Everything posted by ihatebogies
Ryoma V spec + CB 46 Black
gbs what is your swingspeed as well as swing characteristics.....smooth tempo, quick tempo, etc. Thanks. Jim
Ryoma Demo Club - Feedback Forum
Where in the world is the Ryoma Demo Club, anybody know? Any new feedback from those that have had an opportunity to try it out? Restlessly waiting for it to arrive in the Hawaiian Islands! Jim
Miura forging
Don't leave us hanging......is there something we need to know about Kenmochi?
Wedge Help II
I jumped on the April Demo Yururi Tour 50* and 58* wedge heads Chris was selling. I now have to fill the gap between them preferably with a 54* wedge. Yururi Tour doesn't come in a 54* so I'd have to bend a 56* to 54* and according to Chris it should be no problem bending the 56* to achieve the 54*. I can also buy a Kenmochi 54* and not have to deal with having it bent. Any suggestions would be helpful. I believe the Yururi Tour requires a taper tip shaft, does the Kenmochi as well? Thanks! Jim
Now with full speed video - 140mph swing speed/221mph ball speed
Can you upload some video at regular speed, slow motion doesn't really do it, I want to see it at it's raw best. For old guys like me when I really go after it and swing out of my shoes, oxygen bottle and walker I get to 92 mph and a trip to the chiropractor!
compare Epon 302/502/702
I play a combo set of the 701's and 302's and have hit demo clubs of the 502. I agree with Chris that the 502 is not that great of a feeling iron, kind of numb feeling even when flushed as compared to the 302. For a players cb the 302 offers a good bit of forgiveness and when you're striking the ball well no club I've played feels better. The 701 clubs I play have been reshafted with some GD Tour AD shafts thanks to Fatman's generous offer to me which I need to post in this forum about, and these shafts have helped the feel of these irons considerably but to me they are still a harsher feeling club. If foregiveness is your primary concern go 702, if feel and control is your bag go 302 and if you're somewhere in between do like I did and get a combo set of 701's or 702's and 302's. The only issue I guess with the combo set I have is that because of the stronger lofted 701's my set is 6, 7 (701's) then 7, 8, 9, PW (302's). It's a pretty seemless match loft wise believe it or not but when someone looks in your bag or the guys are cleaning your clubs after the round someone always asks "do you know you have two 7 irons"? Jim
Wedge Help
Stew, what do you do if you need a 53 or 57 or heaven forbid a 59 or 60 with that setup?
Wedge Help
PM sent, are the Yururi's taper or parallel?
Wedge Help
I have managed to save enough cash to make my next JDM purchase which is a set of wedges. 50 or 52/56/60 and I'm considering the Geotech and Yururi because not only do they look nice to my eye but most importantly they fit the price guidelines for a retired guy living on a fixed income! Anyway, I generally play courses with tight lies around the greens and I'm looking for a wedge that can be opened up easily and offer the ability to be played from those tight lies. I also like to hit full shots with gap and sand wedges and use the lob wedge for more of the finesse type shots. If there is any strength to my game, which there isn't, but i do like to think my wedge game stands taller than any other part so I am really hoping that one of these wedge sets will serve me well. Thanks for any info! Jim
Scotch.. or Single Malt In General
ihatebogies replied to Above_Beyond's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearJust stumbled into this thread, so to speak, but thought I'd throw in my $.02. I'm a Highlland Scotch lover, Glenmorangie (Sherry) being my favorite and once a year I buy the Glenmorangie 25 Year Old and sneak away by myself to enjoy it, no sharing this stuff!! What did George Thorogood say "when I drink alone I like to be by myself"! I also have gotten into some high end sipping bourbons for a change but that's for another thread. Before I moved to Maui I lived in Colorado in the US. If any of you are ever in Denver there is a place called Pints Pub in the downtown area that advertises it has more Scotches than any other bar this side of Scotland. If you love scotch and you're in Denver check it out. Jim
Ryoma Demo Club - Feedback Forum
Can't wait!
