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Everything posted by supo

  1. my picks tiger---------( u just have to have him) lee westwood.----------- bec it wud be briliant if he won ,and hes getting his putting tweeked better now. phil---------- - hes a lefty.say no more kegan bradely--------- ahhhhhhhhhh. hes hard to like unless ur american, but the boys got awosme game, putts with a cheat putter and hes LONG. schvartzel------ seems to be hitting it pretty solid
  2. wish they would make a real blade... juts take the miura blade simplicity design and eponise it. theyd sell buzillions of them. small compact head. like the size of the new tourstage 909 or 905 but slightyl thicker. NO ofsett tho. NONE.. and a slightly thivker sole and topl ine like the miursisms im drooling .
  3. they are a wee bit off set but only agianst soemthing with none like th esrixon pro 100s or miura 5002 or roma ro... agiasnt the tourtsage 905s they are pretty similar.. i dont really notice it. but yea i guess so..
  4. well thats interesting...... i used it and caallway hex black on sat. hex black went higher and felt lighter and felt like it spun more the f4 felt like hiting antimatter was NUDE and went miles off the driver face. on irons it felt like a marble jury still out on it for me. t he hex black was easily the easier to play. not sure if that amkes it better tho i still cant get the new tourstage x-01 z off the tee , in general. more time neded with the epon ball. but the big hits go long not sure about touch i liked the callway better on sat for sure
  5. prob a bit too much. id go for the m40 to be safe.
  6. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwe shucks .... in coming from me.
  7. yea. the shape of this head i love. shud be a good comparison
  8. yep.......... i agree completely .. extremely good putter.
  9. im gonna throw caution to the wind this sat... im taking the 2009 yamaha tour /diamana kaili 70s out to see if the new stuff really is that much better the kail is almost thesame profile as the stinger so. i shud get a decent comparison.
  10. like ya thoughts bogey.. i too hit a careeer drive on my par 5 old orchard 15th sat.. first time ive got to the pin in two. nicely wind assisited.. but driver syard stinger 70s + old egg spoon stinger x PIN HIGH just off the right side 575 yards.. hard to ignore this now..... hard to not game it every week. it cettianly gets 9 holes. then i rotate the other one. damn good driver. its hawaii bound in 3 weeks that for certain!
  11. good good.... i like this.... ok consider them all at 37.5-37.75 inch 5i as they are all my pulls form my weird experiments grips on them are all mint as well. send me ur address and ill get a set boxed up and on the way ASAP... i ll go thru them all but im sure theres a few NS sets and maybe some dgs300 still tucked away in there as well .
  12. chaps if u need any sets of dgs200s shafts in really good nick lemme know i gotta get rid of a heap of pulls just pay for shipping and il be happy icaught my little fella l this morning almost fell into one! they gotta go, before i chuck em here i figuered someone might like need some.
  13. decided................ im going to get thee for my fairway woods. thast a complete diamana line up for me now. going the 70s in the 3w adn 70 x in the 5w
  14. id like a go with these.............. anything else ud consider besides af-tours?
  15. nobu.......... didnt know that il get some and try it
  16. or the cb50......... that gets great results.. but go one flex lower than u normally wud. the bb is too low................ maybe the new diamana blue wud be very good.... slightyl higher launching ???
  17. ok................ no techicalaities here, just results i was at the range last night in perfect conditions. i had my s-yard-stinger jbeam 435-diamana X 70s jbeam 425 with roddio shingo m6 x these will be 3 of my top 5 clubs this season the boron stinge from diamana in stiff........... i normally play this in X.. in the syard is absolutely mint. it looses nothing........... to the othe rshafts here. its just higher. when i tee the ball slightyl lower i got a ton of run. its the most accurate as well.. is boron dead???? if anyone says it is. they are a liar or dont have one, and havbt hit one end of chat!!!!!
  18. not 8.5 no..... do have a 9.5 with p9003x that might pop ur cork ??? thats thing is brilliant .
  19. ha do they need 2 more carbon arrows?
  20. wow they are beautiful. lemm know if uwann swap for seomthing. anything.. i cud easily let these sit idle!
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