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Everything posted by supo

  1. bring them here, thye wil lgo well at eagle point
  2. i like the shape of this but id prob just colour all the lines in . looks like same face as the zen
  3. hmmmm might keep those extra bolds as well me thinks!
  4. yikes..... too much. tripple lines and colour. what happened to epon understaed simpllicity
  5. what are u going to instead ?
  6. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh 2104 spring has sprung. time for cherry blossoms, long tight " white pants stlye " on the gals and tourtsage z-01s a relative golfing morgue this winter ,its been freezing and evening at the range testing the new stuff just wasnt appealing. so the bag , the spring bag, prob my fave bag of the year , bec it ushers in warm hands change and birdie hopes. i dd a small bit of snooping about this year, but nothing like previous, the golf show was a wash pout for me this yr 3 feet of snow in tokyo pretty much killed any hope of gettign there before my trip. damn i HATE misisng the show , that the first misss in 5 years. a few bits and pieces have materisalsed for the beginning of this season. cpl of drivers... few fariway woods....of course pelnty of wedeges and naturally the sasaya putters. drivers include the egg7....trpx.....callaway ERC3..... fairways--ryoma f3......syard xv......egg spoon... irons----taylormade r9.....yonex ezone....tourstage maru blades..... prgr idbl.....callaway forged (ryo) wedges----- 3-luck sky dream jump... royal colelction DB ws....prgr LED....PRGR nabla tour forged.....fourteen mt28 m5.... and a few golds putters that wont be availble till late season id think...! so heres the line up to start. (excuse the shiity pics but i was phone based only) drivers-------- crazy 435. diamana stinger 70x// ryoma d1 diamanax 70s fairways--------ryoma f2-gs p9003x royal colelction bbd quadra fex 75xs 14*//royal collection bbd diamana ali islei 17* irons------------prgr idbl, nippon steel proto ST x. wedges--------hmmmmmm tough one to start but with the ground stil being very hard underneath i went for the smaller lower bounce of the three luck sky dream jump . in 51-56 and the fourteen mt28 sv 62* lobber. the wedges shafted with Nippon WV125s, and the lobber with the 950s putters--------had to put the golds GSS 360 + the newport replica sus 303 golds both with original horizontal pz milling, all wrapped up safely in my brand spanking new Nippon steel caddy bag courtesy of Nick san. just a small opening gambit to bring on the ealry season bling !
  7. right-o... iwas foraging thru my hoards on the weekend and i rediscovered a cpl of former gems. older but senastional utilities that have been "hiding" since i cant remember. 2x "adams idea black super hybrids." which, i think, are the aboslute bees knees for utes. and a cpl of shafts u just wont find easily. shafts are the roddio w-8wa and diamana thump. lofts 21* and 19* 21* has the diamana thump 465 X- hybrid shaft 19* has the roddio w-8wa 3.1 torque, 81.5 gram these are both in unbelievably good condition. i cant think of the last time i used them. the roddio 21 is basically purely made for accuracy its gunbarrel straight, tight like a tiger. point shoot worry no more. the roddio has some degree of whip to it, it was made to be a good distance ute. it was WAY too long for the 200 yards par 3s i built it for hence i made the 21* which , from memory was spot on. they are spotless. make me offers on them but lets say. $175 each shipped. the shafts on these cost me about that much , let alone the bulding , sourcing and heads! these SHUD suit someone in a flash
  8. have to jumpin here for a review and a question... i managed to finally procure one after a long time of baulking, basically beceasue my previous foray into prgr drivers hasnt been good . so ive passed on them. t i got one in a trade that was shafted with a fubuki alpha 60s in it. not what i need but i was just determined to see how the head went i ranged sat morn in spectacuar conditions , i also took my maruman conductor with diamanan B 60x as well .. were both light weight which is perfect in winter. 310gram for the egg and 312gram for the maruman , which is 8.5* well.............. wish id taken the plunge on the 7 earlier! the shaft was obv not for me as almost every shot i hit whistled off high right and slicematron, the maruman was a nice higher consistant stright fade to small draw. i wasnt hitting the midlde a real lot it was really early seaon striking blues..! , but i got close to the centre enugh to make a minds eye of them both and i was swinging well within myself. the idea waas a simple test to see how the head went well i think i loved it th set up is bizare the centre of the club at address looks like its WAY WAY right of were the sight dot is placed and the toe angle is extremely high to the sight, but not at impact ,its BIZARE.. it looks like the toe is 3 inchs in the air, but when uhit the ball tis dead square. iloved it!!!!!! impact is magnificent. its oneof the nicest impacts ive hit on any drivr. it is on the bigger side, at 460 cc, but it looks bigger in hand than it does on the ground which is nice doesnt look like ur hitting a shoe box. trajectory was interesting. its NOT that low and its def NOT that high, vs the 8.5* maruman which was noticeably higher and higher spinning ( but obv not at 8.5* a balloon ball!) never the less it was higher . the egg was DEFINATLY the more powerfull driver. and the maruman an easy peasy easy swingin fairway finder/ eneded up really liking the consistancy of the maruman and the ease in which i had to swing with it much differnt to the egg7, which at a slower swing speed. the egg was almost impossible to hit my choked down stigners with, and equally ahrd just by choking down a bit ( 45.25 inch) made it quite eratic. .im presumning............. its the incorrect SHAFT here . so the egg7 is DEF getting reshafted my question is to what ? i want to play this at 44.5 inch bec ithink is so damn powerfull and needs utmost control for what i want, im already thnking this cud be one of if not THE links driver of drivers. or hawaii my thoughts immediatly were the dia X of course but ive got a waccine 88compo and a stinger 70x that are unused. anyone got any thoughts ? btw........ the maruman conductor 8.5 with the diaB 60x is a heck of a driver!
  9. great buy whoever snatched these. these are awsome blades.
  10. supo