Yonex NanoV Forged Irons - *UPDATE - DONATION MADE*
Kind of a shameless bump for you Craig but hopefully others will be inspired to do the same as you said above. It truly is nothing but a couple of hundred bucks to you but with what you intend to do with those couple of hundred bucks may be a life saver to some needy others in Japan.
epon 302 help....,
Stew I was starting to struggle a bit with my 302's and a friend told me to go to the range, take a sharpie pen and one of those gizmo's that you use to draw a line on your putter and mark up several of the range balls with a line like you would for putting. Place the ball so the line is perfectly straight up and dowm (90*) to the ground and hit some shots with each club. Check the mark on your clubface as to locattion as well as to whether it's straight up and down or leans one way or the other (towards the toe or heel). I found several of my clubs had lines that were badly leaning toward the heel. I had a local guy bend them to a more proper lie and my ball striking improved. Jim
Yonex NanoV Forged Irons - *UPDATE - DONATION MADE*
kuregu, you're a very good man and an absolute class act doing what you're doing!!!!!!! Jim
Best Feeling/Looking Players CB
I'm like a broken record on this one but IMHO you would be hard pressed to find a more perfect looking CB at address (and to me that's the only look that matters) than the Epon 302 irons. Jim
Stop The Brutal Ho'ing!
ant, thanks for the really kind words but I didn't post this or do this for any slap on the back or a few "atta boys". Truly once the thought entered my weak little mind there just was no turning back. Whats a measily (sp) couple of hundred bucks in the overall scheme of things. As Winston Churchill said "we make a living by what we get and we make a life by what we give". As much as I've tried to buy a game over the years (not very successfully I might add) doing this for me was a no brainer. I only wish there were other ways to help. Hey Stew, I shot a 59 today......unfortunately it was a team score in a scramble event and our team finished in the middle of the pack. Funny how unimportant a silly game of golf can be when you think about what those in Japan are dealing with right now. Stay strong you guys we're here for you!
Stop The Brutal Ho'ing!
Hopefully the title of this topic got your attention. I have been slowly putting a JDM bag together with the help of Tario and advice from Stew and others here. My next investment was going to be new Yururi Seida Rupas wedges and some new graphite shafts for my irons........but you know what......that seems like a waste of good money right now. I'm sending the dough I've had stashed away in some socks in my drawer so my wife wouldn't find it to the Red Cross to aid those in Japan. I urge everyone else here to do the same if you can! If you're not a fan of the Red Cross or live outside the US just type "help tsunami victims" in your web browser and a bunch of links will come up for you. I've never met any of you on this site face to face that I'm aware of but feel like I do know several of you anyway through PM's and e-mails and I think this may be one of the tightest group of members of any golf website out there. Take care, God bless you all and let your conscience be your guide. Stew and Tario I'm one lucky MF'er, I'm headed to the course in about 30 minutes and I'll duck hook and chunk a few for you!! Jim
Rocked by a 8.8 Earthquake
Stewie hang in there brother!
Rocked by a 8.8 Earthquake
Hey Stew and Tario if you need to get some calls out to get in touch with friends, family or loved ones let me know and I'll be glad to make them for you. Send me a PM with the message and phone numbers. I know not everyone has access to or uses a computer in this world (ie: my Mom and Dad). Please let me know if I can help. Jim
Rocked by a 8.8 Earthquake
WOW!!!!! I live on Maui and went to bed early last night and missed the news. We are starting to feel the effects of the earthquake now here in the islands with some flooding but so far nothing near what you guys in Japan have and are experiencing. Stay safe Stew and Tario we're thinking about you and praying this is over! Jim
JDM Graphite Iron Shafts
Enough said, thanks once again for all the advice!! Will do. Jim
JDM Graphite Iron Shafts
Thanks for the kind offer but by the time I shipped everything to the PI's and paid to have them shipped back I might as well just go with the stuff and enjoy the Philipines while you do the work! Haven't been there since the Thrilla in Manilla but now I'm dating myself! Jim
JDM Graphite Iron Shafts
Reminds me of a joke, amphibians, but won't go there....so you and Spoon are saying most likely I could go with taper tips in the Epons. I do know a nasty lawyer if you're wrong!! Jim
JDM Graphite Iron Shafts
Hey Marc, thanks for the help. By the way isn't it a bit late in NoCal to be on the internet?!! Jim
JDM Graphite Iron Shafts
I totally agree but he says he had a bad experience with a client one time and won't budge on giving in to doing shims again. He's really the only game in town so to speak so I don't argue. Jim