes dances w/more spin and low trajectory. Great for hitting greens that are hard. Overall a super wedge that, I'm very happy with. On another note, this wedge should be bought just for the its cosmetic beauty :tsg_smiley_heart:
2008 EPON 208KGX In Hand Actual Images!
Impressed with TSG
Good example of customer service from TSG> I ordered a 56 Sieda wedge from TSG. I wanted it because I say the full face mill in the gallery pic. To my surprise, when I received the wedge, the sweet spot was not milled. And the rest of the face was only milled partially. I have to admit I was a little disappointed. After talking w/T, and Chris, I found out, the pic I saw in the gallery was only a prototype head w/illegal face mill. I ended up keeping the club, even after Chris and Jaque offered a full refund. In addition to quick reply about the wedge, I was offered a nice discount on my next purchase and Chris even offered a custom face mill. I ended up picking up a matching wedge 60* but this time I went through Chris for custom wedge, and he had the entire face milled for me. It took a bit longer than normal to get to me, but the wedge's performance in spin and trajectory control was fantastic. Not to mention the confidence at address knowing that the ball will spin. Here is a pic of the mill Chris had done for me. I couldn't be happier. Thanks Chris/TSG! Tim
How to increase swing speed
Yeah, I got my SS up from high 90s to 107-115, just by focusing on more lag. This in turn allowed me to slow my backswing down, and really release it at the ball. I try to picture the Ben Hogan move, when I want more distance; he had the best Clubhead lag!
Impressed with TSG
Cheers!! I have had questions and concerns w/a couple of driver, shaft, and putter purchases, and Gocchin was right there full of answers, he has become my personal "Club Fitter" for all my JDM needs. My last purchase (GF putter), had some issues about customization. I sent T a msg and in 15 mins I had a reply, w/a finished pic of exactly what I wanted. Much deserved admiration to the help givin to us customers... I recently sent this to T as a thank you, and thought since this post was up, I'd share, w/T's permission of course. "Once again you have made my life so much easier. That draft of the putter was great. Appreciate you going the extra mile. Moreover, I must say; the knowledge and resources you apply to TSG and us customers, I'm sure is more than half the reason why I(and many others) look to this company for my golf needs. Other companies and wholesale sites, are and have been the cause of my odd eating habits, lost of weight, and uncontrollable twitch. When I found this forum, it increased my knowledge of golf globally, instead of just being the dumb US comsumer. It was like discovering golf all over again, TRULY *addicted like when I just started* I now have no problems eating a full plate lunch, and my twitch is replaced w/a very BIG SMILE. Thanks Tario!"