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Everything posted by supo

  1. exactly.. its bears no resmeblance to the XV at all. this has grown on me big time . its killed my desire for a ryoma f2 now although the extra height of the ryoma is def a good thing
  2. there are bugger all 60s left in this shaft anywhere chaps if ur on the fence with this and its in yr wheel house id jump on this its at a heck of a good price. pete, no love for it ??????
  3. ah man these are great heads. if i didnt have 270 sets of them id take them
  4. thats what ive been finding this year as well. last year i went all 60X shafts bec the tour guys do it, no other reason it didnt work for me at all. i tended to push the ball or pull it. alot my timing wasnt on with lighter set ups. i had no rhythm this year ive gone the 75gram-82 grams in stiff. in a lot of drivers and im hitting with much more consistant results. point in fact , this weekend i played the epon zero diamana X 60s 316 gram set up and the maruman conductor 70s 323 gram the maruman is about the average weight of all my driver builds. but after i hit a lot of epons this small incremental weight differnce made a HUGE differnce in tempo and impact. the lighter epon was , for the most part longer. i def noticed i was swinging harder / faster with it, and the big shots were prob 5+ yards longer. one hole i hit 4 balls all went pure dead centre and the 2 epons were just longer. but noticebaly so to take one iron shorter and muscle up on it a bit the differnce in feel was immeasurable. man, if u can hit the middle of the driver A LOT , and u havent got a zero , ur missing out on something really special . that thing is on itts own. however, the heavier maruman all day was just where i wanted it to be , it was like i cud almost just "put" the ball to a spot. ganted it was a bit shorter distance, but my tempo was more mechanical and rhythmic. after one hell of a round practicing hitting balls..., if i had won a contest ...... and as a choice to take one of these drivers as a gift. and only play one driver for a year id take the maruman set up. sure the good epon shots were delightfull but at that set up its def too light for what i prefer to play now. i liked hitting it a billion times better than the heavier maruman, but when u can just count on consistancy then u have to take it.. the bigegst de proof to me was the jbeam 425 tour and waccine gt88 last wekeend, that was just incredible. agaisnt the kamui pro 60x , while there wasnt that much differnce i ndispersion. the safety i felt with the jbeam cant be quantified im into heavy
  5. ive had this exact driverbuild. in stiffer flex someone is going to be a very happy camper.
  6. hahahaah im really surprised how good this is it ahs a distinct feel to it differnt from typical traditional shaped FWD. and it suits the .388 driver style as well. a lot of similarities there. with this set up its still a bit of an ask off the dec kfor me beci slice balls mainly. and the fex kills me a lot. imthinking a nice diamanaB in this wud be superb
  7. ive got a set of c-tapers in my callway tour authentics built by big ben these are absolutley magnificent to play on my home links. the only comabtant they have is the kamui kp101 with aerotechs. but for genreal play i over here i find i get better resuslts from NS shafts .
  8. yes they ahve done that o nthe last cpl. its awful... raw clean looks ,why the companies dont get it . players irons shud be BALD...! but regardless ,these il hazard a very educated guess. will be fantastic to play.
  9. HOLD THE FORT.......................................................! im going to have to revisit my earlier comment about the s-yard XV quadra fex 75xs and distance. last night . i played "nighta" first time in 10 yrs here. the best night conditions u cud ever imagine 29* not a breath of wind, it was magnificent. anyway i just hit balls ,4-5 balls per hole drives, irons, fwds. wedges for 9 holes was pure pleasure , no putting just ball stiriking on course. doesnt get any better , only 1 other group out , for 2 and a bit hours of ball striking on course. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the pleasure..! so.., i took the crazy 13.5* f14 with roddio tour 70x which ive not used in months..... THAT has all changed from last night i assure you ! callway erc3 fusion big bertha bore thru with bi-matrix X 15* s-yard XV.. 15* qaudra fex 75xs on the 18th which was 563 dead flat huuuuuuuuuuuge wide fairway. like 30-40 yards wide . i hit 10 drives with the callaway and s-yard fairway woods and then into the green with the crazy f14. results. the 5 callways i hit ended up all about 10 yards form each other pretty much dead centre of fairway this callaway thing , (my all time fav fwd btw....) is the deadliest straight fw ive ever hit with this shaft set up its unmoving , its unrelenting in its accuracy. and its NOT short . its just overly long. its plain old BORING in its consistancy ! its great to rely on from a tee. . for this experiment. i purposly tried to really rip them as hard as i cud. and get them to turn over, to go as long as i cud get them to go. from a tee the callaway is just unbeleiveably accurate. or rather the bimatrix prob is! (off the deck,meeeeeeeeeeeeeh thats another thing completely ...!) put it like this.. ive def found a fwd driver repalcement for pete dye courses! while not overly long i will say it was at a distance that didnt really make it that impossible to get onto a par 4. with more than a 6 iron. so its got a place , esp on short tracks. high and stright didnt want to move 1 iota and iwas trying to make it do so. that shaft needs to be spoken about more!!!!!!! anyway. onto the s-yard....................................................., i literally took the long handle to this . and wailed on them. the whole point of the excersice was to see what out and out distance i cud muster from this thing without the pressure of a match, and on course, these oportunities dont come up very often ! well as i discoverd this thing CAN indeed go loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. really really really long. im not going to say defintively how long it went .but rest assured the next shot into the green with the crazy f14 was green high in a bunker one of these drives was a career shot. disperison, as i said the point wasnt to get these in a bunch , (well it wasnt with the callway either but thats what happened.) it was to see maximum distance i cud get so i wasnt concerend with where they ended up i was trying to clobber them , and well i got the perfect result with 2 of 5 . 1 in particular was all time. the fairway was like a landing strip for the A-380!. . the syards drives were scattered around a bit more than the callways were , but the best syard was on 20 yards past the best callaway shot . and the 3 best s-yards were all over the callaways the best callway was absolutley dead centre the best s-yard was left edge . on 20 yards is a lot right??? this thing is foooooooo keeeeeeeeeeen good....!!!!!
