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Everything posted by supo

  1. i got a cpl with the modus 120s stel and the ball doesnt move laterally at all. maybe steel is a better option ???
  2. yea the pro100 blades are a great no nonsense perfect blade. love those. ive been playng the masdas most of late last year they jumped of the page at me. not sure if i shated them properly tho, might need to tweek them a bit this season i think. . ahhhhhhhh and i forgot prob the meanest bad assest of them all the miuraisms!!!! popped snaps of masdas back up. the miuraisms , the A-grind and the sriko pro100s. pretty definitive range we got to look at now i think. just delicious golf !
  3. thats pretty true. they are a slightly harder impact than ENDO forgings, which is niether better nor worse, its just what u prefer. these days i tend to like a bit firmer feel, lets u know when u have flushed it or when u missed it . they are a slightyl large head. planety of guuush in the muscle. i had a brilliant week away with these and the epon af tours. played one set each day for 8 days. i found the epons BLEW these away when the grass was wet and lush and vice versa when it was firn hard and windy. these flew lower than the af tours , but the tours landed much softer and felt much softer. loved them both but taught me never to play the tours back home. and it was a waste to play these in midsummer here. rounder soles for thick lush ,, thinner flat for hard. both are good
  4. wonderful sticks shud not last long
  5. i think the prgrs are too long ago 2003-4-5 ish i think.. but iloved the tr 900mds they were in my bag for ages. first proper set of JDM irons i had some of the best feeling impacts ive ever had with those. they just ahd too much offset inf the 8-9-pw for my liking i know someone that can defiantly do a blurb on the srikos.. come on ,out ya come... dont be shy......
  6. out of this collection ive got/had yonex ezone perosnal 1 af- tour. yururi flatback (shue NEVER have sold those..grrrr..!!!) tourstage 905. masda crazy miura. ive been secretly eyeing of the honmas and the fourteens for a long time. and the buchis will prob get a bag at some stage in the near furure. but the srixons for me , just have the size and edges i really like. if im forgetting some obvous ones post em up and ill pop em in!!! but remerber NEWish ,so try keep it to i dunno 5 yrs ish??
  7. forgot a few classics!!!! new updates better represented blade list hot damn theres some lovin to be had here re aint there!!!!
  8. well. i cant beleive the srixons havnt got more love, they have the best lines ive seen on a club in eons (personal choice of course ) but bec they are OEM i bet they are not popular. the mp4s i saw and drooled over, but the softness of them just stops me buying them . The buchis are somehting that i really like the look of as well. a small rounded style, non angular. have to say i saw the miura 101 and thay really did look like well made head, lovely finish might be the best finish, but for he goose neck..!!!! srixons ,, they are the next set for sure..,
  9. i saw that crank thing on the weeknd, its the long rivers head of choice right ? unbleivebale looking head. it scared the shiiiiiitoutta me. the jbeam does look awfully similar
  10. i was browsing blade designs and thought hmmm whats the best looking , functional blade design out there. for me. obv its very personal ( pun!!) thing , but my goal is to have lots of blades , and just a set of two of cavities. heres what i came up with just off the top of my head. happy to have al these in toe BUT to me....................... one of these just stands out a bit more , and i think everyone will get a big surprise when i revel which one. its a very personal thing as i said ,but this one seems to get no love, no dialoge and no play. i know whats next on my list...., what say all you lovers of blades ????
  11. i never get tired of looking at a balde ,even tho there is limited new things to look at, the subtle grind differnces make them all the more interesting. these look delicious
  12. very surprised to be hitting balls aleady , recovery time is way ahead of schedule. (must be all the iradiated fish im eating ) no idea which set i got , didnt know there were two. nice irons anyway chaps , true blade players will really appreciate these i think. hope ot get the piccys up today..
