Everything posted by supo
Zodia Chiba Masterpiece Wedges - Handground Perfection
these look great very pear shaped and raw.
dance with dragon 52 + 56 w toyoshima wedge
head / shaft options now priced.
Seeking advice on iron shaft
i thought ud hit the aerotechs lower for sure.
Gold's Factory Putters
exactly!!!!!!! thats the issue i have with my putters now. im building a putter rack soon so at least i can use them as eye candy..........!
A new custom putter
yea. i like that shape putter. used my yamada razor and epon zen on sat. 9 each plsu 20 mins each on practice green when u have a smooth stroke going this shape hits em dead eye. distacne control is awsome.
A new custom putter
wow. love it ,, is that damascus??
Sold the Personals, now what to get... Advice please. Also - CoolClubs in Scottsdale experience - Fantastic.
theres a new onew ijust seen advertised on telly here the rocketballabladezz pocket.. a club with a sound line in it , that dustin johnson was hitting the 7 iron someithing like 890 yards. someone please turn off the taylor made rubbish claiming marketing machine . i hate this company with a passion. golfing spam. seriosuly..
EPON personalls w/MODUS3 130s protos. 2g18s
didnt play these this week, played the areotechs 110x with tourtsage cavity 701 instead. that was a different feel. the 110 weight was fine, maybe stil la smidge light. but it was pretty cold and windy here. so i wa kinda happy not having to excert myself inot every shot too much . they played really well. but no feel ,they are totally mute. but, ,they were suprememly good perfortmance very differnt style to these 2 g18s i was surprised by how much there is a the feel differnce, cudnt get the flex point sussed in the aerotechs i much prefer the 2g18s to the aerotechs . but i gotta say i hardly hit a bad shot with them. cant wait to play the 2gs agn this weekend .
s-yard VS jbeam 435
i swapped the shafts around too kthe diaman x 70 and putthat in my 435 adn put a stinger 70 s in the sayrd yest was cold and windy the 435 with X was too tough to play it felt like a lightning bolt exploding in my habd at impact. distance was good without being great accuracy was mixed. i changd heads and went for the 10.5 * to mix the low launch shaft and high launch of the head. that seemed to work ok. deadly straight. no way i was going left with this combo, ut really it was to much yesterday the cold muted any niceness of this combo, this will go on ice till it warms up the s-yard stainger 70s was a differtn story i basically just took that out on almost every drive. this head aint that workabe. i dont think the shape of it lends itself to movement, its so long i nthe face, slightyl high toe shots off centre went miles. into the ehad wind this was surprisingly good. i expected it to baloon, a lot but it styaed the course. flight was mid, nothing higher, def not low. not as punchy at impact as the dianax it is also 5 grams lighter. managed to find the center on this most shots which was good. and the ball certianly wasnt behind where i normally hit it. on a cpl of wind assisted shots id say it was longer. the combo works very well its def an easier hit than with the diaman X in it that doesnt make it better, but it does make it a lot more playable in cold conditions, and as if i needed proof. if the weather is cold boron wins,,, and wins by a mile. this head is growing on me.i wasnt completely sold on it, but im hiting it as well a anything i have, and its got a sensational feel cant really beat that. i think ill lave these combos as they are. they both have a rotation spot
- EPON ZERO 10.5* head.
- putter customs. GOLDS, matsumoto, yamada, mizzy,
Gold's Factory Putters
i prefer yourr painting jeff. bring them all to the islands!
JBeam 425 Tour 10.5 Black IP//Crazy CB50 Noir 7.4 Stiff--Sold
u might just want to just check this isnt the cb50 noir SIGMA shaft bec if it is , its an 83 gram shaft, which might make it a bit of a handfull for some looking....................................
- WTT or WTS: Crazy Driver Head Cover - updated with price in last post
- close
dance with dragon 52 + 56 w toyoshima wedge
actually im too high on these... $700 the pair
- WTT or WTS: Crazy Driver Head Cover - updated with price in last post
4x4 Junkie
supo replied to MoreBeerBetterGolf's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearlove them hooooooooooooooooooge yank tanks ..... there was a toyota tundra parked outside my house the other day, i think the parking police labeled it a prime moover. and doubled the fine! id love somehting like this here, when i get divorced ill import this hting.. with flashy rims
S-Yard t.388 vs Epon Zero (which to choose)
Sold the Personals, now what to get... Advice please. Also - CoolClubs in Scottsdale experience - Fantastic.
rightyo... ill be looking after this intently over the years... my young bloke loves throwing.... and it seems hes got a small gift for it for his age , ( right now is still incidnetal ,) but hes light years above the other kids. even up to 2 yrs above him. its good to watch... i just think it migth be worth developing later on .. my old man has been a sport teacher for 50 years , and was kinda stupified when he saw him throw. at christmas i dont want to interfere now, i beleive natural flow is utmost important in develpoing kids. but eventually it might need to be tuned.... into something.. who knows.
S-Yard t.388 vs Epon Zero (which to choose)
hahhaha nope.. in fact my driver heads have just ended up the ryoma ,jbeam, yamahah tour , kamui pro. and maruman thast is .
S-Yard t.388 vs Epon Zero (which to choose)
really................. well lets see what a real test is like on saturday shall we between the same shaft and the syard jbeam and epon zero. i just happen to have them all shafted with the diamana X i dont think a basileus shafted epon VS a speeder jbeam is a fair contest to illustrate anything. execpt they are both golf clubs i think the same shaft in these heads might be a beter illustration on a flat 290 yard driving range at the course with proper balls gents what say u all??????
EPON ZERO 10.5* head.
nope they are both going in for a refit.. im trying the syard with my stinger 70s and the jbeam 435 10.5* with diamana 70s i walked past them this morning and just too kthem in no reason the dia mX is awsome in it but it might be better with a higher launching shaft gotta try all possibilities the epon didnt have a shaft to go into. the 60 s is going into my ryoma to see if i can get a bit more whip
- Sold the Personals, now what to get... Advice please. Also - CoolClubs in Scottsdale experience - Fantastic.
- putter customs. GOLDS, matsumoto, yamada, mizzy,