Everything posted by gbs
Jdm driver
Eric, have you tried the other Ryomas? premia or the normal one? I tried the Champagne gold color the other day. Just does not feel the same as the black V spec. the spec feels somewhat better or its just me. Can anyone explain?
Less is More! Smaller Driver Heads
Hmmmm maybe i should be taking out my ol' S yard driver and put a fresh shaft in it. Sounds good. I should be digging into my garage tonight. GOOD LUCK
low spin. low launch shaft
Was trying the Crazy 80 LS 6.9 flex. i think its a little to stiff for me. but man the shaft is really hard to explain. really explosive pingy like what stew says. Should i try the 6.4 flex? hmmmmm
Ryoma + Crazy combo feedback
Yes don't even think about the stock shaft. although its not bad but kinda lacking a lot of things.... maybe i am too spoilt. :)
fairway kings
I like the Yamahas. I had the EGG but i still prefer the Yamahas over it.
Af302 copper straight from the shop
OMG , they are sexyyyyy..
- GBS's 2011 Bag
crazy black f 16 3 wood
Cool , waiting for your review
crazy black f 16 3 wood
Sounds interesting. most of the greens here are elevated or guarded by bunkers on par 5s this might be needed. would it be better with a FW80 stew?
Does miura still get respect?
They do, they are like fine cars they don't come out with new models all the time. Sorry no experience with the PP but i heard the pp9003 are great.
My new iron set.
Welcome to this site and enjoy your JDM irons. Come on post some pics.
Nippon Modus-anyone using or tried?
How about the super peening red and orange compared to the MOdus Stew?
Supo67 Review's the Fourteen DT111 & Hi610h
Got it. THanks for the pics
Nippon Modus-anyone using or tried?
I am gaming these at the moment. I have them soft stepped. I am loving them the are quite high launching and lands softly. i get more distance with these and as stew said they are controllable and consistant. These are my favourite iron shafts atm.
Supo67 Review's the Fourteen DT111 & Hi610h
got any pics on the srixon mate?
Crazy CB46 vs. Muziik Bangvoo Premium vs. Quadra FE 65
I know you are the expert stew, but wouldn't the 80 series be a little heavy? Could the CB 46 or the TJ 46 in 6.2 flex be better?
Crazy CB46 vs. Muziik Bangvoo Premium vs. Quadra FE 65
I just got the CB 80 LS as well. once its here i will post on that too.
Crazy CB46 vs. Muziik Bangvoo Premium vs. Quadra FE 65
So you are E's friend that got the B Premium. ... hope to hear your review soon. BTW how is the Black Utility shaft treating you? i just got myself 1 waiting for it to arrive.
Quadra Fire Express Prototype? SR Flex
Thanks for the info, thought they start at S only.
Ryoma V spec + CB 46 Black
If you have no problem with the QE 55 SR you will have no problem with this one. I was also in the same situation as you when i wanted to choose which one to get.
Quadra Fire Express Prototype? SR Flex
my friend has both fe 75sx and proto in sx. he felt that the shaft is def more stout and tight with a lower ball flight. if thats of any help.
Crazy CB46 vs. Muziik Bangvoo Premium vs. Quadra FE 65
I am not sure the old TJ46 is like the new Noir TJ 46. I am fighting left so when i play the TJ46 even with the 6.2 flex i still hit a little fade, I wonder whether it is my swing or the shaft. I still have it. i have it installed in my ol R9 460 and during off days this combo is automatic. little fade wont kill me i just aim a little left. :)
Ryoma V spec + CB 46 Black
Can't wait to know what your friend thinks of the Premium. I used to own the LY 1 and 2 , i don't really like them. By reading all the posts i think he will find a big difference in the premium.
Ryoma V spec + CB 46 Black
HOnestly have not checked my SS for a long time. I have had a swing change and many changes since then. I have a smooth tempo.. like bogeydog mentioned this shaft suits variety of players i thought its only for the more faster and aggressive swingers i personally don't think its only for them as i have proved it myself.
Ryoma V spec + CB 46 Black
i am playing @45.25 are you thinking of the same flex as well?