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  1. I have the 19* TP if interested, here's the link with pics. http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...iewtopic&t=9181
  2. Thnx for the several inquires guys, but at this time I looking to ship to ConUS and keep the club together, as I don't have a shaft puller. Thnx for the interest.
  3. I play the LT's and love them, will have to check out the new ones, although they will have to be something to knock these out of the bag.
  4. From the front, looks pretty much like the Sonartec, looks like it will be a good club.
  5. Pics added. In pic 3 on the very bottom, there is a small scrath, other than that in awesome shape, as you can see.
  6. TP means Tour Preferred, does that help.... :cool:
  7. Have a Rescue Mid TP 19* with Fuji Vista Pro stiff and headcover for sale, with a Golfpride multi color grip(red and black, excellent match to shaft). $175 shipped to CONUS. This club is long if your looking for a little more distance.
  8. I just got mine Friday and haven't had time to play around with it, will let you know what I come up with. I proably won't go over 24 grams of weight in the head as I want to keep the shaft at stiff flex, any more weight than that and I think the shaft will start playing too soft. Now the fun begins.
  9. What's the difference between these and the retail heads?
  10. I have a Rescue Mid 19 TP with Fuji Vista Pro stiff, in really good shape with headcover and Golfpride multi color grip(red and black), if interested pm me.
  11. Very nice looking irons, let us know how they do.
  12. I have a Rescue Mid Tour Preferred 19* with Fuji Vista Pro 90 stiff shaft, TP headcover and mulitcolor red and black GolfPride grip for sale. Club is in 8.5/10 condition with small scratch on sole, face and top are in great minor wear condition. $175 shipped to ConUS, money orders only as not set up for PayPal, Might be interested in trading for a 3 wood Vsteel with aftermarket shaft in like new condition, or some Accuflex,Fuji, NV,Harmon CB-65 new shafts( no pullouts), let me know what ya got.
  13. Am willing to trade a Rescue Mid TP with Fuji Vista Pro 90 for the 757 Speeder Tour Spec X, if interested let me know.
  14. What can you get a R7 TP with 757 speeder shaft x-stiff for, and in what time frame? What other shaft options can you get? Thnx.
  15. I have been playing them for a couple weeks now and couldn't disagree more for my game. Before putting these in the bag my ball of choice was the HX Tour. These are longer, stop very well on the greens for me, scuff way less than the Tours and have so much better feel for putting than the Tours, which felt clicky most of the time. These have definitly replaced the Tours for me and is now my current high end ball of choice.