  10. the pxi i used i thought went much higher nad felt way softer and thinner. the monacocos feel much more solid and a thicker impact. does that make sense,
  11. no never seen them. althought hte last bunch of fujikura shafts ive played ive been a big(ger) fan of. so it wont surprise me if they are good , but they dont really peak my interest at this stage the new shafts on these heads look sensationa laas well! il snap piccys when they are finished and iwill have t hem ready by friday yeeeeeeeeeeeee ha..!
  12. jimmy.. its 13* but it not that low. craig has a quadra fex in his and hes monsters his thing, unbeleivebale to watch where it goes every shot . ive got the diamanaB , in mine and i swear blind by it . i struggled with the fex in htis head bec of slice , something i dont get with the B.. but craigs swing is differnt to mine and he gets it long and striaght every shot. id wont say yah or nay to others, butt these 2 i have seen the best of and will attest to the kaili in it is a bit lower. but just as strong. the crazy fw...., nope way too low for me in 13* same asthe GD bb.. too low.
  13. just changing things up for no real reason. swapping out the monacco TX for a set of crazy target tour stiffs. 5i at 38 inch built the 6 iron last weekend and had a play with it. it suited these heads with aplomb flught was lower to mid. lower than the monacco and lower than the modus 130. feel was what u expect from a tourstage , the shaft and the head felt idenaical. no softening up of the head like the monaocos do to them nor the NS 950s. they felt really quite perfect. liek they were made for each other. hoping i can get t he set done for this wekeend for a few rounds of practice. love to give these another try. the 905 head shape is so darn good
  14. exactly. the newer stock shafts manufatureres are offering now are so damn good. the rombax i nthe s-yard XV and the graphite design in the .388 absolutely nothing worng with htose what soever. if u dont want to drop a ton of coin on an after market beast then u dont need to. alot of domestic offerngs here have the new gd gt shaft in them or the diamana B not being funny, but they aint nlo slouches as stock..,
  15. the overall distance champ is still..................................... he original egg spoon. 13* (diamanaB shaft.) nothing i have hit is longer or more consistantly long and straight esp from the fairway the next by a whisker is the ryoma f2 and it only by a whisker. prob bec it goes higher thant he egg. the XV is in between the long distance fwd champs and the traditonal deeper feaced ones. it took me a while to get it worked out but it does a great job from both fairway and tee. the quadra fire express in it is a wonderful match as well, can NOT over power this. think ull like this club a lot . not much not too like, it might just take a bit to break in
  16. thats the last piece of the puzzel
  17. the s-yard xv is a good one ive got one with quadra fire express and that goes plenty well. certianly not too light. older royal colls arent light iuse them mostly these days (again) no issues wit hthem yamaha heads... the original egg.....
  18. my swing speed is nowadyas id think its prob sub 105 id think . .............., t my swing is almost IDENTICAL in tempo to shigeki maruyama,, hes on the swing measuring machine at my range and when i superimpose me over him the swing tempo is almost identical , its really quite intersting, its almsot an exact match.. hes speed was measuerd at 102. i cant htink id be too much faster than him if at all. and i tend to get the fastest part of my swing at impact. , the payers i play with are SO much faster swingers esp to transition than i , but i hit the ball 20- 30 yards past them most of the time. i think.. bec of this i can play a varity of shaft FLEX without too many problems. my bud tends to decelerate milliseconds after hes hit the ball , so a heavier shaft for him and hes dead meat. like wise for me the lighter shafts for me tends to feel like spagetti. or iswing out of my shoes thru the ball and it goes miles high.
  19. i had the diamanax 70s the diamana b 70x and the graphite design bb7x and the fuel 60x all out on the range adn this one was in its own league. im not kidding thepower it puts in the head away from the hands is sensational some times i get a littel thin feeling on miss**ts with all shafts and high powderpuff fades, well i got a trade mark on those puppies. but,. this thing just went thru the shot and sure i stil lgot killed high right but it went another 20 yards high right! its just such a lovely shaft to hit into, if anyone liks heavier shafts then they gotta get thier hands on one of these things. its well. its my new thang......,
  20. thats the only shaft i havnt played but want to.
  21. just wait a little while. theres one on the way back soon..................,
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