  13. Flatbacks are much softer i thought , but its not a grat time to measure being mid winter and all Ill wait till i can hit both pw ina few weeks to get a fair comparison ,pretty sweet first time hit tho was pretty happy with them
  14. Well as im a sucker for blades , these i just had to get . When i first got Them i was kinda wow,check these out , these are tiny thin ,gulp, uber Difficult looking heads . Ultra thin soles, razor thin , long blade, im not sure if i wanna play these in winter or in big wind They are shafted with the new modus125 x , (more later on feel) So idid an eye off vs my masdas and my tourstage marus both of which have zero offset and are very verry differnt style blades both of which have no similaities to the agrinds which is great! They did however got look kind afamiliar so i got the yururi 2010 pw and i went right now i see what i was looking at. Again not the same the grinds are totally different but the same longer blade . Again a very good thing bec the yururi flatbacks are one of my faves. Soi finally managed to get out and took a cpl of irons for a test with a cpl of new drivers and a cpl of wedges Buti was there realy just to see if i cud hit balls. The agrind irons with the new 125 shafts Remembering its 7degrees and mid winter , my swing speed is minimal and i was being rediculously careful so distance was irrelevant as i was just guaging feel nad looks. Ok So they are not epon/mizuno soft, they feel like kyoei. Which i love!!! Bit firmer a bit crisper just a slightly denser feel ,and that might have a bit to do with it Being Winter But i was hitting the ball superbly only concentrating on the feel and flight and not anythingneslse I was very happy with the combination, got a cpl to cut and draw ever so slightly Flight was higher than the modus120 and the 130s Very smooth feel to them centered shots were a thing of beauty to feel. Pw isnt so alarming with just a bit more offset , than i play but thankfully its realy quite nice and You dont notice it at all. Very happy with that . I think ill play these when the ground is cut short and the greens are lightning fast on shorter courses They are very precise looking clubs and i dont think they have one iota of forgivness to them at all, but igotta say i hit them reaaly well and they went exaclty where i was aiming when i did turn one or two over they wudda missed the green by way but the combo of the ns shaft realy does keep the much tighter left right.thats the thing with NS they are just so god laterally. Cant wait to get them put on course when it gets warmer. Not planning on gaming them any time in the Next cpl of Months till i get full strenght back and i think My home course with these are custom made for each other First impressions are way differnt To what i was expecting prob due in a large part to the shaft which i was a hige fan of. These will get bag time this season for sure Ill put the Snap comparions up when i the photosout of the camera. So far tho i like Them a Lot and Im looking Fwd to trying the cavity later this season. Oh best desiged lettering on a club ive seen The font looks awsome Sorry snaps wil have to wait 2 thumbs up so far
  15. Mons dont have wedge flex. New modus 125 are excelent im getting a set or two made formthe and ofmsummer Very straight 125x 130 x u might prefer tho Actualy ud benebst withn 120 x lowest of the bunch
  16. Spinners monacco and wv are in alll my wedges . Spiners have the most spin Monacco are low and super straight Wv are hgher spin the fall. Yesterday iwas hitting balls for first time in3 months Monacco and wv the difference is enormous Prob is i dont know which one i prefered . With the mons the ball is low ultra straight and bites on contact with grass The wv wer totally differnt kick and kinda floatier. In the wind the mons are irreplacable they are just 8 iron shaftsre done. Seriously i love both. But spineers too are good fun. I use ns 950 s in all my lob wedges so i can get faster hands and more spin
  17. oh man.., i gotta gets me one a dese!!!!!
  18. god yea. plenty,! just waiting for Chris to post his reiew. actually........, il do one with what i liked .
  19. think its bec half the world is stil under a blanket of snow. wen it thaws ,i presume so will wallets.
  20. ohh il take thios shaft lets work somehting out im sure we can dance il drop u a PM now..,
  21. yes indeed.......... the 5w. ok well u dont want a lowlauncher, the 5 is for kinda long distance resuce of for hitting todrop on a green. so a higher tighter shaft is good. u say u ahvethe kaili in the 3wood, well put it (or a diamana B ) in the 5w, perfect compliment. id plum for the kaili over the Dj allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day every day. kaili will but striagh higher and feel good , the diamana B is the new version. thats a great fw shaft!!!!!
  22. KEEP ur monaccos ,there is NO market for them what so ever. u may as well put them inthe ground and use them for ski slalom practice. plus u like the shafts and they are cut to fit already.
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