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Everything posted by supo

  1. yea 275 for head and headcvoer shipped . 205 for head + what ever shipping is. its prob just about 30 bucks ..
  2. lighter in LW same in aw + sw. never use LW for full shots so the lighter and flexier lw shaft i find better for more delicate shots
  3. looksl ike the driver head is gone.... ill get shipping price to u next week..,
  4. if i ONLY had 10...... id be happy...
  5. oooooooooooooooooooooook.. and in the morn.sobriety struck.. ryoma... GD9003x 44.5 inch 9.5 * loft built this to play for fairw2asy in australia, brought it back here bec i wanted to hit it agian. took it and this new monster i constructed to a ripper of a course , where driving is pretty easy really, lots of room , but shape is important. lots of semi dog legs where a small fade or draw can add 20+ yards ifu get it right.... lovely track... played both drivers. the 44.5 p9003x went high nad i had it drawing , no idea how , but something went right on the range and i found my draw. the diamana X 70s 44.75 inch 324 d.3+..................... mucH much LOWER........... MY INITIAL worries were the 9.5* head and the X would be a worm burner............. not i nthe slightest,, its low but perfectly ok... into the wind the diamana x reigned supreme, piercing just perfect arc... the combination of wind under the ball got it up just a bi higher but kept it like a bullet sht, this driver is almost impossible to try and make move about ,its just point shoot ... what my club guy said about balance point i cud feel instantly. the diamana is lower than the ls noir which i think makes the club feel heavier, and i guess makes th ball go lower... the ls noir is a much better feeling shaft.. i stad by my opinion that for that electric thwack .. theres no going past the cb80 ls noir... but where as the noir is a small draw bias to it the diamana x has none.. i didnt really get too many super middled shots with it . i got 3 that were all time suoerb, hits.. distance with htis set up is awsome. miss hits were brilliant.. id like to say there was a but... but... thers not the shaft suite me much better than the crazy which i never thought id ever say, but its true. the crazy is easier to to hit no doubts aboutthat .. but i much prefer to hit this new set up. the p9903x is heavier and punchier and i can make that move abit bec tis so short... this is now......my gold standard shaft...... looks like heavier. shorter is my thing... craig........ when we go to barnbugle.............. therewill only be these 2 ryomas in the bag............... damn these go good..! .
  6. Sheeeeesh steve i need halp with that club the3wood is a joke utter joke Ohhhhh sorry of topic The driver build Wiat till i get out of tge taxi And open anotyher red...... Iyd sorth the wait
  7. FOR SALE... one of my older yamahas ...,the v410 head in perfect condition. 10* had it shafted as recently as 3 weeks ago with a diamana stinger. and it played superbly. and i dont put that shaft in mickey mouse heads i assure you..., last played it last week of septmeber so its been good till the end... no point in having it sit idle with my other 60billion drivers so. somoene might like a CHEAP JDM driver in 10* that is pretty darn tasty.., smaller compact head extremely workable. delicious feel at impact. yamaha quality as u can see its in immaculate shape. and it plays darn well...., EMS paypal. $220 shipped ..., NO head cover. or $250 with head cover , SHIPPED paypal EMS got a cpl of shafts if ur intersted as well..
  8. it wouldnt be friday without me having something interesting to try...... for no........... reason what so ever but what the hell................... itook my epon zero and my ryoma lsnoir in yesterday to ..........,well.............to remake... theres no reason for this madness what so ever as both are absolutely perfect in every way. how ever..... my builder reckons the balance point i nthe diamana suits my swing much better than the crazies so .. well.... why not. so without wavering. the epon zero gets nothjing... the ryoma gets the diamanaX 70s. shud play a hair under 45inch at 325 gram+/-.... and SW of d3 ish... im a bit loathe to break the tyoma up bec it was the perfect match.. but... well i gotta try thge diamana beceause this shaft has been my best performer , and like it the most of everything since ive boughthem. they arnt he best feeling but seriously i get the best results form this shaft.. so it made sense to put this in the head that could be the most consistant of them all... i pick it up this afternoon for a game tomorrow. ill game it , failing some hideous dislike on the range beforehand. along side.. the kamui pro with exactly the same shaft. now theres a comparrison...!!!
  9. supo


    good thing.... wonder.. if its the same guy that almsot struck not long ago ?
  10. id consider a swap for diamana X 70 s..... diamana stingers....graphite design z9003 stiff......
  11. supo


    faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake look at the cavity and writing... im with you on that.. and hte off set and striaghness of neck... they dont look kosher....
  12. FOR SALE......, my hoard..., of unheaded shafts , that ,well.., have served thier purpose and its time for me to move along the never ending shaft road... all in perfect condition. varying lengths.. all tips perfect... all untipped... all grips in mint condition... played to between 44.75 and 45.25 inch raw lengths shown... crazy cb 80 ls noir 8.2.............. 43.2 inch....................... played to 44.875 inch http://www.tourspecgolf.com/product_info.php?products_id=3199 $400 crazy cb 80 ls noir 7.7................43.1 inch.......................played to 44.75 inch http://www.tourspecgolf.com/product_info.php?products_id=3199 $400 this shafts is a mid kick/80t /70 gram/2.9 torque beauty... retails for $875 cb50 8.2..........................43.5 inch ....................(SOLD) cb46 7.2...........................43.5 inch.................... (SOLD) cb50 sigma 7.7..................43.1 inch.....................(SOLD) graphite design quattrotech md6s.....43.5 inch....(SOLD) mid kick /65 gram/3.5 torque graphite design LV2 6s 2011 yamaha (3w) shaft...( new shaft.., PULL unhit) low kick..67 gram..3.5 torque. (rrp 42000 yen ) $150 for quick fire sale .. .. axiv proforce tour black reg flex ......43.5 inch................... high kick /68 gram/265 cpm/3.1 torque $100 graphite design BB7x 43.5 inch................................ (SOLD) graphite design bb7 STIFF.....! 43.5 inch ............................... $250 want to clean the stable for when the new horses arrive.. if price seems unattainable send me a pm and u never know u may catch me in a moment of selflessness...! i want these to go so u never know.. but you know,,............, dont got CRAZY LOW... ha !
  13. damn the wives....! u shud hear what mines had said to me......................... about 16 times now...........!
  14. funny u mention the fire express............... IF... i was a hooker...... id play this driver exclusively.... i think this was hte longest and best feeling combo of all he shafts ive tried in this head. but im a slicer.... and when i didnt get it dead square with my swing flaw.... oh man.. i was picking balls up from motorways... so i got a head that wa 1/4 * closed and a dimanaX and it made a huge difference to my consistancy. played around with differnt weightings as well. found the bst combo for me is the 2 red weight plugs in them.. brings the flight down and decreases spin. get less carry but more overall distance
  15. quite alot actually... the toura are squarer, smaller compact heads . the non tour are rounder longer thicker. i play both kinds and cant speak highly enough of both
  16. what abvout just trying a differnt shaft,, ? ive never seen nor heard of this being a hooker.. i wudda thought that a near impossibility..
  17. well... ive changed my game a lot over the last 2 years.... my iron play has improved enormously.. my driver has always been my major striking point.... ive always had the jiuce over my partners by a decnet margain more often than not.... so that pat didnt realy need attention... the ni relaised i like actually just banging balls relenetlessly as a stree relief nad a wokr out combined after work.. thats where the addiction to driver change came from..... i cnat go play weeekdays. i can only range at night here.... so its was more of just fun.... then i strrted playing good clubs and well its gone from there..... the big change in my irons has been the weight of the shafts.. i had a shoulder reco. a few years back and have been playing lighter NS 1050--NS1150 shafts bec ive been scared of damaging the ligament again.... then i realised its ok so i went heavier anheavier with better and better results, my swing shortened a lot and i got a lot more punchy thru the impact zone .. so the heavier clubs now suit that tempo perfectly..... the lighter wedges i had for 1/2---3/4 shots are fine but on full shots i come out of my shoes and top it... so. back to the drawing board..... now................. i think ive finally found what im looking for.....
  18. yea iknow...... theres places and medicines for conditions i "suffer" from ....
  19. ok i spent the whole lunch time in the clubmakers today going thru wedges..........., hes got every spec on every club ive ever had built... so.. i got thorough numbers... the yamaha heads are heavy.. the NS 1150x are 117 gram the whole build was 467.5 gram. that. shud be perfect... but its not the mizuno t10 with NS sp blue stiff are 455 gram. ligh compact head.. d2 SW. the tourstage marus are light heads with 135 NS proto 2s14s shafts in them at 472.5 gram these ones i think i hit best... i bought a heap of the monacco shaft 8 irons to put in my wedges as a general shaft. ive got a cpl of monaccos in stiff that play lovely in my tourtsage marus... really really well but im going togo heavier wit hte 130 ish gram shafts... then ill be able to see perfeclty
  20. yea good idea.... il go that way..
  21. rearry.... i aint hit these in a while.... and iwant ot build a set.. what about say hard stepepd S or so soft steped X... bette find the weights on them maybe asoft stepped X cud suit ?
  22. yup all going up this week... ordering a cpl of newies from T today
  23. goes very very well but the loft is veyr high .. im going to build it for winter where i think it will out perform a lot of other drivers... its butter soft and the ball seems to stick on the face for centuries. i happy gilmoured it in summer and it went 278 on the fly ddint move 1 millimeter after landing with a crazy cb46 7.4 shaft.. so distance on it is more than fine.... its just so high.. im thinking of going with a the GD p9003x in it to take some flight out... itried the crazy sigma but hte balance point was too high up th shaft and the swing weight came out too low even at 329 gram was c9...
  24. welcome..... XXIO........................ XXIO........................XXIO..................... look very hard at a set of XXIO.. i recomend these XXIO irons for EVERY beginner i meet here in japan. they are the market dominator here for the lesser skilled player.. ive played the clubs i bought for guys here and ill tell ya they are as easy asu can possibly want need, adn they will do u till u get semi good. place a WTB add and see if someone has a set.. or contact T for a new set... theres prob others guys will chime in with suggestions. but really????? u wont find BETTER
  25. sp blue................. low launch arrow straight .. not great off centre shots ....,middled tho nothing too much better ive hit.. IMO they shud be played by the best ball strikers...... in wind or on links they are unmatchable............so much so that im going to get another set for my annual chrissy trip home in dec and stick em in my miura 5002s. ONLY need these in stiff flex and i play x in everything else...... DG s300.. make a lovely set of arrows if u sharpen the tip . put a slit in the butt and shoot from bow...... .wha?? did i say that or think it ????? nah they are ok. absolutely nothing to say about them except they are stock in everying bec they are cheap. ks smhimada tour 120..... very very nice shafts.. kinda mid launch kinda workable.. kinda good feeling .. kinda easy ... kind good. theseshafts are difficult to sedcribe bec the kinda do everything really well without having a particular selling point... they just work really well. prob on the softer side. ive used them in X and S i prefered the x.. but id prob soft step the x next time to gte just a wee bit of lateral movement,, the s id prob hard step .......
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