    $790 the lot SHIPPED thats a set of basically 3 BRAND new scores . 2 awsome yamaha with monaccos, ... 3 bolds that are virtually brand spanking 1 53* fourteen 1 yururi 61* lob 2 yururi 1.618 and a partridge in a pear tree...!
  11. wow.. the base is a carbon copy of the 102 (??) driver same shape exactly , like that a lot and the top looks very similar to the yamaha v series.. which is AWSOME...... think more t han a few guys wil bag these babies.
  12. supo


    50 each or $100 shipped for both
  13. supo


    in fact......... ill combine this 3w and the 16* + 18* utility heads together for 300 shipped.
  14. my 435 is 44.75 x 323 x d2.3 with the 435 u dont need to hit hte sweetpsot so much to make it fly .., i find that head very easy to hit consistantly. 425 is NOT high launching unles ur hitting it 11* which i beelive a lot of guys are gettign ebc they didnt get the loft checked ! ]make SURE u get the correct specs on these as they are NOT labeld with the lofts o n them so so so s os so many of thee are sold used here with NO clue of hat lofts they actualyl are and what degree of face angle they are
  15. supo


    thanks guys cpl mpre gone the yururis gone left is the 61* lob wedge in immacualte cond... the miuras gone, cpl of bolds gone still plenty more to interest fellow wedge aficionados. some great wedges here.
  16. agree wholeheartedly with the doc..... i do have vast experience with the dia X , its my most used shaft , so i can add what this brings to both these heads for you. firstly as much as everyone says its a LOW launch shaft it is , in fact in play a pretty mid ish kinda flight. i found both the diamana W, and GD z9003 shafts MUCH lower. but i prefer the dia X. in the 425 u shud be a good striker to get the msot ouf otu it or u might find yourself walking thru long grass over on the right a lot. similar with the 435 but to a less extent. in both heads, the ball WILL launch lower, than in a lot of other heads. save for the ryoma v-spec. which is SO point shoot its scary. u might find .......( like i did ) that hte 425 will get u more distance. the slighty smaller head seemed to get me longer balls, but also more eratic. itsd NOT a distacne shaft, u wotn be breaking long ball records with htis combo. but if ur a good stiker , u also wont be loosing any thing snap hooked. for slightyl more accuracy it go the 435, btu for ab it of alternate thinking on the tee id go the 425 tour. or get both.
  17. no need to experiment with the new stock shaft.. in the egg..... none what so ever... i hit the m-43 and it was perfect for me.i ended up getitNG A m-40 bec i needed it in a hurry nad it was lightyl too whippy so i pulled it and put a rediculous shaft in it but really therres ABSOLUTELY no need. get the right flex and ur away. def go the new one for a tee shot over the previous models. but off the deck the slightly sleeeker older models might be a good bet. as for the s-yard. well thats a beauty as well. Iwont split them in better terms as ive got both and i think both are excellent right now my fw in bag are the egg 3w and the syard 5w. id take a look at what u like to look at at address . bec. both are excellent
  18. this might be the first combo set ive actually ever seen. i rem the days when a few were ordered but its . def the first ive seen for sale. ,lovely set!
  19. yup... was there last may. with i-drive. we had a little group pf walkers watching us tee off the tips. and taking spome photos. . i was up first... thi classic hold pose was a . pose for the camera bec my tee shot , uncememoniously was topped 50 meters straight in to the water! !!!!!
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